
Anyone got any ideas how this Boomer nightmare will unfold; as in how are Gen XYZ going to make it (as a whole), when Boomers are the 95% owners of all of the assets, and do not want to give an inch to their own offspring? Is this coming crash going to clean them out?
It seems like we're waiting for a collapse, and the longer the collapse takes to happen, the more Boomers consolidate their wealth.
All I see are Boomers driving around in 5 series BMWs and living the high life, retired at 55, with multiple homes. My wife works with 30 (THIRTY) females under 40 and only 1 has a child...because none can afford children.

How can we hasten the end of Boomerism, and, ideally, destroy them?

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>My wife works with 30 (THIRTY) females under 40 and only 1 has a child...because none can afford children.
She sustains your NEET lifestyle? Fucking based. I hope I could cuck some thot, but the gobmint is paying me neetbux anyway.

You're aware that they're all retiring now, right? The dead don't own things.

>How can we hasten the end of Boomerism, and, ideally, destroy them?
1) End Social Security.
2) Acknowledge the Constitution (a) prohibits the States from making anything but gold or silver tender [read money] and (b) that the Federal Reserve Act is thereby unconstitutional, thereby (c) meaning all the "national debt" incurred on the Federal Reserve Note must have been done in the private capacity of the congressmen passing the bill.
3) Aggressively destroying/deporting aliens, even H1Bs.

*Note #2 will crush most retirement plans as the bankers try to retaliate.

boomers are in old age and soon to be poor health and will fight death with every penny they have. once the market correction happens, their retirement will be wiped out and they wont live long enough for the market to recover and build it back up. So Boomers will turn to medicaid and once they die, asset recovery will kick in and seize every bit of property and money lying around. even homes that were given to progeny will be confiscated.

>My wife works with 30 (THIRTY) females under 40 and only 1 has a child...because none can afford children.
Here's the thing: they don't have children because they chose to focus on their career over motherhood, not because they can't afford them. The fertility rate never fell below replacement levels during the great depression and other great economic times; but it sure as hell did as soon as women were given too much power and too many opportunities outside being a wife and mother. This can be observed globally.

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>How can we hasten the end of Boomerism, and, ideally, destroy them?

They said fuck the future
I say the future fucks back

>when Boomers are the 95% owners of all of the assets, and do not want to give an inch to their own offspring?
Everyone dies
>inb4 they spend it
Good, the economies will soar.

We already see it. The boomers dying now refuse to sell the 3rd and 4th properties they own for anything less than 5x what the property is worth. They die, the local government has to foot the bill to bulldoze the property, and their communities are blighted. Boomers are literally like a destructive fungal infection.

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>Implying this is bad
Japan has nearly half of America's population on a fucking archipelago. There are WAY too fucking many Japanese.

problem is that they have an aging population with a social security system.... every social security system is basically a ponzi schemme that needs more workers than retirees and that ratio is going down drastically there

So what?

well there isnt enough workers paying for old people so they need to bridge the gap with debt and they already have the biggest debt/gdp ratio in the world by quite the margin

So what? Stop allowing jewish economists to brain slave you, you fucking mental midget.

so your answer to rational arguments is so what ? how about you refute any of what i say

No. It's that "all of human existence must bow to the current economic system" is jewish thinking. Eternal population growth is stupid. I don't care what kind of nonsense excuse you come up with.

You're a faggot you just take the pain of the boomer bulge then move on with a more sanely populated country, fuck I hate cunts that say that shit.

all I'm saying is that the way it is setup right now (like a ponzi scheme) requires continuous grwoth and that it is a massive problem. Nowehre do I actually advocate that I'm for that kind of a system

Now you're getting it. The solution is not to give into the ponzi scheme. It's to destroy it. And that doesn't include breeding forever.

