Why are niggers so stupid, Jow Forums?
Rapper Talib Kweli: ‘Nazi Germany Had a Wall Called the Berlin Wall’
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>literal who that nobody cares about says stupid shit
Oh my god make a thread again please
Because there's a reason why niggers in Africa never developed civilization
It still blows my mind that the States don't have compulsory education.
Damm. he woke as fuk.
>decide that pol is shit for the 10,000th time
>frustratingly click on /b/
>hope there's not a bunch of dicks
>immediately see dicks
>it's the first thing at the top of the catalog
I'm back now
Congratulations on picking blacked threads over dick threads, that means that while you are a cuck, you are not also a faggot.
Why are niggers such history buffs Jow Forums?
it's a good thing not to have if you were like we used to be and manufactured things, and actually needed laborers who didn't sit around in an office with their thumb up their ass and tyrone's dick in their wife.
What is it, 65 IQ? Is that right?