Black Shills are everywhere.
Furries are everywhere.
Fucking skat porn is everywhere!
We are clearly getting raided by someone right now, mods you need to do something!
Black Shills are everywhere.
Furries are everywhere.
Fucking skat porn is everywhere!
We are clearly getting raided by someone right now, mods you need to do something!
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This is good, this needs to happen to every single board for a good few months honestly.
We dont need months of it but its good to drive the idiots off for awhile. After our annual nigger cleansing I wonder if the board goes alt right or alt fags dont realize its cyclical shitposting
Im not even sure what the mods do on Jow Forums anymore
Just go redpill facebook
Obviously these faggots are looking for attention you fucking mongoloid. Why are you giving it to them?
What if mods and janitors stopped caring because Hiro plans to delete Jow Forums (and maybe the rest of Jow Forums)?
This is so fucking good.
What if the ones raiding are also making the all “whats with all the porn threads” ao that even less gets discussed....
>>really nukes the noodle
because the board is a literal shitfest.
have mod? delete shit. Its not a fucking difficult concept