How much NoFap should I do to get a girlfriend? I'm on week 7 now and don't see my gf coming

How much NoFap should I do to get a girlfriend? I'm on week 7 now and don't see my gf coming.

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That's not how it works, post pic and I'll tell you how to improve

I don't have any pictures of myself.


T-thanks for the help senpai.

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That wasn't me that responded, btw, I just like seeing the types of people that post these threads, I would like to help but I can't if you don't want help

> I would like to help but I can't if you don't want help
You don't even try to help, just bating to get a picture and then laugh at me.

I said that wasn't me that responded to you, that was someone else, this post isn't funny at all so no real reason to laugh

But why respond when you don't have any advice, it's pointless.

Keep going with nofap for a year and then add nosex, eventually you'll unlock nirvana.

Seriously though, what about not fapping do you think makes a girl turn up?

You don't REALLY expect girls to flock towards you for not touching your dick for a bit, do you?

Well it was really hard to put down porn and fapping so yes I've at least expected some kind of female attention.

>woah user, i'm so proud you didn't touch your dick fot a while, be my bf

Does this sound realistic to you? Because it's not. The point is you should put in meaningful effort. Keyword being 'meaningful'.

NoFap is a meme anyway. Unless you masturbate compulsively like 5 times a day. Otherwise the effects aren't really substantial

How would they know? You have to start every conversation with "Hi. I'm user and I haven't jerked off for seven weeks" if you want to impress girls

Attraction is all about the signals you give off. Here's a piece of advice: get invested in something that requires you to be in social situations. Can be anything from clubbing to sports to discussing literature or what have you. Be passionate about it. Women tend to be attracted to men that know what they want and are assertive in achieving it. Set yourself some realistic goals, both short and long term, and works towards them, and in the meanwhile, socialize so you get comfortable with social conventions and learn how to present yourself. You don't have to be a body builder, either. Just don't be overly fat or thin and keep yourself well-groomed. Daily shaving, showering, a nice haircut, stuff like that. It's really a combination of many factors, because attraction is influenced by many factors, and you are a fool if you think not wanking is enough to find a girlfriend.

Besides, if not jerking off is your trump card when it comes to redeeming qualities, you have bigger issues than not having a gf

>He thinks the simple act of NOT choking his chicken will suddenly make girls lust after him
Like poetry.

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I hate Nofappers
I NoFap because I don’t want to be a slave to sex and women
I want to have a nice aura and porn ruins that

>lel, nofapperz r stoopid
>also, I nofap

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OK well i would never date you, you seem so rude. Do you have a mental condition?

I mean typical nofappers

They think nofapper is the magic cure to everything

People have practiced nofap way before Nofap becme a thing

Thanks user for writing this up, this is good info.

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I'm going to try it with a qt coworker next week, I hope it goes well.

>doing nofap

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You should record it and post it to youtube.

Do you think fapping would get me a gf?

If you want a gf you should be masturbating exactly every five days

Eating potatoes won't either but you probably aren't cutting them out of your diet to get a gf.

The point of nofap is to give you the desperation to get a gf because the only way you can get off is through sex. If you can nofap and be alone then you're just low test, sorry bro.

This is actually a great comparison