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This will be a Christmas to remember
Noah Martinez
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Grayson Rivera
Nolan Lee
i love how excited he sounds
James Rivera
Why do I feel like this decision is due to the MiC preparing to kill him.
Hudson Nelson
Me too.
Nolan Hughes
Jose Adams
Charles Flores
Angel Harris
>govnerment is open
>Trump goes to Florida to avoid work
>government closes
>Trump stays at WH to avoid work
Alexander Price
No joke this Syria thing is real shit.
The elites are chimping out hard because no eternal ZOG war means no gibs for military contractors and maximum Israeli kvetching.
Now it all makes sense as to why Trump was pushing so hard for exorbitant budget for military upgrades that will satiate them for the time being.
I could seriously see Trump declare martial law if the (((powers that be))) go too far against him now. I think he's pissed in a way he never has been before. I don't think they can just kill him, people would chimp the fuck out. Shills say no one would do anything but I would fully expect several million walmart people descending onto DC with ARs if that were to happen.
Nathaniel Diaz
Jace Carter
What's up with Rand?
Luke Garcia
Balls out. Let Mueller and his kikes storm the white house. Trump will never leave the Presidency
Cooper Johnson
Elijah Green
>The elites are chimping out hard because no eternal ZOG war means no gibs for military contractors and maximum Israeli kvetching.
this is not why they gone to syria
check this 5 minutes for reason
and its not ww3,the guy assumed it wrong
Cooper Cox
I don't think you get how it works user.
ZOG is open, red tape is placed on everything ensuring nothing get's done except funneling taxpayer money to Israel and it's long term projects.
ZOG closes down, work can be done using taxpayer dollars funneled through the US military to fund projects meant for the betterment of America and its citizens.
Dylan Perry
I don't think you understand. Hasbara won't save israel and you should spend the time you have left wisely because a muslim will soon kill you, your friends, and your family.
Austin Jenkins
49,000+ actually.
Somehow I don't think the democrats will be able to fill the seats they committed election fraud to win.
Making it legal to commit election fraud before an election so that some they can commit fraud and win legally LOL.
Do you really think it's going to fly for long? Especially when they go pissing the American people off, the President and the military. The military will be doing the trials, gitmo is fully functional and manned.
Funny all those politicians that are blocking the wall where more than in favor of Israels wall. They all just happen to hold dual citizenship with Israel, not only is it a conflict of interests it's treason if even a single call from Israel was made to them for their votes, and if money changed hand whoa.
Seems Israel has never become an official ally with USA and it can be proven due to the actions of the jewish media that they are in fact trying to undermined American democracy.
Shit could really hit the fan nice. Might be why the military is getting pulled back to the USA?
Dylan Cooper
Dominic Jones
Nathan Lee
I thought you said belittlement of America. I'm a retard. disregard my antagonistic post.
Blake Brooks
I guess the other 50 vacations and golf trips have been enough
XD fucking retard
Justin Myers
Shits gonna be lit
Justin Lee
I don’t know about you. But I know a few people that would go for high value media and political targets with Molotov’s and AR15s if trump was assassinated.
They don’t think it be like it is but it do.
Isaac Cruz
I guess someone showed him what a fucking joke he is outside his sycophant bubble
Blake Moore
>I guess someone showed him what a fucking joke he is outside his sycophant bubble
I guess Israeli hasbara shills can't help themselves but to post their neurotic drivel on this board still.
Jackson Ward
lol how deranged you are with your weird incel fantasies
Sebastian Robinson
Hasbara get new fucking buzzwords. Losers.
Caleb Bennett
lol sad incel
is your whole family genetically retarded?
Hunter Garcia
>is your whole family genetically retarded?
I love how much jews project, it's like you hate yourselves so much that you only use insults that actually describe yourself.
Carter Johnson
I guess it is
Zachary Sanders
lmao its always a kraut
dont you have some little kids to be raping ahmed?
Easton Ramirez
lame duck's gonna lame duck
Joseph Stewart
You just won't understand until the truth smacks you in the fucking face...Hope you're not a Zionist because the future for them looks bleak.
Levi Lewis
Ryder Johnson
SEETHING kikes put a smile on my face.
Angel Nguyen
No joke this Syria thing is real shit.
The elites are chimping out hard because no eternal ZOG war means no gibs for military contractors and maximum Israeli kvetching.
Now it all makes sense as to why Trump was pushing so hard for exorbitant budget for military upgrades that will satiate them for the time being.
I could seriously see Trump declare martial law if the (((powers that be))) go too far against him now. I think he's pissed in a way he never has been before. I don't think they can just kill him, people would chimp the fuck out. Shills say no one would do anything but I would fully expect several million walmart people descending onto DC with ARs if that were to happen.
Cameron Taylor
Trump is about to assume total control.
Adrian Johnson
Cry more you beady eyed dicknose having kike. The age of abracadabra (literally Hebrew for “I create what I speak”) is over. Cope
Jacob Nguyen
It's going to be a comfy Christmas isn't it boys?
Aiden Mitchell
Yeah, the market will crash.
