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HAHAHAHA What a joke. Greece can barely pay for toilet paper like Venezuela

Who cares, you are all abroad in Europe anyway

Lmfao Greece will just make themselves even more poor

hey turk friend, any other recommends for a pale turk gf? I think anzu is taken but I want that KARA BOGA pussi

Basically, Greece will pull Turkey into a war in a few months using a classified plan.

kek not a word spilled

kek wills it that we shall be in Constantinople by Christmas.
offer your gets frens, we may pay that debt after all.

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>we may pay that debt after all.
are you crazy brother ?
we will 'default' before it's payed

μην είσαι εβραιόγυφτος αγόρι μου.
I would give the money for no other reason than to piss off the boomers who got us into this situation.

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Holy shit, Erdogay is a bitch but a this random invasion is even more homo.

There is many Anzus in Tatarstan.

>implying a turkofriendly germanic europe is the way to go
brexit happened for a serious reason

hide in a bunker

Slide thread

I supported Brexit. Doesn't mean I am Anti-Türk.

Can confirm.
A Greek just flew over my house.



being prorroch is mongoltier
>amiriiiiight ?

sounds likeaaa
roche (bobois)

uknowhatamsayin, yesyudu
>we dindu nuttin, you just flew into amissile flurry
oh war ?

you can only accept flying into a missile is being a turk conqueror ... right ?

Based Greece. We should help them

i hope they squash you fucking DISGUSTING m*slim roaches you sandnigger SLIME

no wait i haven't been drafted yet stop

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Constantinopole when?

>tfw the truth is that more than half of the Greek civs are scared of a turkish invasion and they deem this a credible threat to their security.
>Somehow britbong tries to tell people its the other way around

howdy faggot can we have our marbles back?

My guess, a preemptive strike using a false flag as detailed here.


All people are scared of war, but Greeks are brave and will face the Turkish shitskins.

sounds like a Nobel of poetry
fullcity ? 9 months

trust me your end is near Amesterdam, the Russians you see, are thirsty for goth blutwurst since a ulooooong time

but all your info is from enemy intelligence, your mind is being fucked right noe and for good measure, I wish I could give a hint of what is what but I cant because it's your future to burn.

The Greek plan cannot be discussed in its true dimension , but it will fuck a lot of (wicked) people over, and that's our historic signature.

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Rolled and checked

It's well known the love we have for each other

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Siding with Russia will lead to Yunanistan's final subjugation under the Türk.

thats pretty grim , brother let us NOY put it in historical perspective !

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Clergy on a very narrow pedestal.

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for dead t*rks

So Turkey is invading Turkey. The eternal ottoman at it again.

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I didn't notice that OP is a shitskin.

I will make a new thread for white people.

Why do you use the European flag you shitskin?

are you sure Russia wont say that, in the heat of battle , yes ... well, a few buttons were accidentally pushed

we disorganized now as Russians now and sorry we launched a nuke on treaturous halva-turkiye, we just turned sugar into oil !

turkey on on a very thin geiger meter

get fucked kike, you post as an italian but are jew-jidf-fu behind that eu flag, counterintel ftw

>Turning on fellow Siberians.

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impying they love you (not)

Everyone with white skin move here

A thread for white people only.

It's true
Greece will fight with thousand volunteers from Balkans and Southern Europe
Serbs, Bulgars, Romanians, Croats, Italians, Iberians and some Caucasus people like Armenians and Georgians
What a load of bullshit, the actual state of Jow Forums ladies and gentleman

top post earned a bump

And Americans, Russians, and XTRA surprise !
>Not so extra if the area diplomacy is looked into
but it's beauty as fuck


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Credible sources report that the Greeks are stockpiling large quantities of chemical weapons.

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>this buttmad t*rk

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>can only fall back to a shitty kike meme
Go back to your country mehmet. You'll get it worse then your cousins

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hehe stay salty
Si si I am a the Luigi. Hehe ottoman, good luck invading yourself.

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Nothing is happening and and never does.

They have women ranging from cute to hot, Alot of them are stuck up at first but literally take it in the ass after a few dates, Vagina is for marriage meme.

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dont be so stupid wh*Te dog

Doubt it

fake and gay

it's christmas and half the military personnel are on leave

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I want to burn all t*rkroaches (men women children) alive like in this webm

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Hey fellow BulgarBro, wanna overthrow our shitty government and fuck greece up epic khan krum style

very edgy mustafa now go and prep the TURK BVLL


t*rks are cucks. KURDS are the real BVLLS

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My intel suggested that Greece would false flag an attack by Turkey in order to cause WW3.


>kurd are bulls
shut it communist
user stop be so stupid


I have intel that OP is a gay moron.

The KURD man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The KURD man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(t*rk dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The KURD penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the KURD man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent kurd seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the KURD man impregnates.

In total, the KURD man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the KURD man is the epitome of masculinity.

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Piss off memeflag jew

he's a k*rdish larper ulan

Mehmet should accept that sexual intercourse for T*rkish women is exclusively reserved for Kurdish Men.
Kurdish Men are superior in "ALL" ways to T*rk male subhumans.
T*rkish women are turned off by the smell of kebab.
T*rkish women are drawn to and easily excited by the look of a Kurdish Man's body they are always more desirable to look at with their dark chiseled bodies that display a sign of power and dominance.
T*rkish women know that no matter how physically fit a T*rk male subhuman is, he will lack stamina sexually and almost always ejaculate way to soon to satisfy her.
T*rk women know that Kurdish Men have the stamina to last hours beyond what it takes to please her.
T*rk women know that T*rk male subhumans have small, weak, limp, unattractive penises.
T*rk women know that Kurdish Men have long, thick, hard, amazing big cocks.
At this point feminine T*rkish men might as well just become traps

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Cut it with the anti-semitism bro. We are all ottomans here.

The K*rds and Gr**ks are conspiring to destroy Türkiye! We must go Enver Paşa on them!

this tbqhwu

Fuck off you dirty Greece scum. Turks are too powerful to be invaded. Try us, try invade us, and see what happens.

Turk pride.

I don't want to invade roachland, I just want to lick Reimu's tummy~!

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>t. sub 80 IQ ugly roach

>t. sub 79 IQ collapsing economy

lol it's like the battle of the short bus or something.

Not a Greek plan. If our purpose was war then we wouldnt get ourselves into this situation, stupid. We would be a fucking monster of power, since we easily could be. Theres so much fucking oil and gas here that if we actually wanted war and our politicians had their own plans, we would be the only regional power of southeastern Europe and eastern Mediterranean, without taking into effect transit and our commercial fleet. So, no, it's not our plan and it's actually a turkish/american plan, faggots. See who is getting more and more weapons. We even closed our arms industry.

crispy turkeys

Nigga what?

please do it. why couldn't the roaches finish you sandniggers off

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holy shit is it actually happening ?

ohh shit what have i done ?

byzantine empire 2.0 here we come!

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This is 'I stand with israel Facebook" tier cringe haha oh god.