ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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If a girl has "single" on facebook, does it mean she's single? This one girl is my friend and has allegedly been in a relationship with a guy for like 2 or 3 years now (the guy is also my friend-ish). But just noticed it says "single" on her facebook, not sure if I should go all-out on her now

Girl here. Best way to hint over Skype to a guy that you love him?

Ask him on a date.

In person isn't an option?

It might, but people don't update those things sometimes. So it's unreliable.


Not yet.

>hasn't seen a guy in person
>wants to confess love

Guy here. My girlfriend says she bi. How common is this with girls? I believe sexuality is on a spectrum, so I really am not tripping. Is it also weird that I wouldn’t trip out of she made out and fondled another woman’s breasts?

>how common is it?
Not common, but more girls than guys are bi.
>Is it also weird that I wouldn’t trip out of she made out and fondled another woman’s breasts?
You should be mad, but it's probably not weird.

Another question...
>girlfriend-to-be in second date tells me her ex was 8 Inches. (On her her, no prompting from me)
>next day I try to break it off with her
>she insists it’s a misunderstanding
We meet up and I show her my 8 inch flashlight from work and she says no way was it that big.
She then says she used the same condoms we used, which weren’t magnums. Im bordline unable to use regular condoms because they can be too tight and chase my dick. Magnums do slip off. So I’m stuck with regular condums.
She then admits she just went off what he said and she was just trying to impress me how much of a dick she can take.

Girls, how autistic is this? Do girls think it’s impressive to share with a guy how big of a dick they can take? Do girls really lack the ability to remember deminsions of a dick, or are there 3 basic categories of dick size you are able to analyze?

We've known each other for almost a year.

Follow up, she said she doesn’t really remember the dimensions and can’t tell me whose is bigger. I’m 29 and I never asked in my life, but this girl gave me a damn complex, and made me go down a path I never been. I find it inconceivable that a girl can’t remember if her previous ex was bigger than me. Her reaction looking at my flashlight was pretty believable in how shocked she was.

So to make it clear, my question is,
Do you think she is full of shit, or just borderline autisistic? AND how do girls classify the dicks do they take, if they even classify them at all.

I’m almost ready to break up with her over this, but it’s all so damn fuzzy.

You can't really know someone if you have never interacted with that person in real life.

>Do girls really lack the ability to remember deminsions of a dick?
Yes. They are often lied to about it by former partners. Rule of thumb is
girl inches - 2 or -1.5 = real inches.
I don't know why she shared that though, normally the gut gets insecure and asks her about it.

Both genders

Ever dated or started a relationship with someone just because you were lonely?

Yeah... it was all on her own. I was like “wtf”. I’m a solid 6”, 7” if I had no fat pad and 3% body fat. So over never been insecure. I knew I wasn’t the biggest, but I never had any problems getting laid multiple times. It really bothered me though, because she ALSO said she “emasculated him” because she said to go deeper. She said she said that because that’s what porn said to do. So I think she’s just slightly autistic and says stupid shit, but I wanted to get an option from Jow Forums.

Prolly just spaghetting on you. Don't sweat it, that dude wasn't 8"

How likely am I to find a girl who's ever gonna be willing to get a tattoo of my name (if I get one of hers) or just matching tattoos with me if we become a couple?
I remember that story of the girl that tattooed her bf's name on her face and that's what true love looks like to me. I'd be willing to get a face tattoo.

Uninstall your internet.

I've been texting on and off with this guy for like 2 months now. We only went on one date, and this was like 2 weeks ago. Since then the texting has been really infrequent, though he did text me a couple times but no conversations really started. It's been like a week since we last texted now. My question is, is it worth it to text him to see if the conversation goes anywhere? Or should I just write this guy off at this point

I got my gf to tattoo my name on her ass. She ended up leaving me. It’s possible.

Unless you’re physically separated by distance, texting should be a means to the end of meeting in person. Don’t try to use it outside of that.

Yes, dated a girl because I was lonely. It was fun and I liked to be around her but never developed any feelings for her.

I'm just saying we had been texting a lot before meeting, and now that we met he's not texting much at all. He didn't ask about meeting again, so that's why I think it might not be worth it for me to text.

Guy says he likes me, but we can't be together because he is a bad person and he would just hurt me. Is there a way I could change his mind or should I just back off?

Interesting. We usually see a guy asking this.

Keep in mind guys, girls keep note and wonder about you if you’re not a texting like a little ass needy bitch.

Hey roastie, how does it feel that chad doesn’t think you’re worth his time. You’ve probably left many men on “read”.

Look at yourself in the mirror and find men in your league. You we’re probably a pump and dump.

