>I'm 5'6"
Will any woman ever even give me a chance? Or at least maybe treat me like I'm human?
I'm 5'6"
Women will only care if you care. Being a chad is a mindset. If she starts making fun of your height and you don't give a fuck her pussy juices start flowing. I'm not even being sarcastic. The first time I managed to not give a fuck about a girl trying to make fun off me I lost my virginity.
i'm 5'3" im a turbo manlet
This is me from another thread.
Nigga I’m 5’6 as well and I have a triple digit IQ of 134. What you need is a pair of balls to act like a chad. Don’t be a virgin fuck. Women aren’t attracted to little pussies. They want men who are smart and chads who don’t complain about there height
Are you trying to go out to bars and meet sluts? Then yes, they'll care.
I mean, honestly. Look at the chick in pic related. She's like a 5 or 6 out of 10. When she hits 30 she'll be writing articles on Buzzfeed asking where all the good guys went.
>Being a chad is a mindset.
Is there like, a book I can read on this? I'm blessed to have a pretty chad looking face but I can't imagine anyone taking someone my size trying to be alpha seriously.
>Are you trying to go out to bars and meet sluts? Then yes, they'll care.
Wrong. Sluts are the ones that care the least about looks ironicaly. The only reason people think that is because looks are tied to confidence. Most good looking guys are confident so fucking retards on Jow Forums think, "its all about looks. It can't be possibly be that I'm a fucking pussy." All sluts care about is having fun for a couple of hours, dancing, getting retards to buy them drinks and then shutting them down to feel powerful. But at the end off the night, the only thing that matters is the last dick standing. And any dick will do.
>I have a triple digit IQ of 134.
>"about there height"
Like, tons bro. Never heard of pua and self improvement and all that shit? Go into it with an open mind, do your own research and work hard on it.
Yeah, go for women that are your height or shorter, easy enough.
>Is there like, a book I can read on this?
Only losers and retards that need to be told to clean their room as life-changing advice will read self-help books.
You added a one to your IQ by mistake I believe.
I would. Be funny, charming, confident, a bit mysterious and have interests or hobbies.
From what I understand that's not effective. I've been trying to get Jow Forums and have made EXTREMELY slow progress, but still some. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
the ultimate snake oil, shame on you for unironically recommending that shit to some poor user.
>Only losers and retards that need to be told to clean their room as life-changing advice will read self-help books.
That's not the kind of advice or book I'm looking for. I do that shit, I just don't have this mystical "mindset". How do I get the Chad mindset?
>How do I get the Chad mindset?
>asks on Jow Forums instead of going out and just doing shit
>not gonna make it
>ask yourself what would chad do
>do it
Stop acting like you were born yesterday.
>Hurr Durr just think like a Chad and "do shit"
>Lol, not gonna tell you what the Chad mindset is, you should just magically know
>Lol, not gonna tell you what the Chad mindset is, you should just magically know
>doesn't realize that is quite literally the answer
Fucking stfu, sit down and think about it for a while without being an entitled, self pitying little bitch.
Grew up with friends all 5’10-6’7
No fucks given
The majority of girls I’ve dated have been my height or taller. My gfs is 5’9”.
If you act like your height makes you subhuman, other people pick up on that shit and are more likely to treat you that way.
Anorher got another friend who grew up in the same group, 5’2”. He’s always had people gravitate towards him and is also 5 years in to a relationship with a girl that’s 5’7”.
Conversely the by far most awkward hoverhands level guy I know is 6’0”.
Height is significantly less of an issue than attitude is.
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