Only Republicans don't see what the common denominator is. Semi Automatic weapons...

Only Republicans don't see what the common denominator is. Semi Automatic weapons. These are designed to put as many shots into a group of people as possible and serve no purpose for self defense, the original intention of the 2nd Amendment.

Need to hunt? A shotgun with slugs will take almost any game on the planet. Need more range? Bolt action rifle. You can own a revolver for personal defense, a S&W .357 will go bang even after being left in a desk for 10 years. Also pump action shotguns.

There is no need to allow these weapons of mass destruction to be possessed by common civilians.

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Other urls found in this thread: Labe Spartan&utm_content=v.3&msclkid=878ca85e389914f73467f44111f3cc8e&variant=574195138587

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I’ll only give up my AR if you personally come and get it, business end first of course


Oh I honestly can't wait for the day we outlaw your precious pew pews. I really hope I can volunteer to come take them. I will personally laugh in your face as you hand everything over with no resistance whatsoever.

>girandoni air rifle

2nd ammendment is for fighting the government

>drones and planes
Can't capture ground
>tanks & armor
Can't hold ground

Mines not for hunting.

>weapons of mass destruction
Drop dead

It’ll be great, we’ll go to hell together and I’ll buttfuck you in front of your whore grandmother for eternity


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It's girardelli

Let’s play find the Juden

sure thing, right after this football game

Only retards go after ARs when handgats owned mostly by niggers kill more people every year than any other type of firearm

Top kek. Cold dead hands is a meme. They'll just put a lien on your house or impound your car or dock your pay until you go down to the station and turn in your illegal firearm like a bitch.

A M16 isn't a semi-auto you dumb nigger. It's a Fully-Auto.

That wasn’t part of the deal faggot, you gotta come get :^)

las vegas had a bumpstock dickwad

Yeah, bolt-action pic related. Or revolver. And that pack of coyotes raiding your goats?
Fucking city folk.

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Unironically good luck with that. :/

Yeah, the common denominator is all the shooters were on SSRI's.
But you won't here a peep about that, wonder why.

I always have good luck with your mom

I don't trust anyone who can't balance a budget for literally their entire existance. Why should I trust them with guns if they can't live within their means? Oh right monopoly on violence.

Fuck Niggers.

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This is not even good bait.

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Based and redpilled.

remember when the officials said adam lanza only used 2 pistols and the AR-15 inside the car. I remember.

The real link is that all the shooters were wh*te m*les

fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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>were wh*te m*les

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Just make sure your family knows what to expect. Feds have shitty aim and itchy fingers.

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Original intent of the second amendment is not to hunt or for self defense, you fucking inbred. Its for the purpose of fighting off a tyranical government.

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I had itchy fingers after fingering your mom, don’t get me started on my dick

The real link is that all the shooters came from single mother house holds

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Revolution starts after the lights go off. No football for anyone.

So are we admitting that Las Vegas had nothing to do with bump-stocks then?

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>These are designed to put as many shots into a group of people as possible

>(Semi) Automatic weapons

yeah, fucking Baltimore, DC and Chicago rake almost half of gun deaths alone due to gang violence

Never forget that Kennedy was assassinated with a fucking bolt action rifle. No semi-auto required. Pretty much every other presidential assassination was with a pistol.

>These are designed to put as many shots into a group of people as possible and serve no purpose for self defense

Yes you fucking mongoloid. It's for self-defense from a government i.e. an army. Are you going to defend from a government with a pistol? Jesus Christ leave America and give me your spot you pussy.

Haha delusions are strong in you

Dont teach this 90 lb penis lover anything. The dumber he looks the harder it is for even the most retarded to belive

Citizens were originally allowed to own cannons under the 2nd amendment you retard. We’re supposed to have the same weapons as our government but idiots like you have eroded our rights.

Semi auto firearms are just the most effective way for these sick people to achieve their goal.

>semi automatic weapons the most effective way
>killed less people than hammers in 2017
Go fuck yourself

elliot rogers is white

>the original intention of the 2nd Amendment.

hello sophist kike....

