Is it degenerate to impregnate a female friend in her 30s who wants your genetics for her child but doesn't want a...

Is it degenerate to impregnate a female friend in her 30s who wants your genetics for her child but doesn't want a husband or child support?

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yes. the child would suffer and grow up and probably get into drugs/ suicide/ race mixing/ or faggot tier.


Yes, also she's a liar and will trap you for child support.

It's legal for me, but you are automatically an ATM machine in the USA.

There's precedent for this, if you have a notarized legal agreement about being a sperm donor, even if you don't use an actual sperm bank intermediary, you're safe.

>wants your genetics for her child but doesn't want a husband or child support?
>but doesn't want a husband or child support?
>but doesn't want....child support?
user, please.

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You will become an ATM machine, the child will have tons of problems, since single mothers are all fucked up (guess why she's single at that age, she's crazy AF)

As a man you should try to impregnate as many women as possible, as evolution dictates.
Do it user.

I'll elaborate

In the US some lesbians who deserve to be shot tried to sue the sperm donor they personally knew and had a written agreement with for child support. It went to court, they lost.

>creating and then leaving a child with an unironic STRAWNG INDEEPANDANT WOMYN DONT NEED NO MAN

Literally one of the worst acts of cruelty you could ever commit.

No, you aren't. There is only two ways to be safe.

1. Go through a sperm bank.
2. Child is immediately adopted by someone.

All other options involve either her or the state fucking you for childsupport.

If you re not a psychopate at one point you ll want to be here for the baby and you ll be screwed if she dont want to.
If you do it make her sign legal contracts explicitly explaining that she give up her rights to child support.


have sex without a condom with every white and non white woman you see with reckless abandone

the white race will live on. the patrilineal side of it at least.

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I just told you there's precedent, you dumb nigger. Look it up. I just gave the background here

If they are white it's a net positive no matter what

Yes, you fucking idiot.

There would be a legal contract before anything happened, like this user said My question is more about what this user brings up The mother is educated and financially stable
Just needs someone to get her pregnant pronto, no time to get a husband before eggs expire

You're obviously asking hypothetically, but I'll answer anyway.

Yes, it's degenerate. Very much so.

Oh, you mean like this one?

Oh, wait. He had a contract and they threw it out.

Don't listen to this faggot

Extend your genetics. It will give you're genetics a greater chance at being passed on.


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Literally no downside OP
> Ensure your family tree continues and doesn't end at you at least
> Get to fuck
> Don't have to pay for the kid
> If she fucks up with a miscarriage you can fuck again
> Know that when some beta fag inevitably latches onto her he's raising your kid like the alpha Chad you are
> Can subtly redpill the kid when he eventually finds his way here
Please user do it for the countless NEETs and autists on here that would kill to be in your spot.

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Go fuck yourself, brainlet. OP is in the US, not the UK, I specifically mentioned I was talking about the US. Next time think before poisoning the world with your brainlet commentary.

>Don't have to pay for the kid
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. No contract can protect him from monetary obligation in the US. The only way to sire a child and relinquish that responsibility is through adoption.

The article is about a guy in KANSAS you dumbfuck.

look up statistics on single motherhood and stay away from such women

Yes, dumbass.

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ok so I guess it depends on state law, there's bad precedent in KA and good precedent in PA. I retract my claim. If a physician is not involved you may be fucked, it depends on the state, even if you have a written agreement.

Exactly, it's just like Prenups.

The contract will get torn up just like toilet paper in a majority of states if she decides to cry and the judge rules against you.

no faggot. the name of the game is passing on the genes. you obviously want a nuclear family but if this is your next best option go for it.

just don't do it with this girl op

So I would give up the kid for adoption and the mother would adopt her own kid?

Also, would a potential wife later down the road view this as a liability/red flag?

>dooming a child to a single mother

if not me, she's gonna go to a sperm bank
so a child will be doomed to a single mother regardless
why not make it my child?

I told you that nigger

Shes just desperate and can easily take you for child support even if she days you want. You're an idiot so I'm skeptical about your genetics OP.

do it, with the precondition that you guys can fuck the entire time she's pregnant. thats a solid 8 months of creampies

This guy gets it.

The other question is why take such a massive risk? If you get involved with the child's life, congrats, you'll be on the hook (in Australia anyway) so the best you hope for is nothing negative happening. Great.

What if she gets pregnant again?

>but doesn't want a husband or child support?

Trust me faggot its not worth it especially if she goes on any kind of income assistance from the government, the government will come after you because they don't want to be stuck with the bill alone.

Don't fucking do it brehs. Its always going to be worse for you in all ways.

Got the same offer 10 years back.
Turned it down.
Another dude obliged.
Mother/daughter doing well and are, in every sense of the word, normal.
The load donor lives across country and isn't in their lives at all.

It literally does not matter to the government if you have a contract or any kind of agreement. Your personal liberties will be infringed in the benefit of the child always.

You cannot trust any kind of legal document to hold up especially because the government is not going to be the sole supporter of this woman if she goes onto any kind of social assistance programs.

Don't be retarded anons.

convince her not to be so fucking dumb.
Get her real good, like a movie. There'll be a way.
U can have her poose all the time, raise the kid. Find a way to bring her to her senses. Even if u guys only meet 1/2 way like if she's lesbian.
Tell her it's just as much yr baby too,

God i fucking h8 women

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Don't listen to this fag. Unless you have proof that a licensed doctor did the procedure, you're going to be fucked.

>Allowing your own flesh and blood to be raised and taught by a woman
Do you have any sense of responsibility, self respect, or love for your own kin?

>kill thots
>kill gays
>destroy materialistic world
>bring the second coming messiah

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No. I had a situation like that. And I refused. No homo. Bringing a child to this world just to be raised by a single mother with issues is beyond fucked up.

I mean, yes, it's degenerate

even better, wont have to worry about having another one

I guess it's okay if you both are white. Whatever anyone can do to contribute to the white birth rate.

single parenting can be ok with a supportive family. would mostly be down with this offer if chick would always be available dtf