Why do I only into Chad?

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Whenever I have a crush on a guy, it’s usually be the Chad that dressed nice and trendy, those men who give off a vibe of “taking good care about their appearance”.
I myself dressed nice and that type of girl as well, I followed trend and take care of my appearance a lot but I guess it’s the same for women, who doesn’t right?

Now this’s the problem, I seemed to have frequently developed feelings for those type of men, sometimes I felt like they’re interested too, but this’s making me stopped giving another men any chances.

Help me please. Why do I like this?

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That's how nature works. There is nothing you can do against being atracted to chad, by pure definition.

Why would you want to lower your standards? If a "Chad" is an attractive guy who takes care of himself and has his shit together, why would you want to stop yourself from wanting that?

I started to want something long term and stable but by keep having crushes on Chad I’m gonna go nowhere. They don’t like serious or ling term things while this is what I’m looking for right now

Because I am insecure I get. I always felt like I’m not good enough for them hence dating me is like “dating down” for them

Just cause you dress well and take care of your apperance doesn't mean the guy don't want long term.

Chads need love too. Don't try to read their minds and decide whether or not they really like you, let them make their own decisions and give them a chance to prove how they feel

you will never breed

Forget about "Chad", that's just a meme.

From what you are saying, I guess you are just attracted to well dressed and well groomed men who take care of their appearances. There is nothing wrong with that.
Maybe you've had some bad experiences with one or two, but that doesn't mean you can't find a good-looking man who won't be an asshole.

t.Guy who fits your definition of "Chad" and is into stable relationships (so yeah, I know that exists).

I know but I always feel like if at a certain point I don’t meet his expectations anymore he can easily replace me with some other girls and he could, so that’s wjy I felt so stupid that I keep developing feelings for them

I always felt like those Chad can easily replace me with some other girls once he decided I am not as good as he wants. Like too many girls/competitors around him. Too many options Chad won’t be loyal

Rise above the other girls. Become the "Chad" of girls

I guessed you’re right. From my experience It seems to be that way.

I did. They straight up asked me to go home with them, once asked me to sleep with him while his gf is on holiday (I didn’t know he has a gf at that moment and no didn’t sleep with him) yet I still develop feelings for Chad.

I'm very average looking and a MASDIVE Manlet. If I put effort in my presentation women change how they interact with me.

Heres the difference: go for quilities a man can CONTROL. Not things they're born with. Grooming is attractive.

You're not dating Chad, you're asking for men to take care of themselves. That's good.

Now if you're only going for 6' clissled jaw supermodel men (things you can't control) then I'd be saying you're shallow.

Oh then that’s not so bad I guess. The one at work I recently have a crush on only like 5’7 or so. But he’s attractive

Yeah that was just an asshole. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he was attractive.

So yeah, basically just find a guy who you find attractive but then make sure he's not an asshole before doing anything.

How the hell would I know that before becoming involved? By only looking at him I already feel like I’m ugly and if I don’t give it up whatever he wants he will leave

Get to know the guy before you have sex with him

You need to work on self-respect it seems.

I don’t know how to fix it. I know I’m quite attractive, well dressed, take good care of myself, in shape (I work out) but still always felt like I’m not good enough. If I dating those average men (no offense) that’s not my type, it’ll end up ugly because I’m not attracted to them

That’s probably what I always tried to do

Maybe you're screwed from riding the cock carousel

Guys will ONS girls that are below them but won't start relationships with them. I've seen chad friends of mine 8-9/10s fuck 5/10s just cause they didn't have a girl that night. Maybe you're a 6/10 that's trying to start relationships with +8/10s?

>Tfw when I'm 5'6"
Close enough. You sound like you're not shallow. I expect girls to groom and take care of themselves, it's healthy.

Are you asian? You sound like an asian.

I'm only giving you a 3/10 because its guaranteed incel bait. Easy way out but effective bait nonetheless.

>be attracted to normal human beings
>help what's wrong???

What made you think so?
Maybe I was in my previous life lol

>when women start adopting Jow Forums memes

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Ya don’t like it?

Had a funny related experience lately. Completely straight m8 here.

I took my computer to a repair shop with a hardware problem. Technician was kind of retarded hedging about not knowing how to fix it, wasting time. A week or so goes by.

Call from the place. "Hi this is chad, I'll be the new tech working on your system. Looks like I can solve it by tomorrow." Lol, did that just happen?

They will too, not the fake wanna be Chad, but the well educated with a good family Chad, that wants a like minded wife as an asset.

Do not lower your standards, that is for when you want to play around with different kinds of guys (be careful though and do not leave any evidence, I had flings with some thuggish guys but they never knew where I lived and in most cases even my real name) but when you are ready choose well and don't fight against whats right.

Just the way you speak english, and maybe the attitude a little, lol.

Ah I see you have to say #I’m not racist in the end haha

My sisters think I should lower my standards and here you guys encourage me to not lower it. Weird