Agreed. How do we go about destroying it ?

getting tired of posting this:

there won't be enough millennials to buy boomers homes. a lot of boomers are still in debt because they live lavishly. most of the boomers homes will instead be bought by rich foreign governments/investment firms, such as China or rich oil states. you only need to look to places like Vancouver to see what happens when foreign groups by up large sums of property.

the end result is that white Americans will become literal SERFS to rich foreigners in their own country

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By destroying capitalism for one. But actual intentional massive depopulation must also occur. If it doesn't, then UNintentional disastrous depopulation will inevitably occur and destroy the world even more than it already is.

Boomers dont own assets. Mr. Shekelstein does.

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This man speaks the truth. We should only have allowed citizens of a country to own land, not everyone. Probably some loopholes around it but better than what we have currently.


Boomers earned all their privileges, millenials demand it all for free. OP's post demonstrates that.

Get off your arses and work, stop expecting to be given everything for free. You don't deserve it.

and replacing it with what?

Thanks for the tip, cunt. i'm going to retire with 2 millions dollars debt. You slimy little cunts can clean up that mess after i'm gone.

Literally anything. The only thing that matters is that the population drops.

Sup rabbi

who has to go? what if youre the one that has to go?

Hehe. They suck. Especially my step mum. Bitch.

Your willing suicide at the hands of jews, imbecile.

The overwhelming majority. At least a good 90% of the species.

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and I'm assuming youre in the 10% that stays?

>implying it counts as "earning" when you fuckers let 1977 happen
>implying it counts as earning when half the western world and Japan/china couldn't industrialize for nigh 30 yrs so the price of Labor directly benefits job/prospects/wages
>implying it counts as earning when you promote open borders and vote for H1b friendly politicians to drive down the cost of labor, where you and the shareholders that own you reap rewards so you can own a third car or a 2nd home or a new boat every 5 years
Day of the pillow my new-balance/jean shorts wearing faggot

I'm unconcerned with such details.

Stop blaming boomers for being a 25 year old cart pusher tech at target and living with your parents.

>Boomers earned all their privileges

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None of these retards can count because they spent math class high on acid. The faster they die the better.

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That's just cruel and unwarranted


>t. angry lazy brainlet

PDF opening is not a skill worth 6 figures.

do blacks even live that long

spending math class on acid would make you a quantum physicist, you straight edge incel mapleback faggot

Why do boomers perceive every minor inconvenience as a personal attack on them? I was out Christmas shopping and the boomer in front of me in line flipped out at the cashier because plastic bags now cost 15 cents. He said it was just a ploy from the store to secretly charge more. I wish I could've seen his face when he heard me tell the cashier that I brought my own bag.

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If you cant open a pdf, you shouldn't be given anything close to 6 figures. I don't have any sympathy for boomers and their supposed inability to grasp technology. The reality is they don't want to have anything to do with systems trying to clean up their mess. They are stubborn, entitled cry babies who grew up in literally the most prosperous economic time in history and drove it into the fucking ground. Now they hold all the assets and wont let go while calling you lazy. Fuck baby boomers.

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Actually, it's more they're just too lazy to learn anything new. They've stolen their money from society and they just want to coast until death.

I don't know, what DOES happen to a child you never discipline who finds themselves in a situation in which they can't get their exact way? Boomers never worked for a god damned thing in their lives. They expect everyone to wait on them hand and foot. If you don't have their wilted dick presently in your mouth, they're mad.

In hindsight it's even funnier to me because places have been doing this for a while. That means he hasn't shopped for himself in years and is only learning about it now that he needs new shoes. This dude probably hires someone to clean his house and had a tantrum over a rounding error on his credit card bill.

As someone who worked in retail banking, you are correct. The bane of every customer service position will forever be the black female. But the boomer comes in at a close second. Whenever a 60+ couple walks in to talk about an IRA or re-finance it was like preparing for war. You are mostly in their way and they expect for you to bend over backwards and pull strings to get their business. The rates are never good enough and you never know enough.