Why? Why should we suffer scat porn, BBCs and furry stuff?

Why? Why should we suffer scat porn, BBCs and furry stuff?

What are the jannies doing?

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Jannies commited suicide, this place is a mad house right now with porn

Gookmoot got paid to allow this. Shills pay to post.

It's fucking out of control.
Scat porn is the worst.

we've been invaded by /b/ or something

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the absolute STATE of Jow Forums

it's been fucking SHIT for YEARS and gookmoot is running it into the fucking ground

just let this place fucking die. I don't want to give the jannies the satisfaction of policing this shithole any longer. it's hardly ever any better than this anyway.

Don't care. Make a thread to compete.

Was being a big guy (for you) a part of your plan?

It's Saturday night, don't take yourself too seriousily



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plenty of possibilities in the political world

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>Let your shit leak into EVERY other board on Jow Forums
>cry to mommy when it gets back into it's containment

You reap what you sow.

last time was funnier

Now everyone just wants you magapedes to fuck off and kill yourselves, which is why it's just bad.

found the 30 year old /b/rony poster

You’re a sad motherfucker. I hope you look back on your life when you pass and realize how fucking retarded you sound with that post.

Back to /v/ you insufferable faggot.

That might be why they split off 4 channel. I've noticed a lot more /b tier posts here lately and mods not doing anything. Or it could be a skeleton crew because of the holidays.

Sliding this I'm guessing

The point is, the modern West is shit. Most of you are either far-right blood-thirsty maniacs or degenerate SJWs who are into disgusting sexual fetishes. It is time you passing on the fucking torch. I guarantee you that the new torch bearers will respect your contributions to mankind and cultural legacy. Just stop making shit worse for yourselves and others, you bipolar faggots.

>Jow Forums is one person who's gonna fucking pay
>doesn't understand bantz

i'm just posting pics you faggot

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Blackcube intelligence is a bunch of rude assholes

>What are the jannies doing?
Posting scat porn, BBCs and furry stuff

jannies didnt get their token pat on the shoulder christmas bonus this year so they're pissy

>fuck jannies
>Equate jannies to jiggers, the lowest of the low
>Where are the Jannies???
This is what you get for saying fuck jannies all day.

>Why should we suffer scat porn, BBCs and furry stuff?
Because you fucking newfags have needed a raid for three god damned years

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on strike for higher pay.

Because to suffer is to live, thats fucking why. Pain makes the body strong, the mind sharp and the will unbreakable. The white men will not be made to flee by a bunch of kiked furry faggots.