There is literally nothing wrong with this platform.
You can't refute it, Jow Forums.
There is literally no good argument against socialism
>What is opportunity cost?
This fucking boomer is going to sling shot her into higher office.
the heads of the rich and elite
3 valid points and the rest are retarded and divisive if favor of yappi minorities
Socialism does not foster innovation or creativity. It stagnates people.
>There is literally nothing wrong with this platform.
>support lgbtqwertyuiop+
Niggers refute socialism.
>Meme flag
That's not how it works.
But you're likely the feels > reals type
socialism is the most degrading form of misery that a society can inflict upon itself
this should be obvious to anyone who has a shred of dignity or self determination
heres my agenda can i have a 125k a year job plese free health benifits for life?
>free million dollar house for every single person
>free beer on firday
>free Ferrari on your 21 birthday
>everyone gets a free skiing vacation twice a year
>free this
>free that
don't ever worry about who pays!
>Yuppy shit that can do no more than look good, unfeasable plans, gun control, and declaring random shit to be a human right
>housing as a human right
>federal jobs guarantee
>support seniors
>everything else
Umm, taking money from someone who earned it for the purpose of giving it to someone who didn't earn is a so morally wrong. As had often been stated, at some point you run out of people to steal from. That graphic, who do suppose pays for the fukken gibs? Op us a stupid nigger.
I don't get this bullshit. All of it is bad when you use her definition of it, but it's also deceptive.
>support seniors
I don't even know what that means to her. Every reasonable person supports seniors. She means to support irresponsible boomers financially
>clean campaign finance
what does this even mean? Everyone is for clean campaign finance. To her this means no corporations donating to political causes
It's dysgenic.
Glass steagal act is good as well
>Assault weapon ban along with gun control,
>Women's rights
>Supporting the TGIA (i am fine with gays but not Transgenders).
These are clear misses however the rest of the platform is beneficial aside from not telling us what the fuck Solidarity with Puerto Rico means.
Of course he is. How new are you? This is why old-fags tell you DONT WATCH FOX NEWS. Its two sides of the same jewish coin. Stop watching MSM bullshit.
some ideas are shit
althou i agree (National) Socialism for the win !
This. How the fuck is abolishing ICE socialist?
>womens rights
Oh shit I missed that one.
They don’t have equal numbers on the fire depts or coal mining.
There's nothing wrong with a wish list to Santa Claus either, until realize Santa Claus is like some fat nigger sow at the DMV who can't be arsed to do her job because she knows she'll never be fired for poor performance.
The right to everything.
So with her policies from the percent i agree with she gets a 78 to 79 percent (which is not too bad considering i know People like Ted Cruz or Donald Trump would get a far lower score.
ICE is a limit on government powers, abolishing ICE increases government reach.
There's no such thing as women's rights. Every "right" a woman calls for is a claim on the trappings and wealth created and built by men.
That is such a stretch because by the same token that means immigration is deregulated.
I've not heard of a good argument for socialism yet.
Why the fuck should the government deduct money from my paycheck to subsidize your very existence you lazy unemployable fucktard
It's socialist because Marxist socialism by necessity requires the abolition of the nation-state.
We should force homeless people off the streets and into shelters not because it's a right, but because homeless people are unsightly and a health hazard.
It all boils down to "free" shit for everyone but the people paying for it.
>housing as a human right
This means "The Projects: For Everyone". It didn't work out well for the blacks. It won't work out well for anyone else, because living in some shitpile that isn't even yours means you have zero incentive to keep it up. You have no pride in your home.
>A federal jobs guarantee
This just means being paid to move gravel from one pile to another. There's no way you could give everyone a real job. No way no how.
>Immigration justice / Abolish ICE
So we let every single turd worlder come to the USA that wants to, and then we give them free house and healthcare. Does she not see the problem here?
I don't even need to examine each point. It's fucking fairy magic land shit that only a 5 year old could believe in.
God damn Ocasio-Cortez is a fucking retard.
Because that's what governments are for. Even if you went back to the days of the founders, taxes collected went from people who didn't have property to protect the property of those who did, protecting people who were too weak to protect themselves - like women and children.
Government is all about subsidizing useless fucks who want more service than they can afford, and are then astonished to discover that the quality is shit for everyone. The only way to avoid this is to kill shit-tier subhumans because throwing them in prison only means paying to house and feed them, which is incidentally all they aspired to anyway.
>nothing about water as a human right
>economics major
Easier simply not to have streets so you can execute them when they invade your property.
solidarity with puerto rico
The projects worked out good for the Italians, they came and lived there then left after establishing themselves. They didn’t just suck the teat forever.
no matter what else you support if you support gun bans you deserve a rope
>There is literally no good argument against socialism
The Economic Calculation Problem
>There is literally no good argument against socialism
Its right there in the name "socialism" its not work-ism, its sit on your ass and socially wish for free-shit-ism.
