Hi, journalist from a prominent NZ publication here...

Hi, journalist from a prominent NZ publication here. We are doing a special on the rise of the alt right on the internet, and I'm just wanting to know: what is the alt right view of the execution of these two women? Is it true that you think it was justified? Thanks for your time

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe you should go to an alt-right website like Reddit.
This is just a SUB Saharan basketball forum.

I think it's based and redpilled. The more roasties executed, the better.

I believe women should be placed into facilities focused on acquiring their fluids (braap barns). Women shouldn't be allowed to vote or walk freely.

Hi there, my name is Pol, as you can see this board is named after me. Of course as you might expect we value all human life here, and any loss is a tragedy. These poor women had a bright future ahead of them and we mourn their loss as if they were our family. I hope this helps you in your story. Oh by the way my name is pronounced like "Paul"

so you're one of those "journalists" who writes articles citing anonymous sources claiming to represent the "alt right"?
we call that Fake News

Jews did it

Attached: mossad false flag morroco.png (280x310, 140K)

It was justified as in they trusted brown people.

>Around blacks never relax

it looks like the media is downplaying/covering up this event to prevent public outrage.

Send more of them our way

What is a "roastie"?

Why did the Jews do it?

I'm the official spokesmen of the alt-right. I have a statement for your article...


For the record, that BRAAAP came out of my pee hole.

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i was shaken by the footage journal user...
is that what you want to hear?

would you rather we be rallying for a call to arms?
what's your direction here?

ill tell you when the news stops being unabashedly left wing

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for once in my entire lifetime, im ok with america bombing the shithole sandnigger countries - go for it.

No you are not so GTFO.

If you can prove who you are I will tell you why these cunts deserved having their heads removed

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Hi, I'm a journalist doing a story on New Zealand journalists. What do you think about the deaths of these two women?

>EMBRACE PEOPLE OF COLOR, ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PE-*ruhugrhguguhrrrruuuuuuughOWOWOWUurhughhhghhrugrurguhrguhrjg*

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Based leaf, you may be spared the rake

Roastie. n. A woman whose 'gina looks like a roast beef sandwich due to endless drunken pounding by chads.

>interviewing on anonymous internet forum as if it's one person
You're a moron

*Inhales through nose as reading*
*Hard exhale*

Can I see your definition of alt right that you're gonna put in your article.

Hi, I'm a journalist doing a story on American journalists doing a story on New Zealand journalists. What do you think about the deaths of these two women?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Why visit the third world unarmed and unwilling to do the raping?

my official statement is
feet > everything else

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No, it was not justified. But it is justified to shame these women for risking their lives without purpose, just like we shame white women who fuck niggers and end up getting hurt or killed.
They paid the toll.

Alt right? I want to talk about Paraguayan knitting and basket weaving

We feel sad that these NPCs ~^D^D^D^D people have suffered so terribly.

At the same time, we observe that actions, in particular stupid thoughtless arrogant complacent actions, have consequences.

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Is it true that the New Zealand media is all owned by (((international banks))), as claimed in this article?

> vjmpublishing.nz/?p=550

Hi, I'm a journalist doing a story on Saudi journalists that do stories on American journalists doing stories on New Zealand journalists.What do you think about what they think about the deaths of these two women?

OF COURSE!!!!not

I say ass is superior to feet.. prove me wrong!

Yes. As an American who voted for Trump, is speak for EVERYONE here that nothing of value was lost, but rather GAINED. THOTs have been patrolled and the whole world can see this now.

Attached: trump toast.gif (325x216, 2.7M)

Jews were treated well by the Nazis and were going to be sent to Israel intact, but the Rothschilds offered to forgive Churchill's massive gambling debt in exchange for launching a strike on Germany. They didn't expect Hitler to go ham and actually destroy England, so they called in a favor with (((Eisenhower))), which resulted in the Pearl Harbour false flag in order to justify sending millions of goyim to die in Europe.

What is "alt-right" and how did we get that moniker? We are apocalyptic warriors high above the left/right false dichotomy.

Why are you so gay, OP? When will you ever stop sucking dicks?

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>ass is superior to feet.. prove me wrong!

t. Negroid

fuck off stuff.co.nz opinion piece writer

>Why did the Jews do it?
ask the reddit forum "r/news/" they seem to have a lot of interesting opinions on jews

I'll give you a scoop. Look at this image and contemplate it's important message. Yes this is related.

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All you need to know is that journalists are traitors and we all know what happens to traitors.

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Burn the coal, pay the toll.


Hi I'm Jeff the lead of the Alt right. We want you to know, we don't accept the name Alt right and demand you use our proper pronouns. Mine are Chad and Boomer

came to the wrong place my nigga

> t. Negroid
Depending on the context some people in my country would find that as a compliment


Serbians and Croatians are always arguing...

Imagine being such a cuck that you make the rape and murder of two innocent women at the hands of average muslims somehow about ebil nahtzi rayccists.

Chief Deputy reporting in, heed these words. my pronouns are nigger and faggot and I will address your questions if you show the proper respect.

Any user know who got killed first?

Can you tell me why you work for the Alt-Left propaganda machines?

>Is it true that you think it was justified?
Are you suggesting the lion killing the gazelle is not justice?
Are you suggesting the weak should not fear the strong?

Happy Holidays

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say it with me kiwifag

>what is the alt right view...?
This isn't an alt-right site.
>Is it true that you think it was justified?
No, of course not. It was a brutal, heinous, sickening crime.