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Let's make some one grl show pornos. Or yo can webcam on ur own. It's up to you

a) 100% not a chad hahaha
b) we didn't have sex we went on a date calm down

How do I get a girl to have sex with me, preferably more than once? My hormone balance is all out of whack and I have no positive experiences to guide me. I quite handsome. Please help

I thought that's how all relationships started

It can be difficult to tell between infatuation and love especially if you don't interact with this person in the same room. I'd still be cautious desu

Not that user but why do people keep saying this? It baffles me because no one can agree on what love is. Everyone fails to define it in a way other people can agree on.

Girls who are in a relationship:

How often do you think about having sex with other people? My girlfriend masturbates more than I do. Does it mean anything?

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Because love isn't solely a chemical, it's also an abstract idea and everyone has their own interpretations of abstractions.

I've been single all my life (30 years).


Back off.

Then how can that interpretation not be that love and infatuation are the same? (some people believe that)

Why do people respond to questions like if the answer is that you've never dated? That's obviously not a useful answer.

self centered trolls, at least they are easy to spot and ignore

No, no one believes that. The definition of infatuation is specifically that it's an intense but short lived and sometimes superficial affection for something.

I had a marathon sex session with a girl earlier today and she claims she orgasmed 30 times. Naturally this is a nice boost to my ego but is that even possible? Seems ridiculous number of times

Sorry I meant if a person thinks they are in love when they are just infatuated (and they don't know it's gonna be short lived) what makes it "not love" to them? Or is it more like they shouldn't call it love because it's not healthy, even though they think that's love or don't know what love is because infatuation is all they've ever experienced?
It seems way less common now but when I was younger people would say "I'm in love with" someone when they had a crush, as opposed to saying it exclusively after they form a relationship.

>is it more like they shouldn't call it love because it's not healthy, even though they think that's love or don't know what love is because infatuation is all they've ever experienced?
Yeah that's pretty much it. Eventually you learn to tell the difference but it's something that you have to experience yourself to understand.

Seems a little high but if you were fucking all day and you're good in bed it probably wouldn't be impossible

It was over about a 4 hour period


I'd just ask her.
What did you hope to accomplish by telling me that?
Report back here with the answer

That like once every 8 minutes right? Pretty high but not completely impossible I guess. She probably exaggerating a little bit but not a ton.

Something like that. I think this girls a nympho and seems to orgasm easily with multiple happening consecutively. I think it would be hard to keep count of an exact figure so the 30 claimed Id think is a rough figure

Do you think she's so sensitive that walking around causes this and she's in the top .001%?
Or is it more likely that she has told a lie?

not the original poster but women can definitely orgasm 20+ times in a single sex session if they are sensitive enough. its not 0.001% rare.

Girls, what do you see when you look at the mirror?
When I look at you, I see a pretty princess. :D

The current girl I am dating seems to have a lower sex drive than me and is often not interested in sex despite us being romantic and cuddling etc. I am not used to this because my ex and I used to always want sex when I did. Is there a way to make my current gf more interested or do I just have to accept the fact she has a lower sex drive?


Sarah FUCKING Conner.

She wants more than that and needs to feel secure in you and herself.

sorry I dont understand? More what? thx

It can. Decide if that means something to you.

No one really gave me an answer on should I text/should'nt I

Infatuation fades away and leaves you at best neutral toward the other person. Love really gets under your skin.

don't text and forget him.

She wants more than just sex and that isn't her focus. She doesn't feel like you're going to stick around so what's the point? Also you might suck at sex (in her opinion). Suck it up and talk to her you weeny.


What percentage of them has ever told a lie?

Or do you see the T1000?

>Back off.
So does this mean there isn't really hope to change his mind?

Got to know one of my coworkers over a few weeks and we got along pretty well. I kinda expressed my interest in her but she didn't return it. Fine.
But now she kind of avoids me. Doesn't even say hello anymore, walks in another direction if she sees me. Is this how it's going to be from now on? I know it was foolish to try to date a coworker but if I knew things were gonna be this awkward I would've never risked it. As far as I know, she's single.

I mean, we're gonna see each other almost every day, but it sucks that things are weird now because she's genuinely cool. It doesn't bother me if she wasn't interested, it happens. But can I even do anything in this situation or should I just accept my fuck up and stay away?

>get coworker who I think is cutes snapchat
>leaves me on read twice in a row

Is it over girls? Should I just not even bother her anymore so I don't make it weird at work?

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I'm a little bit socially challenged and want to improve. Would it be weird/rude if I asked my older sister out on a practice date? Just so I know what to expect on a real one.

Can you explain to an old timer?
Are they all pic messages or did you text her too?
Do you expect her to take a pic and send it back every time you snap her?
What if there isn't anything interesting around to pic?
Why is snap any better than a normal fucking text for anything other than nudes? Or at least insta?

Girls and Guys

My gf is 25 years old and I love her to death. I'm a couple years older and I'm getting to the stage where I want to start settling down for good. I think this girl is the one but she doesn't want to get married or have kids.