Carter Peterson
t. Martin Schultz
Bentley Murphy
>Shills say no one would do anything but I would fully expect several million walmart people descending onto DC with ARs if that were to happen.
the literal, most powerful man in the world, should b treated with respect, not as if he is trash. the amount of GALL it takes, the arrogance, that these people have, is truly amazing because of how unbelievable it is in the way they treat this man, who is btw, the leader of the strongest Nation of this planet
Michael Moore
Carter Ward
I agree....Trump is protected supernaturally....too many enemies now to explain it away as random chance....
I also see we live in a damned house of cards.....we are gonna have to pay the piper eventually
Nolan Stewart
> muh hope and change
Trump Inherited the magical powers of nigger-king. Hubris hurts don’t it? IT WAS HER TURN!!!
Kayden Cruz
I'm not really worried about lefty stocks falling. Facebook and google failing doesn't keep me up at night.
Adrian Perry
Many such cases. Glad.
Christian Butler
the entire establishment of the the new/old world order and their mind zombies are united against him in lockstep, donald trump and the united states are all that stand between them and 500,000 years of a high tech sub-feudal dark age
Hudson Bell
If they disappeared tomorrow what would be the impact, really?
Adam Cooper
he is already playing golf
Angel Long
what a fucking shit show you guys are
Adam Allen
Buttflustered leftists everywhere feverishly racking their teeny tiny brains for ways to attentionwhore without it
Michael Miller
>This is an actual tweet by the President of the United States
What a pathetic fucking child. So embarrassing.
Robert Wilson
Show your flag rabbi
Asher Hill
Shut down the government forever declare martial law dissolve Congress and the judiciary
Merry Christmas
Charles Bell
Noah Cook
Luke Ramirez
They would create a movement that will hate them forever.
Josiah Adams
I’m cool with the Holy American Empire forming on Christmas of the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen.
Wyatt Russell
Magic Wand.
Luis Scott
Thank you user, very cool!
Parker Miller
>entire family sent away
Dominic Myers
not even Trump want to spend time with family during xmas. He's watching anime and playing vidya
Landon Young
I wonder what he'll do second? HOME ALONE!!
Luis Thomas
So pussyhats galore?
William Cook
Using a leftist platform to fuck with leftists. Works for me tbqh. I prefer what he does over what he says personally, but I wouldnt expect you to understand that.
Robert Sanchez
It definitely do
William Miller
>you people
what a racist
Jace Perez
Way, WAY too obvious.
Christopher Cooper
Old Trump is finally back, but for how long?
Angel Brooks
Until the end of time
Jack Ward
Michael Phillips
Evan Turner
Anyone knows how soon The US troops will be out of Syria btw?
Ian Parker
>tfw own a hotel in Florida
Here's hoping we see a surge in demand from lefties coming to Florida this Christmas to spite Trump. It's coming up on high season, but having it start a few weeks early would be a true Christmas miracle.
David Ross
I don't know why anyone on Jow Forums is worried about Trump getting the JFK treatment. If the Jews do that to him it will unironically be time for day of the rope. No more memes and no more just fucking around. If Trump eats a bullet or dies for any reason white people will chimp out and then we'll get to the exciting part
Jaxon Morales
The Jews have tried 15+ times already. You know what's funny? That jews like you think posts like the one you made don't stick out like a sore thumb? Hopefully you watch an Iranian rape your sister.
Parker Martinez
> white people chimp out
Owen Mitchell
Luis Rogers
bros, how do we help him?
Connor James
Julian Bailey
Apparently he doesn’t need all that much. Just make sure he’s re-elected in two years.
Adrian Lewis
>government shuts down
>congressman still get paid
kek love how that works. only the wellfare state bureaucracy feels the pain. fucking tyrants need a rope.
Ayden Hill
Does anyone have the original of this?
Chase Anderson
Fuck AR's try M1 Garands. M1A's and .50 cals
Adrian Barnes
Ethan Martin
Every time I used to listen to State Department briefings, they'd bring up that Bret McGurk irishman. I don't know who the fuck he was but they always acted like he was the most essential part of the Department of State.
Benjamin White
you glow kikes don't understand just how many goyim know
Nicholas Hughes
Welp, they threatened to kill his family, I guess.
Leo Ward
Literally who? This is why I gave up with the news in general. Who fucking cares the Burt McGurt quit?
Kayden Rodriguez
>we're actually living this
Jose Moore
Fuck off kike. Jew jew jew jew jew jew.
Fuck off kike. Jew jew jew jew jew jew.
Fuck off kike. Jew jew jew jew jew jew.
Fuck off kikes.
Camden Williams
Mike Pence is the insurance policy against this happening.
Landon Richardson
And now imagine wicked witch hillary as the president...
Jacob Young
Im honestly increasingly worried about assassination. I also believe that the 25th Amendment will be invoked very soon.
Trump is going to be pushed aside or killed. And this country will explode.
Daniel Price
David Robinson
Guy found an excuse for not having to vacation in Florida. I'd be excited too.
Carter Ramirez
wat he mean by "you people"
Gavin Robinson
>you people
oy gevalt!