Be 27

>be 27
>All I want is a qt 18-19 year old gf
Is this too big of an age gap? I look like I'm 24 at most.

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Half-your-age-plus-seven is bullshit in the 20s, studies have shown women who are 20 fantasize about men into their 30s. Hunting for teenagers specifically is pretty weird, but the age gap shouldn't prevent you from getting it if you find a qt teenage gf who's into you

>All I want is a qt 18-19

why do boomers keep taking all of the girls around my age

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No you don't, your cock wants that.

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I don't see what you would see in them. They haven't went through their young adult formative years yet. Making their success and mistakes in the workforce or university. It's not legal so do what you want, but you might feel out of place.

date someone your own age

Hell no, just find some high school slut and pay for everything she does and you'll have her for life. She'll cheat regardless and no woman of character will ever date you anyway so you're fine

What do you imagine the two of you would talk about? Or don't you plan on ever talking with her?

>wanting an 18-19 year old gf

Why the fuck would you want an immature girl who shares no common interests with you, has no career or money, and doesn’t know what she wants?

>young adult formative years

What does this mean

>implying OP isn't mentally undevelopped

Maybe he doesn't want a gross roastie with a flappy cunt?

>implying 18 year old girls don’t use Tinder

Let someone kick that lustful bastard in the balls.
He shouldn't molest the decent girls.

For me personally, yeah. In the sense that I would've been wary of a guy that much older interested in me at that age, and would judge a guy for dating so much younger. Healthy relationships exist between people of many different ages, but there's a lot of men after substantially younger women either because they want to control/mold them, or because they don't feel attracted to people their own age which will creep people out a lot more if it's teenager vs someone in their twenties than if it's a woman in her thirties vs a woman in her forties.

You are also reaffirming those negative stereotypes by finding it so important she has this particular age, to the point where you're willing to write off all other women regardless of compatibility. People will be a lot more comfortable with a gap like that when they believe it's truly coincidental and not the reason to date her.

Having said that, it's legal and you will be able to find a girl that age who wants to date an older guy if you're willing to look long and hard and abandon other standards. If you don't care how it looks you can go for it.

As women age they look down on young girls dating older men (or men who date younger girls) because they soon start to realize their looks are fading and they're in the category of being second or third choice

The thing about younger women is that they aren't totally ruined or jaded yet. Even with their drama they don't carry nearly as much baggage and their expectations are a lot lower.

But young girls are notoriously unreliable and needy

You realize she'll get older eventually, right?
You realize that she'll be doing a ton of growing and changing from 18-22, right?

Is it seriously your intent to rifle through girlfriends, picking them up at 18 and dropping them when they turn 23? Or are you just arbitrarily attracted to age because you need something to take the fall for your inability to game chicks?

It's not that it's 'too big' an age gap-- understandably, we'd all be pretty clued in if you didn't want to date teens at 27.
What's questionable is that the age is so relevant. The age is what matters foremost, and girls are gonna wonder what the fuck is up with that. I just hope you have a better answer than this for them.

As I mentioned I was never a fan, I've had older guys pursue me when I was 14-20 but even back then it made me feel uneasy about their priorities.

Everyone's looks fade as they age, that's just life. Men also get less elastic skin, put on weight or find it harder to put on muscle, get erections less instantaneously or have a longer refraction period etc. The reason why many women still find older men attractive (and, to some extent, vice versa) is that sexiness isn't just rooted in looks but also feeling like someone can challenge you, feeling truly understood and supported by them, the confidence and more defined personality that comes with age. It's not for nothing that most people date someone around their age even when ads and what not clearly show the universal appeal of youth when it comes to bare aesthetics.

Sure older people have more baggage but if they're the good kind they also have more insight in themselves and are better able to communicate in a relationship, have more perspective and are less overwhelmed by their emotions. Also people do heal throughout life especially if they're introspective and work on their issues/negative experiences, and in any case I think someone's character and how inclined they are to resentment makes a bigger difference than the stage of life they're in. If everyone is bound to get bitter then dating a younger girl is no long term solution anyway. Same as when you don't find women over x age appealing... then you can't grow old with someone, period. That's not an issue you can solve through someone else.

