>Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.
>It is now well established that there is a magnetoreception mechanism found in many animals that can detect and respond to the very low intensity geomagnetic field. This has been most studied in bees and in birds, both of whom use it for navigation. This has been suggested to involve tiny particles of magnetite which occur in bacterial, animal and plant cells, including human cells. Kirschvink (1992) first proposed a model of how such a mechanism might act. He proposed that magnetite particles may be tethered through a microtubule and/or microfilament or perhaps other fibers to a mechanosensitive channel, such that tiny magnetic forces could open the mechanosensitive channels, allowing cation flow into the cells.
doctor here. this author is flat out fucking nuts. this is flat earth tier crazy talk. fucking lmao funny read.
I was unaware that magnetite particles exist in every cell. On the other hand they didn't teach me about umami in school.
>It is now well established that there is a magnetoreception mechanism found in many animals that can detect and respond to the very low intensity geomagnetic field
Man, I fucking wish
Also I don't get this premise, do they think sperms would use magnetoreception to navigate?
Are they trying to impregnate your mom or something?
Do you fags can read? He links multiple studies that say wifi damages sperm.
It's just another round in the equivalent of a shit flinging contest via metastudies on dubious experimental data that have equally dubious counter-experiments
This kind of behavior is why "99% of scientists agree" is ridiculed every single time it's brought up
What about lte?
put me in the screencap
it also gives you aids
wifi gave me phymosis
I don't need my sperm anyway because all white women are barren from too much birth control. This is how civilization dies. Dolphins will inherit the earth.
Yes, goy, wi-fi kills sperm. Switch to 5G instead!
I think we can all agree that a weak iteration of a played out joke is not screencap worthy.
kurwa moje jaja
No it doesn't, you retard. Heat kills your sperm. That's why our balls hang in a bag outside of our body. Tight underwear and tight pants kill your sperm infinitely more than WIFI does, even if you rest your fucking nuts on your cell while streaming nonstop.
You could sit live sperm on top of a modem/router for a week, and they would still be just as capable of conception as those fresh from your balls. This is shit-tier conspiracy.
t. Biophysicist
whatever happened to ethernet. Gas all home wifi users.
>whatever happened to ethernet
Cellphones and Tablets.
I'm sure cell phones play a role in this too but what can we do about it?
I took one of the links that the author of that article cited as evidence.
"Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis"
Their analysis was a Medline review based on their choice of "search terms" and they only included 10 metas out of 60 hits by creating reasons to exclude. Even after that the significance was basically equivocal.
The study you linked at the top claims no conflicts of interests yet the sole author has multiple books and paid professional memberships to organizations which claim and bring legal cases over telephone use and health effects.
>The Body Electric
>- Robert O Becker
You should read this. The experiments he performed are, to some degree, replicable.
Okay, this is epic