Where did it go so wrong?
Where did it go so wrong?
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>that flag
When the founding fathers declared that the constitution was a "living document" and could be amended and legally circumvented beyond the original ten. Every amendment after has been either a waste of time or an out and out mistake.
When we decided that we wanted to overtake the (((Anglos))) in Britain and take their spot as the best goys the jews could hope for, meaning siding with them in WW2.
When the south lost.
It'll be great again once we're in power.
Not abolishing slavery in the original Constitution. Not sending all the niggers back to Africa after the Revolutionary War. That’s a bulk of the problems right there.
Flag checks out
Do you really wanna know?
Read this, or get the audio book.
When workers unions became political in the 60s. Workers unions used to be a good thing. They were made to improve working conditions and they did that. But the mob wanted that power and money so they took them over. In the 60s is when organized crime took over most of the workers unions and when that happened they became political. That is why the Democrat party is ran like a union/crime family. Then to make matters even worse the jews that ran the companies that the unions controlled started using their money to bribe both political parties to vote against regulations that impeded profits. After the jews learned they could control the government they decided to take it to what we have now. A government controlled by money, by people in the background, a puppet of Israel. The kikes final solution is now in action.
Turn of the 19th century. International financiers that funded the war started buying land for 1/10th it’s value from desperate Americans who were deeply in debt. They let the Americans stay on the land but charged them rent they could afford. Eventually they went bankrupt, the kikes took the land and sold it to the government at full value. They honored the full value because they funded the war. Revolutionary War vets sued and the courts sided with the kikes. Some staged a rebellion, which Washington came out of retirement to brutally crush. It went wrong when we became so desperate to beat the Brits that we sold our land (Jefferson only ever believed independently wealthy men who worked for themselves and owned land could be free men) and became debt slaves.
The sad story of America is that it was over right from the start. This is what kikes do. Someone gets desperate to beat the shit out of someone else, they come in and fund them, then bleed them in perpetuity until they die, their children forget, or the people rise up against the bankers. At which point they pay someone else to come beat the shit out of you.
Couldn’t afford *
It was never not wrong.
From the beginning since the founders were masonic crypto kikes. Should have never allowed Jews and other non-whites onto American soil, should have never allowed dual citizenship.
It was called Shay’s Rebellion if you want to look it up and confirm for yourself. Of course no mainstream history of it will name who the international financiers were.
Greatest country in the history of the universe.
unironically the slave trade and not genociding all the mexicans when we won that war
>The sad story of America is that it was over right from the start.
all this time I thought it died with the suppression of the whiskey revolt
When we stopped being a nation of whites.
When it became the most powerful nation. Like every other empire.
1912, wish we had time machines to stop Guggenheim and Astor from getting on the Titanic
1945 Jewish migration to America
1963 Kennedy assassinated
1964 civil rights act
1965 hat cellar immigration act
>1912, wish we had time machines to stop Guggenheim and Astor from getting on the Olympic.
The big mistake was not genociding the South after the confederate rebellion. They allied with British and Jews to kee slave economy, today they continue to ally with foreigners while LARPing as Americans.
When literal niggers rebelled over a small tax increase and actually won.
Good call! Mixed them up, won’t do it again, thanks.
Radical reconstruction should have succeeded. The Confederate should have been decimated, salted and destroyed to the last conniving little Dixie bitch.
Every single Southern wh*te should have been given as a Slave to black freedmen, with the stipulation that they must be bred out of existence— their daughters little more than breeding stock and their Dixie men castrated. youtu.be
But then I wouldn't be able to remind incessantly smug britons which side their nation liked during the Civil War
And one more
Ultimately the South is the great nest of traitors onto whom the task has fallen each and every generation to betray our country.
When a bunch of racists elected Trump because he talked shit about Mexicans. Exposed our society for what it really is.
It all started in 4 BC, with a man named Jesus Christ
You still could, but the Southern Rebels would No longer exist.
I believe Dr. Pierce summed it up best.
When we let women vote.
I don't know when it went wrong but I do know when it was exposed for being what it really was
When the romans decided to include the barbarians that would one day make up the worst countries in the world and go on to move to America.
Should have massacred every single one of you barbarian bastards.
Never give manlet women the Patrician task of torture.
>Signing of the Federal Reserve Act
Gave control of America's economy to the (((Banksters)))
>Adoption of the 16th Amendment
The Progressive Income tax used by the (((elites))) to punish any pleb who thinks he can make it big by working hard.
>17th Amendment
Established the election of US Senators by popular vote thus stripping the States themselves of their representation in Congress, letting the Federal government run rampant over States.
>19th Amendment
Gave womyn the right to vote.
Are you a LARPer, a nigger, or a niggerlover?
Weak b8. Put on a memeflag and try harder next time.
somewhere around 2006.
I’m a true American from Kansas whose ancestors fought in the bleeding kansas as free staters and later as brave soldiers of the Union.
>this post
kys nigger lover.
It's not wrong, it's sanitary.
It travels through pipes and eventually ends up in a treatment plant where it is neutralized by chemicals.
In this way, the drivers of cars only have to worry about other cars and pedestrians who will generally be standing and much easier to detect, and everybody is safer, which is a concern for people whom place value upon human life.
Just because something is different then what you are used to does not mean that it is wrong.
this does not even make sense. since there is like already millions of niggers in africa. (at the time of your post in a different timeline)
and they would have never made it to the usa by themselves ever.
>still the best country on earth
You betrayed your country, the Blacks didn’t.
no one cares.
Low effort post. If you've spent anytime on /pol you should know the problem is Jews.
Are you actually fully white or a nigger or a mutt? You seem to really wish white Southerners bowed to subhumans.