That is because Italians are not commies, they don't want that shit.
>medicare for nigs
>housing for nigs
>ditch digging jobs for nigs and spics to waste tax dollars
>rip guns
>releasing nigs from prison can't wait to get assaulted without a weapon to protect myself
>letting in hordes of spics into this country
>supporting water spics
>giving the rich more money to pretend to fight something that is being caused by turd worlders
>something that sounds good on paper till you realize this is only targeted at the few remaining gop donors
>wasting tax dollars on purple hairs to get worthless degrees
>women should have no rights
>fags should get the roof top
>fuck boomers
>the one thing I support but even then I know the jews will find a way to get through it
it is a bad thing all of this will be on the middle and working class'es dime because at the same time the dems are trying to LOWER RICH PEOPLE'S TAXES
There’s 100 million reasons that prove that platform is bullshit.
strasserists get the bullet too
I dont agree with her but would like to tongue her shit hole.
I can see America getting filled with hideous commieblocks. There's literally no other way to make that wet dream possible
Hahahahahahaha is this shit for real
I mean we have some of the stupidest voters in the world, people who dont even understand democracy yet, and this shit would STILL become a national joke for decades
Hell one of our politicians once said he'd give every student a tablet (which is neither totally unfeasible, nor that dumb, but still would never happen) and it was a joke the whole election
What about Trump and his bump stock ban?
Platform: Give me all of your fucking money
Pretty much this.
Abolishing ICE, and grabbing guns are the two red flags that guarantee I will always violently oppose her.
It seems kind of unfeasible, but housing as a human right sounds like a good idea.
The projects failed because of niggers, any other reasoning is bluepilled.
>I can see America getting filled with hideous commieblocks
You retards have no idea what the fuck you're on about with your commieblocks stupidity.
Commieblocks are a joke because they're ugly, yes, but they're half the reason socialism/communism didn't implode several decades sooner. Commieblock apartments are usually really fucking good, since you essentially put what you want in there and are good enough for a 1-2 kid family. They're not somewhere you WANT to live, but they're totally livable spaces and they cost fucking nothing, so you can get every retard a functional living space, have him pass it on to his kids, drop living prices down, kill real estate speculation, kill half the power of the banks, drop speculation with mortgages, provide an easy solution for workforce mobility and much more.
At the cost of being kinda shit to look at.
Does money grow on trees? Should doctors and college professors be slaves? Type yes if you are a socialist.
remove the US specific crap (Puerto Rico, climate change, LGBBQ) and you've got the political platform for every Eastern European country party. what the fuck are you talking about.
Trump is a gungrabber though...
>tongue her shithole
kissing girls is cringe and bluepilled
She is the opposite side of the coin to trump. She will be elected we are fucked
Damn she’s pretty hot.
a bump stock is not a gun is it?
Fuck off shill.
What’s wrong with it? Myself, and other whites like me will be forced to pay for It. And rather than being appropriately appreciative, shitskins will continue to blame all of their problems on whitey
12 year old edgelord
That's bullshit my nigger, our socialist party is literally the communist one and has a leader bringing it more to the left.
Their new program contains:
>government subsidized uni programmes for the top 3-4 jobs required by businesses
>student loans are interest-free if students sign a commitment to work in the country instead of abroad for a certain amount of time
>several airports and shipyards, as well as water & sewage are banned from being privatized
>beaches are nationalized
>several of the poorest regions get 0 tax on profit
>lower VAT on foods
>progressive tax as opposed to the flat one
>recalculation of pensions for higher minimum pension
>lower VAT on medicine
>private hospitals have to be registered by the law on national hospitals instead of their current status as trade entities
>some government action on medicine pricing
That's it. Now compare it to this shit.
what the hell is wrong with communists, they're so fucking cringey. Not the russians or the chinese revolutionaries respected Marx's ideas, no one took them seriously. It was all just a meme to grab power, but here you are, 100 years later actually believing this socialism crap.
>There is literally no good argument against socialism
Marxist Socialism is Jewish and therefore anti-White.
Social programs are not the problem, niggers are.
I honestly think she can do some good for the country, not because I hope everything on her agenda gets passed, but because I know most of it never would.
Ill never actually vote for her, but its really meh.
A lot of those things seem like trumps wall, just something you say to get the right retards to vote for you, not something you actually plan on implementing.
>idealism is bad
There's no support for a pretty (and heavy) facade such as this one. That's why. Fuck off.
I'm not Bulgarian, but I'll go ahead and assume the following to be mostly true:
>wast majority of people are home-owners as remnant of socialist housing from the previous system (i.e. no need to tackle *housing for everyone)
>free primary, high school education, free higher education for anyone who can't afford it (i.e. have to bring proof that your family earns under x)
>huge public sector that employs a significant chunk of people, which coincidentally is the worst performing part of the entire economy
>pensioners get all sorts of perks like free/symbolic costing public transportation, free healthcare, etc.
