This is headline news now. Enforcing rules is 'racist' now. I think this is a great example of 'the boy who cried wolf' honestly.
Rules: >3. (4-2-1) Hair shall not extend below the earlobe on the sides and must be above the top of a normal shirt in the back. The hair, in its natural state, shall not extend below the eyebrows in uniform and appearance
>A New Jersey referee who forced a high school wrestler to cut his dreadlocks before his match on Wednesday or forfeit altogether is under investigation and will not be assigned until the review is completed, officials said. >On Wednesday, Buena Regional High School wrestler Andrew Johnson, who is black, was captured on a video obtained by SNJ Today receiving a cut from an athletic trainer. Johnson had a cover for his hair, but referee Alan Maloney, who is white, said that wouldn’t do. Johnson went on to win his match against Oakcrest but appeared visibly upset. >"This is nonsense," Burroughs wrote on Twitter. "My opinion is that this was a combination of an abuse of power, racism, and just plain negligence." >
pic related, multiple whites conspire together to deprive innocent boy of his precious negroid locks
this story was some of the cheapest bait ive seen lately. they make the ref out to be some evil slave master
Dominic Powell
where is the before picture for the dreads? were they long enough that even with a head cover, it as breaking the rules?
Julian Carter
...and then he won. Never seen a black wrestler (aside from myself) win.
Hudson Rodriguez
In middle school I had to wrestle a girl and they made her cut here hair That was maybe 11 years ago but still, regulations are regulations She cried the whole time and I went easy on her til my coach told me to kick her ass and stop being a pussy First tit I touched was that day also, slipped into her singlet. Pretty good day.
Henry James
He could have picked to be DQED if he wanted his hair
Tyler Morales
Just rip him down by them a few times
Grayson Edwards
i thought he just lost a cabellera contra cabellera match
Camden Brooks
>they make the ref out to be some evil slave master i'm looking around for the before pic of his dreads and have seen being tossed around that the ref got reprimanded in 2016 for calling another ref nigger