Well, it says something that even people who always opposed USA military policies are against Trump's decisions

Well, it says something that even people who always opposed USA military policies are against Trump's decisions.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-23 at 00.34.52.png (1662x1286, 1.23M)

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Wow it’s almost like the left has been full of shit this whole time

wasn't chomsky for like 40 years against US being in places?

Attached: ! 35y5uy4u4646u.jpg (728x728, 101K)

Gee, I wonder what's going on here?

Attached: npc_directive_37238294(push.chomsky).png (968x488, 209K)

KEK m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Qh8rpFTVBuM

These people will be against Trump even if it means going against their own principles.

He went to Hanoi to broadcast against America during the Vietnam War.

Leftists are utterly full of shit.

I was a leftist when I was a teenager and read Chomsky, specifically, quite a bit. Being familiar with his opinions on the supposedly grievous damage done by "imperialistic" U.S. foreign policy, seeing him say this now, he has truly come full circle. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

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its bad for Israel so therefore the Jew shows his true colors

The derangement syndrome is truly amazing to watch. Any facade of having principles on the left is gone, only "orange man bad"