Apologize For All The Hate Speech You Have Directed at Morocco Bigots!

Moroccans gathered Saturday in front of the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Rabat in a candlelight vigil to honor two Scandinavian university students killed in a terrorist attack in the Atlas Mountains.

Hundreds of people brought flowers and shed tears Saturday in a show of opposition to violence and religious extremism. They were honoring 28-year-old Norwegian Maren Ueland and 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, whose bodies were found Monday. Authorities say the hikers were killed by four men affiliated with the Islamic State group.

The killings shocked Moroccans as much as those in Denmark and Norway. "I am deeply touched by the kind reactions of the Moroccan people after the tragic event," the Norwegian ambassador to Morocco, Merethe Nergaard, said in a statement Saturday.

The mourners included ordinary Moroccans joined by politicians, artists and activists. Some held banners saying "Sorry" and condemned the brutal killing, which is unusual in Morocco and revived fears of terrorism.

"Words cannot describe this barbaric crime," said Khalil Bensalmi, in his fifties, who came to the vigil with his two daughters. "This doesn't at all represent Moroccan society or its pacifist culture."


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pppplease our tourism pleaseeeee

fuck off

Nords will love this, being the huge cucks they are.

"terrorism has no religion"

Makes sense Nords apex constructions were mud huts, they love mudslimes.

Scared of losing tourist $$$ no doubt.

>pacifist culture
religion of peace, a little piece over here, a little piece over there......


Attached: 1510398522725m.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

>girl without a hijab

I guess it's time for the "they're just like us" pieces and not the "accept their difference, bigot" ones.

>Loss of Life vs Lighting Candles


they should apologize to me !

>girl without a hijab
Morocco is not Saudi Arabia and never has been. Obviously it's by no means a liberal bastion, but it's way better than places like KSA, Iran, Pakistan, etc.

>Khalil Bensalmi
i bet this guy has 100 gigabite ISIS foder on his MacBook

I know it's more liberal. My point isn't about the relative status of Morroco on the religious compliance spectrum but on the editorial power of the media. They know what to show when and for what effect.

Morocco is a shit-tier Muslim rapeland.

It's not like they just picked out the one chick without a hijab, in the cities there its common for women not to wear it. Probably a sign that it will become the next place to succumb to extremism.

Sorry pedo, cube worshiping, goat fucking, velcro backed faggots.

Attached: muzzieroaster.jpg (755x616, 181K)

You think editor look at pictures and put the one that correspond to the most representative of the place? There could be 5 girl with a hijab in a crowd out of 10 000 and they'd plaster these all over the papers if that's what suited their angle.

They pick what suits them. The actual composition of morroco doesn't matter.

This whole thing reeks of false flag. The video's in a bricked up building, probably a basement, but the news says the killing was done in a tent. Also the women in the video are brunettes, whereas the victims in the pics are blondes. Don't fall for Mossad/CIAnigger bullshit.

I don't know who would make a false flag of something like this and for what purpose. First people to claim false flag when it comes to muslim being hainous are muslims anxious to defend their image.


are you this retarded

Not arguing about motives of the media, just pointing out that this is indeed a normal way for an (urban) Moroccan woman to dress.

nah. it just means dont bomb civvies, but hunt the muslims down

What is the difference exactly?

They weren't extremists. They were typical moroccans

"Please don't stop coming here. We need more dumb blonde girls to come here so we can rape and behead them. . ."

the civvies are normies ready to embrace the Western life style.

muslims worship a literal demon