For every upside there's an equal downside - I'm 35 and have dated a few girls that are 10-15 years younger. I definitely prefer girls closer to my age, but the no baggage and less expectations thing is the biggest perk of dating someone younger.

It's more that women will have kids, ex husbands, or a lot of them by 30-35 are kinda wrecked looking after years and years of partying, alcohol, and promiscuity

It's also that older women become more materialistic as they age; be it either from their hormones telling them it's time to settle down and birth children, or from trying to find a provider. Women naturally marry up in the social world.

When I was 26 I dated a 20 year old it was a huge pain in the ass. She was nice and always ALWAYS wanted sex. But damn, she didn’t own a car, she didn’t have a career, she didn’t have her own place. So I ALWAYS had to pick her up, I had to pay for our food the far majority of our time, and we could only go to my place. I remember we were talking seriously about taking a trip to Paris. But once it came down to booking flights and hotels I asked her if we could split it and she said “ohhh you weren’t going to do it? I don’t have that kind of money you know... :(“.

It was too frustrating. I felt like I had no actual freedom. I’m 28 and single now, and I’ll be taking a class at the local university. It’s a beginners class so I know all of my classmates will be young. I’m not going to waste any time at all on younger girls

There's a lot in between being eighteen and straight out of high school, and being thirty five and having a family already. OP didn't say he wanted to date a girl his age or younger with no kids, he wanted a girl eighteen or nineteen.

Besides, people lead different lives and spending "years and years" partying and fucking around is not exactly a universal experience. If you don't lead that life yourself and meet people through similar-minded friends or more "introverted" hobbies it's not difficult to find someone who's not a party girl.

Most young people are idealistic and bad with money, as you age you start to value security more and typically have more responsibilities that cost money (like a house or kids). It's more socially accepted for women to be upfront about that but I doubt most older men with normal wages would be as enthusiastic to support a broke woman as they would've been at twenty.

>"introverted" hobbies it's not difficult to find someone who's not a party girl.
Man, they're introverted for a reason. Introverted hobbies aren't exactly brimming with women. And if there are women that's not to say they're single. And of the single women only a portion will be your type.

Yeah, party types aren't the only 30+ year olds, but women that are single well into their 30s generally have either ridden a ton of dicks, focused so heavily on a career they are only looking for a really really successful man, or have something wrong with them (terrible looks, or a terrible personality)

I definitely prefer girls closer to my age, but the ones without a ton of shit to deal with are few and far in between, which is why dating becomes a mans game in the 30s.

I hate a lot of the absolute Jow Forums fear here about shit like "riding a lot of dicks and partying," but as a successful nearly 32 year old guy, finding a younger girl has its perks. My preference is old enough to drink, but I'd have a fling with a younger girl in the right situation.

The issue is, women at my age are fucking BORING. They're so set in their routines if they're single, or they have major hurdles like kids that they need to deal with. And if they don't have any, they're in a sheer panic about having them, so it doesn't feel like genuine interest, just a race to the finish for their own self-esteem.

Their hobbies generally include: wine and cooking with their little dog after work, Netflix, and spin class. On Fridays they go do something with people and Saturday is probably a hike or errands, and more sitting in front of the TV to get over the work week. Sunday is "brunch with the girls," and then meal prep or something equally bland. It's a weekly wash, rinse, repeat.

Younger girls aren't caught up in all of these trappings and still have a world of opportunity ahead of them, plus the energy to go do it.

Again, I don't want to go date a college girl, but it has nothing to do with guys "not being able to get someone their own age," it's that the girls their own age are rapidly turning into versions of what they remember their moms to be.

Do you not have a normal routine as a 32 year-old man? Do you not have interests in things now that dads do?

>dating young for less expectations
And you call yourselves men.

