What is my next move guys?

>be me
>be living with best mate and his girlfriend
>be very happy, because he's a cool guy and we have a lot of the same interests
>the week before last, we were out drinking and playing pool at the local tavern
>two girls are watching us, so we start chatting
>turns out they are cousins
>we are fucking drunk, so we decide to take them to a hotel.
>cant go home because my best mates girlfriend is at home.
>cab driver takes ages to find a hotel that is open
>end up having to book into a hotel in the city
>fucking expensive, but at least it comes with a buffet breakfast
>oh, by this stage we have already decided that my flatmate can take the prettier one. I didn't care, just happy to be getting laid.
>our rooms are side by side, so we say goodbye, and get into our rooms.
>first i take a shower with the girl i'm with
>next we start doing the deed, and i'm having a great time.
>suddenly, a knock on the door, and my best mate has finished and they both come into our room
>best mate wants to go home. I'm drunk still and my dumbass just leaves with him
>didn't even get to finish. I should have stayed and had a possible threesome. Fuck I'm retarded, No buffet breakfast
>What did I pay $180 dollars for?
>The next week I'm frustrated I didn't get to finish, so I go to the tavern to see if she's there
>Best mate knows what I'm doing and says don't bring her back to our apartment, because he fucked the girls cousin, and doesn't want to risk this girl seeing my flatmate with his girlfriend because of what we did the week before.
>go to tavern, girl is there wanting the same thing as I do.
>get drunk together and take her back to my place to fuck
>flatmate and his g/f are asleep when we get there, and we quietly go into my bedroom
>fuck her with the force of a thousand suns.
>I'm satisfied. She's satisfied.
>Go to sneak her out, and flatmate must have known what was going on because he opens his bedroom door and looks at me with his 'fucking pissed-off face.

Attached: wtf do i do.png (205x246, 5K)

go on

>the next day he comes to me still super pissed off
>I know i did something wrong, so i apologize and promise never to bring her back again. I wasn't planning to anyway, because I got what I wanted already.
>He asks me to move out.
I don't want to lose my best friend over this.
What do I do Jow Forums? I'm really happy here and I didn't think he would react this way.

>>He asks me to move out.
In that case, feel free to spill the beans.
Your flatmate's gf didn't see your girl, so your flatmate shouldn't have anything to worry about.
But now that's he's saying you need to move out feel free to let it all out if he really makes you move.

How about tell his girlfriend her BF cheated on her because that's garbage AF and she deserves to know. Then let her use you as a revenge fuck.

I second this if only for the fact that your flat mate is literally causing his own worst case scenario to happen.

Blackmail him

I haven't considered this. He's my best friend. I couldn't do it. That would definitely fuck our friendship up forever. I'm hoping he just needs time, and maybe he'll come around.
Haha I could have when they were first dating. Before she moved in, she came over one time knowing he wasn't home but I was, but I didn't do anything bc best mate and all.
Also, she has a 9/10 body. Fucking awesome. Her face is nice too, but her nose is a bit big.
Again, I haven't even considered this. I really want to fix this.

>That would definitely fuck our friendship up forever
yeah and so would him kicking you out.
at least bring it up with him.
>Do you really think kicking me out is such a great idea considering what I know? Are you going to make up a story to your gf as to why I was kicked out/had to move? Besides, your gf never even saw or heard the girl I brought over.

Yeah, good point about what he tells his girlfriend.

Maybe I can approach him, and ask him what he's going to tell his gf so I can keep our stories straight. Maybe then he'll see that I really never want to fuck things up for him. At least that will get us communicating.

>Maybe then he'll see that I really never want to fuck things up for him
Yeah that's all you can hope for. maybe get some of his favorite beer or something.

When do you see him next?

Dont get him shit. You both have equal enough leverage over each other and the sooner you two come to terms with that sooner you two can either move on amicably or metaphorically nuke each other.

