Jow Forums's being raided while the mods are out.
It's happening
Asher Garcia
Justin Peterson
What we got right here, is a massive faggot.
Adrian Robinson
>raid alert threads equal amount of raid threads
ever consider checking the catalog before making a new thread?
Sebastian Clark
Caleb Hill
post Broncos
Luis Long
just do what you do, but instead of ponies furries
Matthew Edwards
Let's have fun user, we need funposting
Luis Thomas
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies.
Jordan Wright
The mods/jannies are withoue a doubt all confirmed for mostly being europeans.
It happened in European sleepy time.
Now that it's morning here, shit is starting to get deleted.
Or at least the jannies are on the sleep schedule of a European person. Maybe they're some degenerate aussies who sleep during the day.
Connor Gray
Probably the mods are asleep
>tfw I'm browsing Jow Forums at 2AM