/cic/ Canada is COLLAPSING part 939 - TECH STARVATION WAGES Edition

>Sky high rents and low pay makes Canada a dud for tech workers: report

>A new report on North America’s tech hubs finds that Canadian cities have the highest quality tech labour coupled with among the lowest wages, making Canada an attractive destination for companies but less rosy for tech workers, who have to deal with sky-high rent and real estate prices in the tech meccas of Toronto and Vancouver.

>Affordable for companies, maybe, but less so for their workers. The report puts the average tech wage in Toronto at $47,210 USD, enough for 49th place when it comes to tech salaries, while Vancouver gets the distinction of having the cheapest labour of all 50 tech hubs, with an average wage of $45,401.

>The low wage, high rent combo could make it difficult for companies to hold onto high quality workers, however.

>“As soon as you want to start a family here in Vancouver, it’s like okay, can you do that on $80,000 to $120,000 a year less,” says Vancouver-based game designer Nels Anderson, to CBC News. “When the cost of living here is basically the same as San Francisco, that’s not really an option. It is extremely demoralizing.”

>Vancouver’s environment is particularly troubling, says Kaitlin Last, contributing editor to Better Dwelling, a millennial-focused housing blog, who figures that with the average condo in Vancouver costing $600,700, it would take an average tech worker 27 years to save for a downpayment. “With a situation like that, I’m not sure how long we can actually keep talented tech workers in Vancouver,” says Last. “After all, they’re just a hop, skip, and a NAFTA visa away from San Francisco.”


In Canada, it takes a highly skilled programmer 27 years to save enough money for a DOWN-PAYMENT on a Condo (aka it would take 300+ years to purchase a condo).

What the FUCK is wrong with Canada?

Attached: STARVING LEAF TECH WORKERS.jpg (1254x1285, 1.18M)

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>Uber is rapidly staffing up its Toronto office, and a new job posting on the ride-hailing giant's website could be a window into those ambitions.

>Uber Eats is hiring a head of grocery product,according to a job posting from Thursday. The role will "build the organization and globally scale a brand new product offering which will fundamentally evolve how people purchase their groceries."

>CEO Khosrowshahi previously hinted at the company's big ambitions to deliver things other than people back in October.

>"With Eats, we're getting into the business of moving food around," he said at a Vanity Fair summit. "I think that this product of delivering great quality food to you at home in 30 minutes or less is magical and is going to move into grocery in a way that's fundamental and a lot more people are going to be eating at home … you can absolutely see grocery as being an adjacency."


Canada is a dystopian 1984 nightmare that no ordinary Leaf can awaken from. Leafs have the highest food costs in the entire world, despite being a massive net exporter of food. That $35/kg chicken breast in Canada? Exported to the USA at $0.50/lbs. That $70/kg cheese? Exported to the USA at $5/kg. That $14/gallon milk? Exported to the USA for $0.50/gallon. The Cheesa Nostra, Ouef Outfit, Meat Mafia are extensions of the Italian Mafia. First investor in Saputo was Joseph Bonanno, and when Cheesa Nostra tried to enter NY, the state denied them their dairy license because they were Mafia run.

Now, Uber wants to tap into this lucrative market. No longer will grocery stores offer delivery, but Leafs will be forced to pay a 10% delivery fee to some random Pajeet imported to deliver their 1000% overpriced groceries devoid of any meat. Leafs will be forced to pay Poos to get their groceries delivered, and will be expected to tip them 20%.

Attached: leaf backyard bucks.jpg (480x720, 56K)

>Be highly skilled programmer living in Vancouver
>Make just $47K USD a year
>Average condo $600K
>Takes 27 years to save up for a DOWN PAYMENT (LMFAO)
>3 small steaks cost $50

pic related

What the FUCK is wrong with Canada?

Attached: $50 selfdeau steaks.png (932x900, 1.17M)

The Grocery Game is so outrageously profitable that Uber Eats is devoting all of its resources to open the first Uber Groceries carel in Canada? It's not even looking at any other country, because they are not run by the Milk Mafia, the Cheesa Nostra, the Ouef Outfit etc.

The Canadian grocery game is run by the Italian Mafia. Saputo controls 37% of the domestic grocery and dairy market. Lino Saputo is the first ever Cheese Tycoon, worth $6B. The first investor in Saputo was Joseph Bonanno of the Bonnano crime family in NYC who bought the first 20% steak, and Lino Saputo has been under investigation and accused of Cheesa Nostra ties for decades. He is a well known associate of the Rizzutos, the Montreal Mafia, who is the Canadian wing of the Bonnanos.

Right now Saputo is under investigation by the Italian Mafia police for using his syndicate of dairy companies to launder $600M USD for the Cosa Nostra in Italy.

Attached: saputo rizzuto.png (810x529, 59K)

Type in any city + "homicide" and take a look at the results.

Here is Toronto.

Attached: toronto homicide.png (1822x892, 1.94M)

Type in any Canadian city + "classroom".

Here is Toronto. Toronto is now about 25% White, if you count people under 40 it's about 10% White.

Attached: toronto classroom 2.jpg (2048x1536, 666K)

The Trailer Park boys meat heists weren't satire. Organized Meat Theft is an epidemic in Canada

>He left his friend waiting in the car at the main entrance of Dollar’s Your Independent Grocer. Shopping list in hand, he went directly to the meat section. There, he quickly loaded a couple hundred dollars worth of items–six T-bone steaks, a prime rib roast–into one of the reusable shopping bags so popular nowadays.

>Bypassing the cashiers, he hit the exit doors at a brisk pace–though not so fast as to attract unwanted attention–quickly slipped into the waiting car and disappeared into traffic. Elapsed time: Perhaps two minutes.

>Professional thieves aren’t just well organized, their footmen are also remarkably fast and efficient. A retail theft expert in Chicago recently estimated that one professional thief, or “booster” is equivalent to four or five amateur shoplifters. Dollar says that some thieves get in and out of his store in 30 seconds. It’s common for these pro bandits to make off with $300 to $400 worth of merchandise in a single heist, adds Richard Hampel, a detective constable with the North Bay police, who worked with Dollar and his fellow grocers to combat the thieves.

>Meat is a particularly attractive target. It commands a high street price and in many cases doesn’t feature a UPC code that enables it to be traced. Hampel says that thieves sometimes sell the stolen merchandise from their home or take it to local drug dealers in exchange for cocaine. In some cases, goods make their way through a sophisticated network of fencing channels.


In Canada, 6 T-Bone steaks and a roast cost $300-400. In Canada, cocaine dealers accept steak, meat and cold cuts as payment. This is no joke. Organized Cheese Robberies are common with the police reporting the types of cheese stolen and the quantity down to 100 grams.

Attached: LEAF TRAILER PARK BOYS MEAT HEIST.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)

Can confirm! Stay away from Toronto!

It's a hell hole!!!

Eat some cheese desu


Attached: $69.90 kg leaf cheese.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

Cheese heists are a thing in Canada

>More than 145 kg cheese stolen from southwestern Ontario shop

>Stolen cheese includes 3.2 kilogram blocks of havarti, five wheels of gouda and 18 kilograms of cheese curds

>Police in southwestern Ontario are looking for thieves who made off with more than 145 kilograms of cheese, worth an estimated $6,200.


Gangs in Canada will actually case out cheese factories, break in, steal the cheese then fence it to pizza shops


Attached: leaf cheese heists.png (870x1028, 779K)