Losing Interest In Life

(1)I'm a teenager living in an underdeveloped Asian country. I live in a family with mid income but I have all my basic necessities covered. I'm an above average student in school. But my parents have high expectations for me. Education here is really bad and really corrupted. They shove down 14 subs down your throat with options and either you digest it or do bad in exams. Moreover even if you are prepared well, there are really high chances of your exam copies being not properly checked and your marks being miscalculated. In short, there are every chance of you being messed up in the board exams and eventually your education life. I have school for 8 hours and tutors for 4 and other studies for another 2. I barely get any free time at all.

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(2)People in my country are really small minded. They have no creativity and no good taste in anything at all. They judge people by numbers and degrees. They don't get along with you if you are different and have a different approach to life.

I consider myself very different from all people. I have different tastes in all matters and my philosophy is very different from everyone as well. As such I don't get along with people. I have no true friends or anybody to talk and have fun with. I have no one to exchange my ideas with. I stay at home and barely go outside to socialize. I also stay indoors as life security here is very risky as well. Having no social interactions and circles, I feel very stranded. I've became a complete social outcast.

The topics and matter I'm interested in are different from the matters relatable in my society. My education and pressurized life has stopped me from flourishing my creativity and artistic pursuits. I'm chained in a cage of my own.

I feel sad, depressed and find no interest in anything. I try to stay positive, but negativity surrounds me all around. I'm losing interest in life and everything.

There are chances of me going out of this country and settling abroad. But the chances are very low and even if they are there, they will take long to be accomplished. By then most of my essential times of life will be gone and wasted.

I need help. I badly need it. Please provide me with whatever advices you can.




Stay in school, then go to uni and look to study abroad

Figure out what your passion is.

I think I am lucky that I knew nearly ke entire life because I was raised in a way to be exposed to many things but my family has the same expectations as yours and I just kept sticking to what I liked and what I knew.

For me it was being active in sports and dance and doing music and especially learning languages. I ended up traveling and living abroad doing everything I wanted and still am. I have up formal education for this as I felt I learned nothing from school, with the internet and ability to travel I learn what I need to know and have a job and no debt.

So find out what you want to do and make a path to do it. You will have to go against others but it's worth it.

Which country btw?

It's gonna take a lot of time and I don't think I have the strength to bear all way through.

Why don't you just tell your parents directly or indirectly that you are not going to meet their expectations?
Then again i have no clue what your country and family are like so its near impossible to give you any advice.

I understand what you say but my passion is music and tech. The possibilty of pursuing an occupation in tech is possible but I love music more than tech and it's a dead end for me. Because to flourish and expand my musical output and practise, I need widespread support from my family, society and education. But support from all three is absent. The access to my musical ambitions are basically foiled by the lack of support from my family and education.
So following my passion right now is definately not a chance in my country.
I prefer not to mention my country if it's okay but know that it's definately not anything as advanced as Japan or India. It's very underdeveloped.

I tried telling but they keep telling me I'm understimating myself. They just have blind expectations for me.

I love music too! Hopefully we can survive in this world!

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It's very hard user

Never give up!

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You too.



Do well at school, pursue whatever interests you and try to get into a university in a western country. Keep that goal in mind and you wont lose interest in life because you'll have something meaningful you want to work towards

I'll try


You're underageb& but you're well spoken for whatever your age is, so I'll ignore that.
There's not much you can do in your specific decision besides trying to push your parents for more free time, or just hunkering down and waiting until you graduate, then get the fuck out of your house ASAP.

I do music for a living and have been involved in it for a while. If you are looking to pursue it you should organize your goals and expectations. What matters is skill, passion, and connections. Whether you are a musician, singer, composer, here are opportunities. Nobody supported me for a long time either but ai kept doing it anyway.


I would seriously say, try and leave your country. I'm not much older than you. 21. I spent highschool plaugued with depression, and didn't think I could do anything that I didn't "love."
That just isn't true. I'd say, study your fucking ass off. Go into technology, you're capable, and with enough effort, nearly anyone can learn anything.
"my passion is music." I learned more about circuit boards and now I can apply that to rewiring effects pedals and old audio equipment. Support from family is absent? Whatever, show them they're wrong. Need money? excel in something like tech, and fund it yourself, while practicing and learning more and more about music. Study time is my favorite time to discover new music.

The plan is that but it's hard right now to find that strength to wait being alone.

How is your career with music going? Is it sufficient for you to support all your needs and interests? I understand what you are trying to say but like I said my options and space are very limited to expand my musical pursuits here in my country.

No not Singapore. But I wish I was in Singapore. Singapore is miles more advanced and developed than the country I live in.

Holy shit user, your reply actually brought a little bit of light in me. I'm trying to level best to improve and be consistent with my studies but like I told consistency is not valued here in my country due to the educational system. And I'll definately have to get into tech as that's the only passion besides music that I can actually pursue. I want to learn programmig and get into free lancing. With that I can suffice myself financially and perhaps afford instruments or invest in music. And yeah tech knowledge can be very related to music such as musical production, instrument rewiring and all that. So I'll take your idea into account. But my issue is that, by the time I develop and can support myself, I'll be too old and will have already wasted most of my young years.

I made plenty from writing music.
There's also work for me as a singer.

You have to find and make opportunities. You can't just expect them to appear.
You should find a way to make money and work on it but since you gabe no details there's nothing I can offer to help because saying just "music" and "mystery country" is too vague.

You obviously have some type of computer, I would say sign up for exchange programs around the world for college. I hated school in the U.S., personally, and decided on not going to college. I then got a job at a record store to pay bills (I moved out right at 18 and moved states away. My parents were fucking awful to me and wanted me to go into medicine and completely crushed any other dream I had.) In the mean time, I've been learning music and started being an apprentice to an audio equipment repair guy. Like said above, ive learned more about circuit boards, and now find trashed audio equipment, repair it, then sell it or keep it. I'm also going to school to be a midwife, because my passion is music, but you gotta pay bills and make money for groceries. All my free time is centered around music. Before I moved out, I would have never thought it was possible. My parents put it in my head that is wasn't good enough yo excel in music, but that's not true. Music is a huge field, and if you can find genuine passion in helping in anyway, that's your in, and that's how you make real connections.
This might be rambling, but I was in a similar position. I thought I couldn't do anything. A regular job sounded awful. But man, you have options. Wherever you're at, is just a small portion of everything. I know quite a few guys who live in the U.S. now from exchange programs, so it's extremely doable.
Also, lol, as you get older, you're going to meet a ton of people who are way older than you, and 15 steps behind you, but still trying their passion.

I understand and thanks for your advice. Could you please tell me what kind of music you make and how you operate as a musician? I would also like to know how you started out and your inspirations.

Thank you so much user. Your advice is really appreciated. Wish me luck so that I can make out something valuable from my life.