My therapist
My mother
My ex girlfriend
My landlord
They've all done things to ruin my life. Should I seek vengeance, or should I continue to turn the other cheek like always.
My therapist
My mother
My ex girlfriend
My landlord
They've all done things to ruin my life. Should I seek vengeance, or should I continue to turn the other cheek like always.
You're probably delusional.
That's not what I meant.
Don't dissapoint Jesus, pal.
What did you mean then?
What's a good breaking point.
What happened
One bad thing for each. When I get away they find me and continue to do bad things.
What bad things are we talking here?
dont be a vaguefag dumb cunt, actually tell us whats up instead of giving us titles.
I'm a victim. That's all that matters. There are no Buddhists in this list so don't blame past lives. I don't plan on murdering these people. Each action has a legal option as a response.
I did not go out of my way to make enemies.
It really sounds like you're delusional. Unless you tell us what happened that isn't going to change.
What are you saying.
we cant help you with your issues unless we know what's going on. this is an anonymous sub board holy fuck we arent the fbi going to shoot your fucking balls off.
im calling bait
I'm saying that it sounds you are assigning blame to the people around you because you are delusional. If you'd be so kind as to tell us what they did we can actually tell if this is the case.
You mean validation. U think that would help
It's tempting but for myself I won't let this happen. I'll just say, this isn't a joke
No I think you haven't told us your problem in enough detail so we're concluding that you're either mentally ill or baiting.
Don't expect any solid advice if you don't say what kind of issues you've been through.
I swear to God if this ends with
>TFW I'm Jesus
I'm going to throw a fit.
Do you think, the first step is to bring it up with them? I tried therapist one and it didn't work out how I hoped. Asking questions being direct etc...
All I got were vague responses....denials, etc...then an inquiry on where I would go, what I would do, etc...I guess that's what was weird. If I'm so delusional, then what would the therapist care?
Yeah sure, communication is generally a good thing to do.
Yeah but it didn't work
If you want better advice then explain how these people wronged you.
The details don't matter. She's a predator...plain and simple. Talking didn't work.
The details don't matter but you haven't even given and broad stokes.
Everyone on that list is a predator of vulnerable people in some way. Whether or not I retaliate can be based on the effects of their actions. To make the effects equal would mean to substantial ly alter their standards of living.
Tell us how they preyed upon the vulnerable. Specific examples like
>she maxed out a credit card in her son''s name.
Stop saying all this vague shit and just say what they did.
No one is going to help you unless we know why you want help. Just saying you've been mistreated isn't a qualifying statement
If you've done things one way your entire life and that hasn't worked out for you, it's time to try something different.
There's enough here to make a choice.
What does that mean. I have not raped or sued.
what is this kill bill shit lol
>My therapist
>My mother
>My ex girlfriend
>My landlord
People, just people. They aren't yours.
Are you retarded? That's just how grammar works. You say "my _____" to specify the one connected to you as opposed to just some random person.
You're an old lady with dried ovaries, glasses, and cheapo hemp type but I'm in a bad mood so leave me be
Sure. The best revenge is living well. Move on with your life and get your life into order.
Yah I have heard this. I WAS DOING THAT. But I was found.
Get revenge, live well after getting said revenge.
What the fuck does that mean?
I'm getting up there in age. It's not a movie thing where someone kills the bad guy and realizes that now he's totally empty or whatever. But honestly the best revenge is just living your life. Don't let these people back into your life, just be happy. It'll drive them insane.
OP is either crazy or this is elaborate bait.
>playing the victim card
if this many people fucked you over it's probably YOU that have the problem
Now I can understand your ex but the rest? Seems they want what is better for you. I mean the landlord just wants the money you owe them. Complaining about that? Your mom wants you to clean dishes and fold your own damn clothes after it is done in the washer.
TLDR: Bait.
You sound like a schizophrenic. The way you describe things, grandiose, yet vague, like you’re writing a novel. I think you are just attributing bad things in your life to these people, and I really hope you take this information and use it to get better. Just realize none of these people have hurt you, you just need someone to blame besides yourself.
Thanks but I take this as, if it's all in my head do something. And if it's not all in my head do something.
Do you live on your own?
Turn the other cheek my dude, you're clearly not well.
It can be that I'm crazy and I have to navigate the waters of society on my own. There's no help for this. I'm sure you're aware.
Non sarcastically, I didn't think for a second that I didn't have a problem. Serious question, are you a bot?
Bruh, read your posts. They don't sound like a balanced person.
Sounds right. So why isn't this the case.
I don't want to say anything rude, but this post is unfair. If you're going to do this, then I think you're hoping I'll press you for details. Id like you to be direct.
Specifics my nigga. We need them.
