Modern Art Hate Thread

Show me brainlets dancing on the grave of meaningful art

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CIA invested modern art to confuse the Soviet Union. Realistically, it was a form of laundering money.

Is that a Pollock?

let's see your "art" faggot

Which pozzed degenerate homo modern artist was this?

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I think we have all seen enough of the bad stuff here is some good art

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Yes, late works I believe. His early works were more impressionist and had structure, most of the work he is know for in splatter art contained a decent amount of color, until his late works which used much darker shades

Thumbnail loos like a battle scene.

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some is alright

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a load of pollocks if you ask me

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I would say that is more post modern but either way its bad ass.

This is the ideal art

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If these same materials were instead used to depict an actual scene intstead of just a smear it could be a really nice painting, but no, he had to just smear shit on a convas.

It's fucking disgusting how much artists don't even know how to draw anymore

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Every pollock painting is a deconstructed re-painting of earlier classics depicting the battle of grunwald. Glowniggers told be so.

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the last white person in Europe surrounded by the african scavengers.

If that is a sculpture and not merely an assemblage of beet roots spray-painted pink, then I think it has some artistic merit, though it is strange.

He's long since died.

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Painting is from the early 50s

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Good to know this shit's been around for decades, nuke all artists

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I fucking hate frida kahlo


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pretty sure that was when the modern art trend started.

She was a commie but I like her work.

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What tickles me more than anything is that custodians continuously throw away art exhibits by accident. All modern art is just a money laundering procedure. I still respect the kids starving trying to make good art that provokes thoughts and emotions.

uhmmm sweatie, no.

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beet roots wasn't what I thought of.

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Wyeth is great

Now this is art

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Jackson Pollack is my favorite of all time. He is a level beyond the next best imv.


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typical dindu always throwing up gang signs

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It's a prop from a Tool video. Jeez that thing is creepy.

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looks like shit.

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some greek faggot.
all civilizations go gay before they collapse.
tick tock.

this is art. i like it. but check this shit out (pic)

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Literally for over a century my friend.

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This is a pretty wholesome thread guys especially for pol

Yes, now you're in. Just stare and look for faces. Pollack is amaze balls!

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Roseau’s stuff is so wild... Matisse is my favorite, personally

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must be some kind of money laundring

Based Remedios

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I think you're missing the point of this thread, Nigel, it's for posting terrible modern art

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jackson pollack was a nigger


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Wonder what he said

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>I think you're missing the point of this thread, Nigel, it's for posting terrible modern art
bite me

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Wow. Cool info. Thanks! I believe it.

If you thought those two images were at all bad I think you should probably be sent to a re-education center

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cute minions art :)

I like everything I'm posting.

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I seen the grey piece of garbage.

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Notice how they always pay some faggot to stand in front of the modern painting to validate it

I was bullshiting you, silly.

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This thread is missing "Boy with Apple". Give us "Boy with Apple".

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According to T.A. Davis' theories of art, all art lies on a spectrum of essence and existenz (existence). It's about reducing bloat while maintaining the essential. Shit like Rothko is a neat trick, but it can't be an entire art movement because it's all essence, completely lacking in existenz. Hyperrealism is all existenz, but lacking in essence.

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Its too expensive to post ITT
Its also too beautiful

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i liked a lot of dali's works, but some of them are pretty fucking whack

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