Okay I literally have never posted this in my life but here goes
>Jealous Rostie
Am I doing this right? Because most of the time people who post this are full of shit but I'm pretty sure I'm spot on on this one.

Why the fuck would a woman who's a bigger pain in the ass be more desirable? I'll take the girl who wants milkshakes and a walk in the park over the girl who's mad I can't afford to take use to Paris anyday.

You're basically asking me why you should work an office job where you need an education and are expected to meet high standards, as opposed to working retail where it's basically expected that you have a pulse and little else.
That's how it looks to me, anyway. I have no idea why a man would be proud of meeting minimum standards, but that's how Jow Forums works, now isn't it.
>also a dude
>I can pretend I'm a chick if it helps fund your narrative

I'm not even that guy but it's insane, I can have a hot 22 year old GF that is just happy I graduated college and make good money or a girl my age (26) who is just a mess of baggage, not nearly as pleasant to be around and makes everything about money? I have plenty of money but I save most of it, any girl my age freaks out about my car and wants me to spend thousands on her. the younger girls literally don't do that, they just want to have fun with a guy they like

Sounds like you just have shit taste
What, ya gonna just keep fucking fast food levels of turnover? Dump em when they hit a magical age?

It's just that the mentality has no basis, it has nothing to float on. It's just arbitrary labeling, and usually because men CAN'T score with their own age.
I think it's worth noting that most behaviors people mention to hate in older women, I see almost exclusively in teenagers.

I'm assured at this point I'll never see it from your guys' point of view, and neither you from mine

>major hurdles like kids that they need to deal with. And if they don't have any, they're in a sheer panic about having them

wow. So, i’m pretty much fucked then, right? I’m 28 and I don’t want kids, so I won’t date single moms

If you don't care how emotionally damaged the girl is, then it is possible. Unless you're ugly and poor.

I was 19 when I first met my bf (26 back then). It works for us, but only because we both don´t care about age. A number shouldn´t keep you off a person. Character and how you think about life should be similar to make it work. Plus, run if she´s only there for your money or social status

I have a little bit of a routine, but no, I don’t adhere to a boring, bland life. My social calendar fills up constantly, and I enjoy having free time to explore, travel, or even just get some sleep.

>interests in things now that dads have
What the fuck is this? Why does being a dad change my interests? No, I don’t particularly have any interest in watching kids kick around a soccer ball on a Saturday when I could be in bed, or out with my pals, or exploring a nearby city. Seriously though, fill me in on things that “dads do” that I’m missing out on?

Nah man, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. There’s just generalities that are more applicable than most. My coworker cries herself to sleep over a bottle of wine every night because she wants babies, and will do anything to get them, but she’s not hot. My 30 year old “acquaintance” just came out of a 7 year relationship where they never got married, and she’s not desperate, because she’s hot as all hell. She can still choose any guy she wants. She’s also not boring. It’s just harder to find them at this age.

How do I find decent attractive women who weren’t thots and don’t want kids once I hit my 30s?

Dude you’re missing something here. Why is it so nonsensical to you that a woman *your own age* isn’t some hot pinnacle of perfection just for living as many consecutive years as you have? Why’s there no consideration that maybe the girl that made it that long has her own issues to work through?

Women want - and I see no fault with this - a buttoned together package with aspirations. It’s just that in most cases, as a younger guy, in a shit economy for the past few years, getting into any kind of real career ain’t exactly easy. I had to be homeless for a while before I scraped and clawed my way to a job that finally made $85k.

I can’t blame a girl for wanting a successful dude, but why should I be with a girl wholly unimpressed with it when she was dating guys who were doing what I did when she was younger?

>weren’t thots
>don’t want kids

If you have an issue with people having sex in their 20s, you’re nothing like me, so I can’t tell you. I really don’t give a shit about partner count unless it’s extreme and I’m going to catch something. I fucked around in my 20s and had a great time. More power to them.

As far as kids, act like an adult and just ask.