:) at least you understand why i said what i said

They need to keep their kike narrative that Muslims and brown people aren’t savages

>Is it true that you think it was justified?
Burn the Coal.
Pay the toll.

We are saddened that it happened, but mostly because our sistren didn't listen to our warnings. We take little pleasure in their deaths, but this is exactly why we espouse what we espouse. Brown skinned people are genetically inferior and cannot control the rage and jealousy when confronted with their inferiority in the presence of the white.

What will the alt right do about these murders?

Why does the alt right hate journalists so much?

>why do you hate journalists
because you are lying jews
>what will you do about these murders
celebrate, faggot

there is no alternative right, this is a nazi board

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Justified ? No, not at all.
Exploitable in order to wake up cucked globalist friendly normies, yes.
Its ashamed they died horrifically, but the all people and cultures are equal globalist indoctrination killed them.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Sucks they died but I’m mostly emotionally shut off to liberals shooting everyone in the foot, mostly themselves though.

Hi, I speak for the alt right. Thanks for seeking me out

This status: patrolled

You're an honestly a faggot. Must be from stuff if you think this website is alt-right

>what will we do about these murders
Nothing? They’re already fucking dead I guess masturbate maybe

>why do you hate journalists
Nobody is a real one anymore it’s just gotcha half ass questions or soft ball

I thought it was Chad Thundercock.

Chad “erect a Wall and fuck them all” thundercock

my thoughts exactly. probably some liberal boomer faggot who lives in an auckland suburb

All journalists will have to prove why they should be spared on DOTR



It's justified because they're thots, but at the same time genociding those who killed them (and their people, regardless of their innocence/guilt) is mandated. Shitskins, especially the Mud types, are NOT ALLOWED to kill any Whites without permission. Anyone who defies that edict will be "dealt" with, along with many of their peoples as consequence for their infraction. Expect retribution.

>what is the alt right view of the execution of these two women?
There is no such thing as the "Alt-right". It is a boogeyman that is chased after by mentally ill and high-school tier journalists.

Find yourself a comfy Moroccan image board and you should get a fair answer from there.


tits or gtfo

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There's no such thing as the "alt-right" other than in Hillarys senile head.
Also, "journalists" are lower than scum and can fuck right off.. That means you cunt.

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louisa vesterager jespersen

The left and the press (you) down play down Islamic terror and Muslims barbaric culter. You tell the west they are peaceful and if the west doesn’t agree they are just racist. The result is two girls from Denmark this it’s perfectly safe to venture around in a Muslim country alone. The girls were murdered, proving what I stated above. Now your on Pol looking for quotes to prove islamaphobia is the real problem and the alt-right is the real danger- starting the cycle over. Instead of doing your story on the alt right report on tourist killed by Islam and maybe it will help people.

Fuck kiwis. I with the Aussies genocided you all.

Can you use my meme in your hit piece please?

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Ffs dont believe his post hes trolling you because you are media.

We arent the alt right or at least we dont believe we are. We also think it was awful of course!

I know you have your story to write but have some morals. Dont just write lies about us because some user poster gave you the excuse to.

>NZ publication
Don't you faggots just steal articles from CBS and shit?

Have a (hue)

no it wasnt justified, of course not.

but these stupid naive girls these days think they can anywhere they want, do anything they want and not bear the consequences from what may arise.

They can't comprehend the risks involved when it comes to the situations they put themselves in.

Their facebook pages etc were full of pro refugee, open borders, pro muslim/diversity posts.

They went to a islamic country, went to a rural area by themselves, go gang raped and brutally murdered and maimed.

unfortunately there is an entire generation of girls like this.

Its not even a far right view, its just logic and common sense.

Hopefully this was a wakeup call for young women who want to travel. but i doubt it. women can do anything right...

Op you sound stupid. Alt-right is a fake meme made up by the left it stands for anyone who has a different opinion then them.
About the women who were killed. They didn't deserve it but they thought their lib beliefs would save them and that Muslims are safe. They were lambs walking into a lions den only a vapid Leftist would think going to a Muslim country alone as a westerner would be safe.

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Those cunts have a lot of trouble killing flightless birds Uncle Sam-Sama.

lol, what's the alt right? what's the internet? I think you've been reading a little too much bullshit.


>what's the internet?
NBN confirmed.

OMG WTF, why does this thing look like it's moving?



they took a risk going there and they lost the dice roll, it's actually not a great example of the "alt right" philosophy, which to me is best defended by things like the Putnam/Harvard study and other similar observations that genetic similarity in a given community brings out better behavior from the individuals

a lot of people point out how many tourists go to Morocco every year and don't die, but they fail to point out the plethora of anecdotal evidence of general hostility that a lot of Westerners (particularly women) get while in Morocco. Additionally most tourists that go to Morocco are likely sticking to the big city and tourist areas while these women went out camping alone in butffuck nowhere without even hiring a local guide. While I wouldn't say they deserved their fate, they definitely exhibited poor judgment.

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Kinda based.

grace millane was raped and killed by a maori called jesse kempson

are the police going to come and get me now? i said who the suspect was


Reporters should go on the record if they want responses here. Identify yourself if you are looking for honest answers. Otherwise you are a Kiwi Kike.

No one mentions Morocco is basically France's Thailand where vice and degeneracy fester and supports Muzzie murder cults.

Basically a shithole.

so the alt right believes that western women shouldn't travel to Muslim majority countries? Should women be allowed to travel at all, or should they be accompanied by men?

Dude was an absolute faggot IRL as well.