>free healthcare that's adequate and free but rather slow, private healthcare that's good and fast but expensive
>universally allowed abortion, labor laws that have all sorts of motherhood provisions, legally mandated equal pay for both genders
>lax criminal justice system, no death penalty, no life sentence, armed robbery gets you maybe 5-6 years of prison on average.
compare this to the US system. picrel is very much in alignment with what EE countries (EU too) promise and sometimes actually deliver to its citizens.
This is getting really close to "real communism has never been tried".
So if I get free food, housing, and medical care why would I work a single day of my life?
Would you force me? That's slavery then.
Would it come out of taxes? Because then it isn't free.
How does a country run when nobody is doing anything?
Re-implementing Glass-Steagal ... not gonna lie. If she could pull that off. I'd eat her ass and pussy , so right.
fuck Puerto Rico
fuck immigration "control"
fuck lgbtqlmnop
fuck universal healthcare
fuck gun bans
fuck womens rights (they want blood, cant have it)
Yes to Glass Steagall
Because it's all impractical bullshit wrapped up in feel-good terminology. It doesn't address fundamental issues, just wants to gloss over them by throwing more money in the furnace.
Bitch can't even explain where she going to get the money for even education and the rest of the shit is honeyed promises. Only dum dums would actual buy into this shit.
the being able to eat part
Good ideas, how you going to pay for it?
Look dipass, I think automatic weapons should be legal for anyone to own, but considering the fact they arent, it doesnt make rational sense that an accessory to allow semi-automatic weapons to fire in an automatic fashion would be legal.
He used this as a bargaining chip, quit being a one dimensional retard, you should be saying repeal the NFA, not dividing people against Trump. That is how I know you are a shill.
ahahahaha you magapedes will rationalize anything for daddy trump...
supporting gun control to own the libs...
wait, i thought this was the woman that concluded the Kate Spade suicide was a "suicide"
wtf shes been dead since 2011???
Stop giving tax breaks to the ultra rich that never fucking give back? Force those that export jobs overseas to pay more in fines? I knew you Brits were retarded but...
She doesn't even know the meaning of that word.
Ocasio-Cortez is a Sephardic Jew. Very high IQ.
being pozzed up is a sexuality now?
have the cheka loot and shoot george soros
Being a Jew doesn't mean you have a high IQ. Also, Ashkenazi Jews are the ones that have the higher IQ's relative to some other groups.
Is only a theoretical estimate and a disputed one at that. Nice try richy richy cock sucker.
>this shills post is literally just buzzwords chained together
can you at least try?
>Medicare for all
>Housing as a human right
Which is fine as long as we give this to people who actually work for a living.
>Federal jobs guarantee
Only if they take a whip to them to get their asses in shape, federal employees are the laziest on the planet.
>gun control
Giving absolute control to the government is stupid.
>criminal justice reform
Fine with that but you're just putting an even heavier burden on the tax payers.
>abolish ice
Borders need to be protected.
>solidarity with puerto rico
We need to cut them loose if they're not contributing.
>mobilizing against climate change
We need better infrastructure to survive what's coming, not trying to reverse something man has no control over.
>clean campaign finance
End special interest group donations.
>higher education for all
Better education is more important, not everyone is a high intellect. Train people to do what they are capable of and give them a wage they can live on without bennies.
>women's rights
They already have that. What these harpies want is superiority. Fuck them.
>support lgbt
We need to re-open state hospitals to treat these people.
>support seniors
Which is fine, but the ones with big pensions should bet cut loose from the welfare system.
>curb wall street gambling
Kill the banks first.
>wast majority of people are home-owners as remnant of socialist housing from the previous system
While true, there is a housing crisis right now
>free primary, high school education, free higher education for anyone who can't afford it
Only primary and high school
>huge public sector that employs a significant chunk of people, which coincidentally is the worst performing part of the entire economy
Nope it's tiny
>pensioners get all sorts of perks like free/symbolic costing public transportation, free healthcare, etc.
Nope pension like 50 dollars and they get nothing else
>free healthcare that's adequate and free but rather slow, private healthcare that's good and fast but expensive
Nope it's horrible and only ok if you pay, the free one is barely worth bothering with and only accessible if you pay insurance
>universally allowed abortion, labor laws that have all sorts of motherhood provisions, legally mandated equal pay for both genders
Only right on the moterhood count my nigger, but that's because we're christian
>lax criminal justice system, no death penalty, no life sentence, armed robbery gets you maybe 5-6 years of prison on average.
Nope, utter bullshit, none of that is true except no death penalty
Didn't get a lot right, I'm afraid
Or reeducation camps...
But actually try to reeducate them into farm laborers or something
Who’s going to pay for it.
>There is literally nothing wrong with this platform.
This book disagrees.