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>Semi auto firearms are just the most effective way for these sick people to achieve their goal.

Are you sure about that?

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I have another common denominator
>government lying about what happened
Looks like we need to ban your precious government you dick sucking kike faggot.

he was a hapa

Take our guns so shit skins can ruin our country even more. Great thinking user.

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not everyone can make a bomb. but uh everyone can buy an automatic machine gun easily in america.

That was a hand feed.

Shoe, fly.

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kill niggers AND shit skins. Or die trying. You can squirm all you want about "we waz kangs". But it never happened, and never will. After the white race has been wiped out then the shit skins swarm. After that the insects. Then the sun swells and the Earth is wiped. CHABAD!

Go try and buy a machine gun. Make bomb cheaper and easier, more satisfactory results.

kill yourself

He’s half Jew actually. Most of the mass shooters are. Look into it.
But we all know when a kike does something horrible he becomes white magically.


Don't like them, come get them.


Kill your self? why when you might be able to kill a shit skin! Or no is it better for a person to not kill a shit skin?

Are you simple?

dude you can buy an ar15 without a background check

AR15 =/= machine gun. You simple?

Wow. What a coincidence, checked my calendar, that's the same day we come for you.....

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ar meh

An AR15 isn't a machine gun and I bought two last week, which included a background check. Dude.

Any automatic gun that can be sprayed into a crowd of people really fast is a machine gun

So how many white guys (lets not get too tedious about "white") post videos about sawing the heads off of dumb ass bitches when a gang rape would have sufficed.

Are you 12? Gtfo retard.

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So one shotgun shell being discharged = a machine gun?

I think they meant fully automatic machine gun.
Libshits don't actually know what any of the terminology really means though.

FYI: you CAN own automatic weapons, and the federal government has absolutely know right to know how you acquired them either. What they have done is unconstitutionally ban any manufacture of full auto and essentially ban most legal sales of fully auto arms that were grandfathered in.

First they came for the semi-autos

so cant we agree "murder all white's" is a thing or no?

Just for educational purposes post prices of automatic weapons and the NFA regulations to boot.

You in S. Africa?

do I have to be?

Nigga please

You still aren't using correct terms.
Sorry, David, you're gonna have to learn some things about life all on your own.

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Milon labe

>put as many shots into group
>not for self defense
Pick one you nigger loving kike

Give up your guns goyim. Only ZOGbots can have guns.


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2A was about defense of a nation against traitors and totalitarians, not muh home defense. but you knew that

let's give them nothing to lose, that'll make them peaceful!

don't worry i saged. everybody say hi to these kids from the leftypol discord!

I will own whatever the fuck I like and you will have no say in it.

You're confused about who you are replying to.

Fuck off already. I wish you'd get shotin a school.

None of those are M16s Labe Spartan&utm_content=v.3&msclkid=878ca85e389914f73467f44111f3cc8e&variant=574195138587

what whas was I pissed off about?

Your tan?


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Guns are cool and its my goddamn right to own them. You don't like that? Scared you'll be indiscriminately gunned down in the street? Buy a gun to defend yourself. Otherwise, fuck off to some other country. We'd be better off without you.

Why don't you just tell them the real reason you want to get rid of guns is black people? I side with democrats on most issues, am registered dem and voted for Hillary... not even because I like liberals per say, rather I know in my heart they are smarter and more effective- HOWEVER, ALL THAT SAID, you are the dumbest fucking people on earth when it comes to guns. Either that, or the most cowardly- either physically or intellectually in failing to admit your ulterior motives.

I know this is hard for you to accept, but arguments against owning guns sound awfully silly to people who value their families, hard earned belongings, and personal well being over the life of any shitbag criminal...

In America there is something like 200 private firearms to 1 enforcement officer, federal or local or otherwise.
This is exactly why limp-wristed faggot libshits only ever whine about confiscation and never actually get anything done about it.

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All military hardware takes an astounding amount of supply and support, both of which will quickly run out against any bloated, abandoned government's favor and finance.

>you can trust these people arbitrarily who aren't civilians though with the same thing!
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme