He says that ancient greeks actually looked this brown
in this video with italian mutt he says jews arent that bad
He says that ancient greeks actually looked this brown
in this video with italian mutt he says jews arent that bad
i'm a Jewish shill, ama
they did you idiot
Any chance y'all could start the end rap asap campaign thanks.
Pinhead is a fucking goof.. How he gained any traction to start with is a fucking mystery.
Dude is ripped. A lot of that is genetic, though. I can't build muscle like that no matter how many hours I spend in the gym.
He's the only living Swede who's not a complete cuck.
varg on suicide watch
It's roids
TGO >>>>>>>>>>>> Varg
He's not a shill, he's just stupid.
This. Varg the welfare leech is jealous af because he'll never be a ripped Chad with a successful YouTube channel.
Who gives a shit if e-celeb #48 is secretly a shill?
Shows you that Varg is always right, Varg killed a commie faggot and writes good music/books while this degenerate shills conservative talking points and is a meth addict.
This dude is fucking dumb. Also gym muscles are for faggots, if you want to get real strength you need to go break rocks and shit
Have any of you niggers ever been to any dinaric country or Greece.
People are tan as fuck if they live next to the coast, do you absolute retarded americans realise that if people there walk around with ther upper body naked 1/3 of the year, ofc they wont be pasty white.
Americans are literaly one of the retarded creatures ever walked on the surface of this planet.
There are sun tans that go away, and there are people who are still brown after not seeing the sun after months
>Is he a shill?
he's so preocupied with his body.. he's prolly just a fag who's just a useful idiot coz the guy is seriously full of cliche arguments on all subjects that he covers. he's basically an attention whoring dumb ass.
i'm not doubting that he genuinely wants white race to survive but he's like that hot chick.. too dumb to handle the subject but everyone likes him coz he your cliche white ideal.. or something like that. in any case to get a body like that you'd have to spend at least 2 hours in a gym every fucking day for like 2-3 years no less, he also prolly tooks some steroids. lol
TL\TR he looks like a fucking gigolo strip dancer.
>He says that ancient greeks actually looked this brown
30 minute video no timestamp
>in this video with italian mutt he says jews arent that bad
Hour long video no time stamp
get fucked op
All these butthurt idiots who can't accept the fact that southern europeans are brown.
They are still europeans just like the rest of us.
He lives in Sweden and actively advocates Nationalism. if he went full 1488 GTJ, he'd be in jail for years
spot the wog
Forever and always.
Remember to pray in the Temple of Iron, true friends.