>99% of americans have never seen a high speed trains
We have high speed cars
99% of Europoors have never been inside a high speed car.
>99% of bongs have never owned land.
neither have you kek.
Yeah, going fast gives American flashbacks to the times they were required to fast.
Every county in America has at least three airports.
Imagine getting cucked by the gas and motors companies' lobbyists and being proud of it. I dont even want to compare that
95% of non germans never had a chance to actually drive fast
Bullet trains aren't feasible in the United States.
>Imagine only going where trains bring you
pretty cucked.
fuck you i took one from londostan to paristan few years ago
>bullet trains aren’t feasible in a wide-open country with tons of land for development
And yet a small shitty mountainous country like japan can pull it off.???? What?
Americans invented trains. Show some respect.
Agreed. Most of you would mistake them for trains where you're required to open carry.
We fly, Europoor.
>wide open
>small shitty
Train stations need to be in the city centers to be practical, otherwise u might just take an airplane anyway. Most big us cities dont have major trainstations and tracks. Buildig them now would need incredible effort. Also the distance from east to west coast is just too big
if you've ever driven one of those on gran turismo you'll know they're slow as hell. might accelerate fast but max out at like 150 mph due to their gearboxes
GE builds locomotives and black triangles.
Automobiles give everyone jobs.
this pretty much. trains are for faggots
STFU pom
We don't even have a national train network for passengers.
We also have none of those.
We do have personal freedom though
Trains are for poor niggers who can’t afford a car. Imagine being crammed in with a bunch of other people like cattle with no control over your trip.
mate, when was the last time you travelled by train in our backwards little shithole? Late, slow, cold, no free seats, ridiculous pricing... wtf are you on...
The Northeast has the Acela Express, it's slow compared to the rest of the world but it exists.
So like flying?
I thought that was just the queen mum's dildo.
No. We just get in regional jets that travel at 600mph at 35000ft instead
Imagine your country being so small you can ride around it in a little train.
Thats why the Breunion boys are right about things
Imagine having such a tiny amount of territory that trains are viable for passenger use.
Why are leftists OBSESSED with trains?
Why would you waste your own gas and go through the work of driving when you can sit on a cozy moving platform
>Why are leftists OBSESSED with trains?
Reminds them of their conception.
This is true because in the United States, we have these things called "airplanes" that actually fly through the air at 600 miles per hour. Moreover, the US does have an extensive rail system, we just use it to ship goods.
>a fucking lego with wheels
America and Canada are too big for those expensive things.
I imagine a lot of countries which use a train system are comparable to a single, or handful, US states. With that in mind you're looking at a lot less infrastructure which needs to be built and maintained in order to be feasible and affordable to the general population.
In a country as large as America it simply makes more sense to to drive or take an aircraft to whatever location you want to go to.
as a brit i have seen high speed trains, by going to other countries.
have a word with yourself you fucking moron
>99% of americans never have drunk ungay watter
>retards actually believe this
The reason is Japan needs less coverage than the average network in USA does, plus last time I checked, USA wasn't a commie or socialist country that can do whatever it wants with the tax money. It's left to the private companies to handle.
Leftist detected.
Execution protocol demanded.
lol train faggots BTFO
Based Elon will prove high speed rail is a waste of time and hyperloop will be cheaper and faster.
Bullshit. We’ve all been to Disneyland at some point.
driving on motorways for more than a few hours is tedious, only a low iq idiot could enjoy it. trains are great, esp in europe, city to city in hours with a beer in hand. the us just sounds like an undeveloped shit hole. it just goes to show that having an economy built upon literally printing money to give to arabs doesnt mean you are a wealthy country.
Can you use trains to overthrow your government if it starts importing millions of foreign fighters in an effort to kill you and your family?
Trains lost passenger ridership to the interstate highway system and airlines. It's a big country. I'm a fan of trains and my wet dream would be an elevated maglev network linking all the major cities. Which might have happened if we hadn't figured out how to efficiently extract oil and natural gas from shale. So, instead of futuristic supertrains, I'll have to settle for a completely energy independent US that is no longer interested in conflict and motor fuel that costs $0.52 per liter and the ability to get in my car and drive 3000 miles in a more or less straight line without crossing n international border.
>vidya driver
Are you a fucking chink m8? Every true ausi knows theres no replacement for displacement. Go back to buttfuckistan faggot.
>ability to get in my car and drive 3000 miles in a more or less straight line
sounds fun
I’m the proud owner of two 1.3L Wankel engines. The next time I go back to the autobahn there’s nothing I’d love more than to hire an rx8 or 7
>he doesnt take the back roads
The interstate is for speed and short commutes, most of america isnt connected to it.
I'm right wing and I love them for nostalgic reasons. Not so much the new ones though, but trains from the 1930's when a fast car was hard pressed to do 60mph and trains like the Powhatan Arrow and Southern Crescent Limited regularly ran at 100mph and the railroads were the industry that moved the nation.
they have never seen a doctor either
99% of amerifats have never ridden a bike over 20mph
Brits did tho
It can be. It's a big country and there is a lot to see and do.
The ICE from the "DeutscheBahn" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they are always late, but waaaaaay better then the regular RE trains
Got highspeed car - also got speed limits on your highways lel
Germany got roads with no speed limit
>taking public transportation
what are you poor or something?
If you worked a bit harder in your life you wouldn't have a chance to see it either
they have never seen a salad either
Nor their toes
Our salads are basically a cold cheeseburger.
99% of bongs will never own a car or even have a place to park one
I’ve been 165 mph. Do the average Germans drive more quickly because of the autobahn?
And 99% of eurocucks living on welfare states have never seen an affordable house.
What´s your point britbong?