How do I straighten my dick?

Got too many erections in class as a student. All those years of cramped up denim have made my dick slant much too far to the left. What exercises would you recommend to straighten it?

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Darn. I'm in the same boat

I guess we have to hang from our dicks to get them straight lol

Put your dick in a vice grip, and straighten it out with a hammer.

Or you could put a nail in your penis hole to straighten it out

Why do you give a fuck?

Wouldn't women prefer straighter penises? Besides, mine looks heavily deformed.

desu I think it depends on the girl sometimes they like it curved sometimes they don't.

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>All those years of cramped up denim have made my dick slant much too far to the left.
You have to be 18+ to post here.

This, I think for some girls taking a dick with a but of curve feels better too, I have a sharp upwards curvature, girls I've fucked seemed to really like the extra stimulation

>Wouldn't women prefer straighter penises?
no, they prefer weird shapes. as far as aesthetics go it might be a different story but don't worry.

Are you serious? Your jeans didn't make your dick slant, that's just how it's shaped. Women won't care, if you're at the point where she's seeing your dick you're already good. Dudes won't care either, if you swing that way.

That image is fake


As a girl, can confirm, bent dicks are better.

Some bent dicks feel better than others. It really depends on the curvature.

Human arms can’t bend behind pockets

I guess Chris Chan would have more luck if he kept his pants down more often, then.

That's a bold claim, sir...

Jack off with your other hand?

The back side of an electric toothbrush. The vibration breaks up the hard stuff (or whatever it’s called) it takes minutes and it’s painless

Spread the word.
No one deserves a bent dick

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Some one better do this because it actually works and I’m tired of spreading the word to no avail


I might try this out... but where do I put the toothbrush when I'm done with it? I can't just leave it in the cabinet ya know?

Buddy left curve gang

No its not.

How fat are you?

It’s your dick dude.
Clean it.

>The vibration breaks up the hard stuff
That doesn't sound like a good thing, I kind of need my cartilage to get hard.

It’s scar tissue. It doesn’t break cartilage.

Y’all don’t often make me feel like it’s worth telling anyone this.

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>where do I put the toothbrush when I'm done with it?
inside the dick.
it would make your dick harder, and the vibration would be extra stimulating.

I'm not that poster, but thank you, I'll try it this evening.

Good luck. Tell others after you do