>barges into the room when you're having sex and demands to leave because he's done
>just cheated on his girlfriend
>never apologizes or offers to pay your share
>tries to cock block you again
>tries to kick you out
What a rude, selfish cunt. Destroy his life user.

dude sounds like a selfish immature jerk, sure move out but tell his girlfriend that he fucked another girl. Do her a favor before you both get rail roaded.

Oh I'm in my bedroom. He's in our spare bedroom which we've setup as our vidya room, but I don't want to go in there because the atmosphere is too tense. Also his gf is home so I can't really talk to him about it at the moment.
He knows I'd never tell her, so my only leverage is keeping our friendship. We have always gotten along so well. I've known him almost 5 years now, and we've lived together for four.
I really have been thinking that. If he'd just have waited. Or even better, I could have gone home the next day after a morning fuck and a nice breakfast. Who knows about a 3some, too.
Mostly my fault for leaving. I should have asked him to fucking wait 20 or 30 minutes. He. Had clearly sobered up when he wanted to bounce and I think he was already feeling the guilty cheater feels.

Sounds like you need a big dose of man the fuck up and stop being such a pussy.

I have to agree here. Your mate sounds like a raging cunt.

Yeah you should have stood up for yourself but he still acted like an ass.

Tell that bitch to man up or youll snitch

Op you need to wake the fuck up and find a new best friend. This dude is a fucking wank and youre just gonna let him walk all over you for what? He clearly is not a friend of yours, fucking think this shit through dude.

He asked you to move out? Fuck him. Threaten to tell his gf about the previous night. Bluff and say you took group photos (give details - by the pooltable when ___did ___) he was drunk and if you give details like that he's likely to believe you. And if push comes to shove, he calls your bluff, tell his gf what happened (also be prepared to fight this guy later).

He knows nothing of what you will do unless you have already made up your mind on what to do and have communicated that to him, in which case you two have already reached a form of mutual agreement with him coming out on top.

>I went out and was the wing man for my best friend who I owe my comfy living situation to
>I didn't get to cum, I chased my oneitis by trying to find her where I met her
>best friend explicitly tells me not to bring her back home
>I brought her back to my friend's place, she now knows where the guy her friend fucked lives
>my friend is understandably upset that I made such a rookie error
>I don't want to lose my best friend over this
>I didn't think he would react this way to me potentially ruining his comfy living situation with his girlfriend
What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

Don't listen to the bleeding hearts, when you went out and met those women you knew the score, he may have cheated but that gives you no basis to out him or get "revenge" on him.

You proved that you're a shitty, ungrateful friend who is a total liability, now he will be worried that the girl he fucked is going to show up and try and blackmail him or tell his girlfriend.

>now he will be worried that the girl he fucked is going to show up and try and blackmail him or tell his girlfriend.
oh no, the horror

>oh no, the horror
When I mention that the OP should ignore the opinions of bleeding hearts, that doesn't mean you should reply with your morals.
OP clearly didn't care much for the perceived integrity of their relationship if he was the wing man.
If OP's best friend gets dumped over infidelity, it's going to be OP's fault for bringing shit to the front door, not his friend's for banging a woman elsewhere.

So what's the deal? How come he has the power to kick you out, are you just leeching off him?

Gotta say, your best friend sounds like a piece of shit and you sound like his asslick buttboy.

I think you should ask more of yourself than what you have.

Alternately if you really want to salvage this, just do what you do and lick his ass more until he forgives you.

Hey OP, you're friend found the thread

I don’t believe she saw him user.
True that, but I don’t see anything ever coming from it. We all just wanted a fuck. No phone numbers were ever exchanged or even asked for. It was implied it was a one night stand by all parties.
No, I was in a different city and former tenant left at a convenient time. I just never cared to add myself to the lease. Until now.
Lol. He’s never on here. Too busy playing vidya all the time.
I didn’t mention we work for the same company in the same department.