I’d date someone my age, I just tend to think younger girls on average are more excited. Don’t treat this like I did an empirical study.

Teenagers want the same thing
You're just old enough to sell whatever ghetto ass package you managed to get, to them, because they don't know any better

If you can't meet adult expectations, why bother acting like one? Just go play at being a teenager.
But then, I fucking hate teenagers, they're vapid dumbasses whose lives revolve around the most facetious shit

I didn’t fuck around. I kept sex within relationships. I’d want a girl who did the same thing. It seems unfair to me to think that I kept to my values just to get a girl in the future who’s had casual sex with dozen of different dudes then grab onto me and think “oh time for a nice guy!”

This sounds like a classic, projection, the thread from every point of view. Let people live their lives anyway they want, even if it's stupid in your opinion. People will learn from their own mistakes or not, stop caring so much

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Because being an adult isn’t a virtue. Being pleasant to be around is a virtue. Sitting in a desk job doesn’t afford me brownie points. My package isn’t “ghetto ass,” just because a girl is younger.

I don’t “pretend to be” an adult, I am one, but a lot of the people around me aren’t. I don’t set arbitrary guidelines because I think they’re what adults should do. I’m adult enough to not back myself into a corner.

I hate faux-adults who think they’ve discovered what’s “important” in their desk jobs and sedans and probiotic yogurt. Pro tip: you’re all the only ones setting these expectations and pretending that happiness is supposed to end at a certain age to give way to responsibility.

Like I said user, I’m not buying what you’re selling. You have this weirdly founded purity concept that I can’t get on board with. There’s never a time where I didn’t stand up for my convictions or think of myself as a “nice guy” who deserved anything. I’m perfectly willing to not find the right girl to marry and live my life like that.

Then be a 20something into 30s who dates teens man
Like, why justify it so hard if you didn't know it was flawed in the first place? What the fuck do you care what some other dude thinks? Date teens, knock your ass out

They're morons with nothing to offer except their body, and if that's all it takes for you then power to ya

I’m not OP. Just giving my perspective. I don’t care about other opinions. I’m in my 30s and date girls in my mid 20s.

>You have this weirdly founded purity concept

I never said she has to be a virgin. I just don’t want a thot

People in this thread are absolutely gay, When I was 25 I was banging a 16 year old. It was legal and it was great.

Do what makes you happy.


did you forget to read the part where it was legal

Right I saw that. But you’re still a pedophile for fucking children

that's not how that works

Yes it is. You fucked a child

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A teenager who is old enough to consent.

There's also child labor laws that prevents children from having to work, but when they're old enough as teenager they have every right to work a job if they chose too. Same thing.

that’s pathetic lmao.

>be 30
>feel like OP
feels really bad man, knowing I'll never ever have it. I'm not even well off enough to get a fake relationship by being a sugar daddy, would probably take me til at least 35 to establish myself at that level. I think about killing myself almost every day.

I didn't say you were looking for a virgin either, but really, what the fuck is a thot?

Maybe I'm getting older, I've heard the term, but it's basically just a new term for slut, and everyone's definitions of sluts are completely different. But when I'm on Jow Forums, I have to assume slut/thot basically means "girls who are fucking guys who aren't me," which is what it normally means.

If you didn't use stupid Jow Forums terms I'd buy into what you're saying, but you're 27 and "thot" isn't something you grew up with in high school man.

A pedophile is someone who likes prepubescent kids. Kids who haven't gone through puberty and have no secondary sex characteristics. Stop conflating a real problem with someone mature enough to pop out a kid of their own, even if you don't like it.

There is a 27 year old woman who I work with who actually identifies herself as a thot. Yes, more or less it’s a slut.

It's seriously one of the worst bits of recent slang

>t. 19yo femanon here

i would be super uncomfortable if anything over 24 tried flirting with me. i don't get the point in dating someone if you two arent going through the same life phase, i want to learn with my partner. it's not fun otherwise. kind of creepy.