I'd believe her but occasionally she'll talk about what her kids would be like which makes me think she isn't totally averse to the idea she just doesn't know it yet. Is it worth it to try to get her to change her mind?

The first time was last night, we were just talking about work and I said hopefully she doesn't stay super late. Left on read for 15 hours, figured she just fell asleep. About three hours ago I sent her a cute little pic I found which I guess could have came off creepy but I think its cute (pic related) and she opened it twenty minutes ago no response.

I've never tried to get with a coworker before so I'm walking on thin ice basically. I asked her yesterday if she wanted to do something Saturday and she said "I don't care", but not in a bitchy way. Typing this out I sound like a paranoid retard.

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Don't over think it lad
Now answer my questions about how snap works so I can smash younger chix pls

Women older than 25 and tend to like each other better; where can I me meet potentially interested single women in that age range?

Grandpa it's just a fucking texting app where you can send pictures and the last message sent disappears after you leave the screen. Just download it and add some random chicks on tinder.

I look like a man :(

Ugh. I hate everything about your post.

How come girls can act like they love you more than anything else in the world one minute then go completely cold and distant the next?

Gf called me for her nightly phone call and acted like I was boring her and hung up at 8pm saying she was going to bed. This was after she told me she couldn't wait to her my voice after missing me all day


Really? Do you look like her?

Aww... :c

I am 99% sure I don't want kids at this stage but I'll still make jokes about "my kids" this or that because it's funny at the time.

If you try to force her to change her mind she'll resent you, and if she's in a stable relationship at 25 and still doesn't want them then I'd say she's in a good place to judge her feelings on the matter accurately. If she were 19 or even 21 I wouldn't necessarily believe her but by 25 she'll know her mind pretty well.


Have you talked to her about it?
Ask her explicitly if she want to have kids or is open to the idea or adamant that she won't have them. If no kids is a deal breaker for you then tell her that and break up with her since you're only wasting each other's time.
You'll probably look like an asshole if you split be you'd be doing to right thing for yourself.

It would be a great shame if she were to stick to that. Not just for me, but for her. She's incredible and would make a great mother/wife. She is just afraid of the responsibility since her parents were kind of fuck ups and didn't know how to parent

>since her parents were kind of fuck ups and didn't know how to parent
My sister is in a similar spot. She doesn't want to be like our mum and doesn't want kids because she's afraid she will become our mum. She's only 20 so she might be singing a different tune in 10 years, but right now she's really fucking adamant about no kids ever.

>these retards wanting kids

>walking with gf (now ex)
>girl across the street recognizes me from highschool
>go back 8 years mentally and recognize her
>dang shes qt
>she seems really happy to see me
>says shes seen me on the block before but thought I was ignoring her
>broke up with my GF a day later

now I just want to facebook friend request that high school QT because im moving out in a few days and I havent seen her on the street since. She looks like an art hoe and I really want to put my bone in it. Good idea?

>leaving my future in the hands of the lowest dregs of society who don't give a shit about over population or not shitting out multiple kids for gibs
Come on guy, have smart kids and they'll rule the world there'll be less competition in 50 years than there ever has been

So you broke up with your gf to have a shot at this girl you barely know and may never see again?
What do you imagine she'll think if she finds out you broke up on the assumption that she'd date you?
Full retard, user

i broke up with my gf for other reasons, the timing was just "good".

but seeing the highschool girl made my dick do a backflip. I dont want to date, just a weekend fling

doesnt matter when scientific research has proven multiple orgasms.

I'm excited to watch him argue that the scientists lied as part of a giant conspiracy.

OK, so hit her up on fb..? What are you worried about?

>buy a motorbike
>girl I'm sort of vaguely friends with (don't see each other often and don't speak much besides) says
>>now I'm going to worry about you all the time :(

Does she want the D?

I'm sure it happens and commonly
I'm less sure it did I'm this case

I also wonder how I can get involved as a tech in one of those studies.
If they want to be transparent shouldn't all their data and vids be public?

You have a motorbike, she wants the D.

What sort of line would you use here if you're not a great looking guy?

I thought of making a joke along the lines of her being a doctor and apples keeping doctor's away, but it just seems cringe. Then I thought about saying something like "Please tell me you're clumsy or allergix to dogs, seems unfair that you're so perfect" but that just reeks of desperation

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Any help?

You have two options. Either ask her about it, or ignore it and hope it gets better with time.

How long is a piece of string? Jesus just say hello, if she's saying no hook ups then a pick up line is less likely to work. Make a joke and tell her that you like to eat an Apple a day or something.

>please tell me you're clumsy because you're so perfect
Fucking hell I didn't realise there were people who actually thought this kind of line would be good.

Just accept it and stay away. It's always weird seeing someone you've turned down and some people are especially bad at handling it.