Part and parcel

Part and parcel

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Was she attacked by a magazine rack?

>I'll be there in 30 minutes

White people are so cucked, let these animals into their country and cheer about it

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So he finally delivered...

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wat story?

only cool kids will get this

yes. deport all magazine racks!

No!!!!! Racks of peace!


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Ban Islam before we become UK

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And so we're all still here.

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Crossing the street in londons greater sharia zone as a woman. A dangerous task.

Are you really this fucking goddamn new? Holy shit this shit didn't even happen that long ago

OMG. That is so heinous I am wondering if it just a false-flag to get the US and UK involved back in Syria and Iran! I should get a Facebook and change my avatar to whatever flag that happened in.

Herd mentality fascinates me, look at the reaction of the colony drones. Also 4chins used to be cool but hapn?

Not new, but it might surprise you that sometimes people can't be here 24/7. So, must have missed it. I hope you can forgive me.

I don't know what this is either. And I am not new and I keep up on the religion of peace.

>current year
>not downloading Jow Forums into your brain to review all the daily happenings

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Poorfags like me cannot afford the wetwire interfaces.

That's a lot of fucking blood! And her shoelace is untied.