I know, that's why I know life is basically over for me at this point. Even if by some miracle a girl your age actually was receptive, her friends would all think I'm a creep and we'd both get endless shit for it. I'll never get to experience being with a real qt, just age further and further away from that while always seeing fit young girls when I go out and being reminded I'll always look and never touch.

The worst part is I'm completely aware of how much of a goddamn stereotype of a creepy old loser that is.

I want to die so bad.

If you can outline "things that moms do," you should be able to critically evaluate your own sex in the same frame, too. Also, you say you have a bit of routine, but somehow you hanging out with your friends often isn't boring as opposed to when these boring women do it? Come on senpai, isn't that unfair?

The fact of the matter is that most everyone is pretty normal, boring, and safe. That produces stability. Stability is what relationships are built on. People who act otherwise from being "boring" are either legitimately unstable (i.e. younger girls) or trying to sell you something. After dating bitches from all angles, nothing is more cozy than a boring girl you wake up to every morning.

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>i don't get the point in dating someone if you two arent going through the same life phase

Why date anyone if they're the exact same as you? The whole point of dating someone is to learn from them and a lot of times dating someone with a big age gap is exactly what's needed. The older person can be the "rock" and remind that things do get better eventually when they're going through a rough patch, and the younger person can remind the older one to not be such a stick in the mud all the time and what it's like to have fun.

Don't listen to that femanon who is probably just a dude. I've dated younger girls and it's great. You do you.

dude it doesnt matter what her friend thinks

I can't really outline "things that moms do," besides raise kids, and revolve their lives around that. Whether that's single or in a relationship, they're child rearing for a big chunk. Moms are dedicated to family, but that doesn't mean a girl that is my age enjoys "doing things moms do" if she's single.

That has nothing to do with being boring. I have no problem with a girl hanging out with her friends - in fact, I love it. But when their social life breaks down into that cycle of doing the same thing every weekend, it's not any good. When the girls don't do anything on the weeknights, and it's just that 3-4 hour span where they pretend they are like they used to be.

I don't want normal, boring, safe, or stable. I don't want to be "cozy." I want a partner in crime - someone to keep me on my toes, someone to keep life exciting like I'm trying to.

This is a valid and comfortable opinion, but a lot of girls don't feel your way. There's a lot of guys who are stuck without money and without options who are going to be unappealing to a lot of girls your age, unfortunately. They're looking through stability in the chaos.

If you're actually a creep about it, you're lost on both sides. My roommate is uncomfortable and creepy with women and is constantly hitting on girls 10 years younger than him or more, like he's searching for hot young girls. On the other hand, I talk to girls who may be younger, or may not, and don't make a big deal about going for young girls.

The best point is to just take a step back from this bullshit and be a mostly normal person. If you meet a younger girl, don't make it totally about your age on either side.

>29 year old boomer reporting in
>currently in a relationship with a busty short stack blonde hippie girl that loves DUDE WEED
>I dont smoke but she doesn't mind my excessive drinking
>I dont have a car so she does all of the driving
>buys me clothes and shit for my room, food, etc
>wants to fuck constantly
>isn't overbearing at all and sends nudes regularly to pique my interest and so I have something nice to look at while im at work
>loves the obscure kino I watch with her while playing with dem big ol' 19 year old tiddies
Would highly recommend
>pic unrelated

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don't know why you need to put a number on it honestly
at some point women start looking like absolute shit and sleeping with them before that is the only time it's worth it
don't see what's so disagreeable with that

jesus christ it's like I'm reading a bad online dating bio

He literally said his hobbies are "exploring and traveling" so yeah lol

I have real hobbies but what's the point of listing them when Jow Forums thinks sitting inside on the couch watching anime until you die of old age is the pinnacle of relationships?


How did you acquire this chick?

I work in a restaurant and she was a new co-worker. one night I was having a few drinks at the bar and she texted me and said she was driving around with friends and I should come hang out at her place. when she took me home that night we kissed in her car and then started talking.