I've been dating this girl for slightly over a half-year and for the most part it's been great. She's decided to go abroad over the summer and study. After a night of bar hopping she called me drunk and admitted to having feelings for other men in her program. She said still loved me emotionally, but wanted to be selfish and experience her time abroad to the fullest. I told her I felt really uncomfortable about that, and I was fine with her living her life but that I couldn't be in a relationship with her anymore if she decided to be intimate with anyone other than me. After that she suggested we start an open relationship while she remained abroad and become monogamous again after she got back.
Since then, she seems to have backpedaled hard and is now telling me that she loves me and those feelings she has don't mean anything because she hasn't acted on them yet.
Im really hurt that she told me this and then proceeded to insult me by trying to modify the relationship we had prior to her trip to her benefit. I really love this girl, but how can I trust her again now that I know she feels this way? Should I spare myself the pain and energy and just end the relationship now?