Do I HAVE to love myself before getting a girlfriend?
Do I HAVE to love myself before getting a girlfriend?
I hated myself before getting a bf, I'm even more depressed now, even though I love him
No. Thats gay.
You could find a girl who doesn't love herself either but you'd both end up in a miserable relationship.
I've never understood this fucking hippie bullshit.
Every single goddanm person on this godforsaken planet has aspects of him or her shitty self that they despise.
And a lot of them have girlfriends.
Not that I quite understand why that is so important in the first place.
The point of having friends is so that every single one of you are constantly having sex with each other in a pyschological sense. My friends open up to me naked pyschologically saying "pound me daddy narugami," and im like "yes," I too need a good fucking so I open up to my frends and they fuck my brains out pyschologically.
(This includes my guy friends)
Im not bi sexual either
What did that remotely have to do with anything in my post you fucking faggot hippie
>Do I HAVE to love myself before getting a girlfriend?
What does "love myself" mean to you? To me, it doesn't mean you have to think you're perfect, but I think it means you have to have some idea of who you are and you have to have respect for yourself and value yourself as a person.
If you're looking for an actual loving relationship, how do you justify "oh, I'm going to inflict my piece-of-shit self onto someone"? I mean, if you love someone, why would you be ok with getting them involved with a piece of garbage?
No but you should be able to reflect on your behavior, you should be able to understand your own motivations and you should be accepting of your own flaws. If you are somewhat capable of doing that, you would have it easier in a relationship.
Read his name and his picture. Ignore him.
Why do normies think that I'll ever inflict my burdens on others? If anything I'm good at hiding It. Ask any normie around me what do they think how I feel and they'll say that I'm ok when In fact I'm dying inside
Why the fuck would anyone want something you hate so readily
Like if you don't like yourself, why would anyone else take up the buck for you?
Help me here. What goes through your head?
Is that seriously how you think these things work?
Do you seriously think someone just 'wants' someone who's dying inside and refuses to confront it?
I am flabbergasted. Is this bait? Just tell me, you can keep going, I won't derail after this. I just need to know.
Relationships are not the same as friendships. Self loathing and insecurities will slowly but surely rot away a loving relationship.
Took mine 6 years to finally crumble. Looking back, man I was pathetic and my issues made me emotionally abusive.
I'm not talking about sitting all day ruminating about random things, I doubt anyone Is like that. I'm talking about real, objective flaws that you simply CAN'T ignore. For example, I know I'm short at 5'7.5 and I hate myself for It, aside from certain women not finding me attractive because of it, It also makes me weaker than other men because most other guys are taller and stronger than me. I could go on for other flaws. The thing Is, almost everyone hates something about themselves, those who don't are obvious narcissists or just plain retards
You asked for advice, and I'm giving you from experience.
You think you hate yourself now? Being in a relationship magnifies any feelings of self loathing and insecurities. Think you don't deserve to be in a relationship now because of your height, well you'll constantly be worried that your gf wants someone better etc.
You don't have to believe you don't have flaws, you've just got to see yourself as deserving of happiness as everyone else is. Or you will tear yourself, her, and your relationship apart.
But to be young is to be stupid, you will learn from mistakes. Don't let me stop you from experiencing growth and life lessons.
No not really. Plenty of people have shitty relationships and they are awful people who hate themselves.
So your idea, despite loathing yourself for being not a prime date for women, is to date a woman in ignorance of the fact that you view yourself as inherently lesser than other men
If you were uncomfortable and insecure in your relationship then you shouldn't have dated that girl in the first place
I don't see that as a problem.
I'm starting to understand it less as "love yourself" than "have self-respect, high-esteem, know when to leave when the relationship isn't working".. which all has to do with "loving yourself".
>Do I HAVE to love myself before getting a girlfriend?
Only if you want to be happy. I'm pretty sure a sadist would take a self loathing guy, but she won't make you happy.
>Every single goddanm person on this godforsaken planet has aspects of him or her shitty self that they despise.
Nobody is perfect, and admitting that is good. Now, depsising yourself is way too much. If you hate something about yourself so much, work on it.
Most people don't HATE themselves, even if they admit they have problems and issues.
I read lower mysef
Yes. Trust me op I once dated a girl who had depression and she was overly sensitive over little things like once I turned off the lights before we had sex and she said "is it because I'm ugly?". She always thought she was "ugly" a "loser" etc. She never loved herself so are amazing relationship were even shopping for groceries was fun together. It was like I was putting my emotions into a black hole. Work on yourself before you string people like me along.
Hahahahhahha this is fucking funny. Although the years go by, and less it is so. Now I just don't give a fuck about people. I'm 21 btw
5'7" and a half male user here
it is rough for shorter guys at first but once you realize the good girls (that yes, are few and far between) actually exist, and once you start doing things for yourself to make yourself more valuable to a partner, you will find it easy.
i started making music and getting into photography, and it's helped me find confidence in myself to be valuable enough for a great girl. it'll work itself out if you try.
Kudos user, you've increased your SMV!
my only saving grace before that was a handsome face, but all that got me were short lived sexually charged relationships. it's cool until you realize you're on a hamster wheel or sex and emotional stagnation.
No, what that really is about is the belief that most girls seek confident men who turn out to be pretty egocentric. Not all girls though, I hate myself and I'm married
What's a half man?