Guys can anybody help me out. I can't seem to finish the phrase. "Thou shalt wage war by _______" ???
Guys can anybody help me out. I can't seem to finish the phrase. "Thou shalt wage war by _______" ???
blood of ours
Integrity? (Imagine a Jew saying this lol)
that's what they did then, and what they always did, and will always do if they are not stopped.
The motto of Mossad. Which traces back to the basic ideas of Sun Tzu's The Art of War.
All the Jews are really Chinese! HORY SHET
>All the Jews are really Chinese!
is this why Zuck married a chink?
Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world
For so long we've been blinded like a Chinaman by a piece of floss, falling for their diversions, but now we are seeing the truth!
yes, they are allying with kikes so they would share power, because they wanted to move the center of world power there.
Dacian Imperium soon
It's salt. They used to salt lands to be extra asshole to other people.
Daily reminder that Hungary voted against
the Global Compact for Migration and your shithole country did not.
He married a Chinese woman because it was Israel's plan to team up with China to take over the world. Thank God Trump thwarted that plan
Jews literally migrated from China.
Israel did 9/11
>pic related
And it’s deception
Based, and therefore, hence, and even ergo, we find it is redpilled