I'll take that as a jab.
No that's an actual statement. We have no way of knowing if you're actually being mistreated or if you're just constructing these things. But the fact that you refuse to explain at all and a wildly jumping to conclusions really makes it look like it's the second option.
Because you seem like a nutcase without them.
The specifics don't change the powerless predicament. Is there something I should know
Based on these few posts, I think adv would be helpful.
Kill and eat them. Complete your journey to fullblown schizo fuck
I don't think anything would change. I don't think you'd be convinced
What you're saying is "I know that I'm a fuckup and that elaborating on this bullshit would just reaffirm everyone's positions."
No, you shouldn't get revenge. Walk away from them and take responsibility for yourself, instead of being an invalid.
>The specifics don't change the powerless predicament.
They change it quite a bit. If the specifics are that you're convince these people are spreading lies about you, we'll know you're delusional. If they physically assaulted you, we'll know you're legit.
>Is there something I should know
Based on these few posts, I think adv would be helpful.
My advice to you is to do nothing because I cannot, in good conscience, tell a potentially insane person to take revenge on people.
>They change it quite a bit. If the specifics are that you're convince these people are spreading lies about you, we'll know you're delusional. If they physically assaulted you, we'll know you're legit.
How long should i wait to find out?
>Based on these few posts, I think adv would be helpful.
My advice to you is to do nothing because I cannot, in good conscience, tell a potentially insane person to take revenge on people.
And thanks.
I'm going to assume they haven't assaulted you, in which case I'll advise you to do nothing.
You made an assumption, which is fine. But I can only assume the worst of you. That you're a predator, that I'll interprets others' predicaments through the filter of vulnerable or invulnerable. Maybe even adversarial. I hope to never pass out drunk near you. Try not to try to find out where I sleep.
The specifics do matter a lot.
if you were to say “My mother maxed out credit cards in my name”, yes that is abuse.
but something like “My mother keeps insisting I get a job even though i’m too anxious to be around people all day” is not abuse.
So if it's abuse...what would you recommend. This is your mother you're talking about. And you're her child. What would you do.
> Maybe even adversarial. I hope to never pass out drunk near you. Try not to try to find out where I sleep.
This is EXACTLY what someone who is mentally ill would think/say. Different person than who you replied to, btw.
OP is definitely insane guys, if this is his idea of a predator he's 100% just projecting these things onto the people around him. We can just call it here.
Move out, stop answering her phone calls, etc. Avoid her and anyone you feel has wronged you.
Yeah, what sort of sickness. He assumed I was an invalid, so I'm assuming he's a predator. I assume you're an asshole. Does that make me crazy too?
Live a better life and cut them out. No need for childish vengeance, you're bigger than that.
Are u the guy I responded to?
Wat about him? Labeling, making assumptions, unqualified diagnosis. Does that sound totally crazy? Of course not. He's voicing his opinion.
And you're jumping to conclusions.
What's your definition of a predator.
One who preys upon things. Which that user was definitely not doing.
Schizophrenia or psychosis. Trust me I’ve known many many people like you.
People may experience:
Behavioral: social isolation, disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, compulsive behavior, excitability, hostility, repetitive movements, self-harm, or lack of restraint
Cognitive: thought disorder, delusion, amnesia, belief that an ordinary event has special and personal meaning, belief that thoughts aren't one's own, disorientation, memory loss, mental confusion, slowness in activity, or false belief of superiority
Mood: anger, anxiety, apathy, feeling detached from self, general discontent, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, elevated mood, or inappropriate emotional response
Psychological: hallucination, paranoia, hearing voices, depression, fear, persecutory delusion, or religious delusion
Speech: circumstantial speech, incoherent speech, rapid and frenzied speaking, or speech disorder
Also common: fatigue, impaired motor coordination, or lack of emotional response
The definition of a predator is one who preys upon others. Looks for weaknesses and explains those weaknesses for their own gain.
A predator is NOT someone who just disagrees with or insults you, or tries to help you (even if by helping you, they expose that you are incorrect about some of your assumptions).
exploits, not explains.
>The definition of a predator is one who preys upon others. Looks for weaknesses and explains those weaknesses for their own gain.
Like a therapist
Yeah, you're delusional bro. Just get help and leave these people alone.
"-I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with
the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!"
If you know what disorder this is, you're probably smart enough to read a book.
Freudian slip
Assuming this is bait. Weird bait, at that.
no, a therapist tried to identify your psychological issues, and they are trying to help. however, since they are being paid for the service, you could say it’s in their best interest for you to keep talking to them.
So if you can find someone to do it for free, lucky you.
What does metal gear have to do with anything? are you saying these people are scrambling your thoughts?