
I am posting this information from an early 2000s cellular device to thwart attempts at tracking me down. The Scandanavian girl thing is not a random goat fucker murder. It was planned. There was a thread earlier about them being there as part of the Marrakech Migration compact that was held a few days ago to spread pro refugee propaganda for their University. supposedly the girls' location was given to known terrorists by rogue European military assets. The moment that post was made the thread got deleted and the furry/shit spamming began. The 4channel administration has been given a big fat bill to cover their server costs. I am risking my life even posting this for you basement dwelling fagots. I do not have much time. I have to keep moving in the mountains to stop any triangulation attempts. This is not a drill

mfg. user

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Other urls found in this thread:


true predicted big if Q

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Can confirm a decapitated head just flew over my house.

dates add up

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>The women were studying "outdoor activities and cultural guidance" at the University of South-Eastern Norway, according to NRK.
their university sponsored their trip there to coincide with the Marrakech rapeugee summit a few days ago

shut up nigger

Anyone got the link to the video I’ve been gone awhile.

> rogue European military assets
So what?
Do you really support the migration pack you fuckin lefty

fake pics. They where uploaded in 2013 on some degenerate site.

The video never shows that and its clearly not their heads.

Elaborate larp