Why are we here Jow Forums? just to suffer?

why are we here Jow Forums? just to suffer?

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I still miss her

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Z-zoom out

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Sadly yes user, life is about finding small pleasures in the sea of discomfort.
Keep ya head up mate, it'll be all good.

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No, you're only failing to acknowledge the final goal.

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Yep. We now are exactly what we hate. Instead of being outraged at two young white girls being ruthlessly murdered by nigger savages, we laugh. We used to like Trump, now we hate him more than liberals. Instead of participating in politics, we're cynical about making real change. We're just stuck here posting the same old memes and rhetoric from 2016, eating each other up in the process.

Not sure why any of us are still here.

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>Instead of being outraged we laugh
Yeah...that pissed me off

We are here to rise the 4th Reich. Do your part. Make 5+ white children. Redpill others.

We suffer now, so later we have strength. Just wait for the rain to stop user...we must ride through the storm. No matter how long it takes...
