Redpill thread

>49th most powerful guy in Washington is baking pizza for a living
>in a street fully owned by CIA relatives
>just over the tunnel that connects the White House with one of the many ancient escape routes used by presidents
>which was recently illegally drilled

>guy owns a family friendly pizza spot
>with swear words and paintings of people fucking each other on the walls
>uses FBI-recognized pedo symbols
>take photos of bound children, toddlers with lots of cash, kiddie dolls priced 1200$
>personally knows people sentenced for minors-related crimes, including traffickers
>takes pictures of some room (like a freezer) in the basement
>admits in an interview he's storing tomatoes in the basemen
>lies about not having a basement when confronted about the allegations

>apparently somebody from the Internet shows up with a gun
>all the cameras of the street change direction before it happened, returned normal after the shooting
>never moved before in years
>the whole story got reported an hour before the shooting took place
>the article got cancelled and reuploaded at the right time

>absolutely nobody finds it strange

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Wow that sounds horrible and really big if true! Id say we give this a name and meme-spread this gruesome information all over social media. What do yo think /pol? We could call it pizzagate or something. Sounds kinda catchy doesnt it? Whos with me on this??

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What are you talking about? That was debunked countless times!

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Yes let's spread it until it gains traction and is heavily infiltrated and (((debunked))) by msm and pseudo celebrities until it disappears from the public eye! GREAT IDEA user

Sounds good to me. I'd rather trust the scientists than "reeeeeeee kill all pedos" crowd.


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And that's exactly why you'll be the first to get the rope.

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We did it reddit!

Oh okay sorry!!! Back to my cave I go

*admins silently delete every pedogate-related subreddit and user post*

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Nice, another pizzagate thread. Have a bump and contribution

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fucking hell I've been here a long time and I couldn't finish reading that

Women with 10+y.o. boys = Yes
Men with 18+y.o. girls = Yes
t.guy who had sexual relationship with aunt-in-law at age 13 and became a man

That's some wild conspiracy there lad, phew. How about we send a you a quattro formaggi straight to your home to calm you down? Please provide your complete name and address Luigi.

Think it through dude! The moment it suddenly disappears, ppl gotta realise somethings fishy! Huge redpill opportunity here! So is it pizzagate now? Or pizzahate bc all of the hate on those children? Or mammamiapizzapastafattoria??

lol "ok"

god is dead.

>3 days later
>found dead in mysterious circumstances
>just like pic related and the guy that first discovered Podesta pizza-related mails on Wikileaks, posting them on Reddit

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I absolutely believe boys having sex with women will help them in confidence, have higher test and prevent faggotry. Me and 4 of my other friends all had sexual experiences with women during ages 12-16 (amongst us) and our lives (late twenties) have been interesting. Totally bro science and anecdotal.

I've seen it before but I refuse to believe it
I know they're a lot of freaks in this world but fuck me dead

Here's a good debunking of it all

anyone who worked in education, knows this scene. the little girl is so weirded out by these three she could not bring up the courage to get closer so the ?teacher? had to guide her there herself and stay there, reassuring her there is nothing to be scared off. the little boy behind her is just as scared, but dares to come closer now she is there. yes i think this picture tells quite the story

Well that's what this sex ed at an early age is all about, get them informed so they have an excuse to say that they can consent.

>tfw your kindergarten teacher is a demon

Yeah people are finally going to ask questions!
It's not like they'd side with their celebrities and idols no matter what!

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they always look uncomfortable in these photos

>One more item about children and that is the superstitious nonsense that blames tobacco companies for kids who smoke. Listen, kids don’t smoke because a camel in sunglasses tells them to, they smoke for the same reasons adults do because it relieves anxiety and depression. And you’d be anxious and depressed too if you had to put up with these pathetic, insecure, striving, anal, yuppy parents who enrol you in college before you’re old enough to know which side of the playpen smells the worst! And then they fill you full of riddle and then drag you all over town in search of meaningless structure; little league, club scouts, swimming, soccer, karate, piano, bagpipes, water colors, witchcraft, glass blowing, and dildo practice.

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what can we do about this? it has already gained a large amount of interest a year ago and it died out without exposing anything

Take a tour on Tor, that's literally nothing.
Many forums where you can subscribe and start posting, you'll see some shit and you'll tell yourself it's all roleplay
Until you start seeing some pics

MKU might have failed but they learned how to manipulate the public, if not the individual.

Idk about that Gunn guy

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We can't do shit my dude, it's been like this since the 80s with The Finders
One can only hope enough evidence is leaked to the public to the point some rival powerful cabal uses it to take down the whole thing

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true but it is quite rare to see this display of body language. this is used for their agenda, and it goes to show how detached they really are from human nature. this slipped trough. and anyone with an iq high enough to count to one will see this...but (((they))) didn't. as a bonus those two kids are so young it is impossible to be prejudice. they rely on instinct only, yes a telling photo indeed. most revealing

Fuck this really always upsets the hell out of me. Jesus needs to return soon. I don’t care if my dreams never get to be fulfilled or I’ve generated to the point of not being holy but this has got to stop.

Jesus isn't coming. Justice needs to be executed here, on Earth, by regular people.

Original text, screencap and archive

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It's probably nothing OP, pure coincidence.

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Why do they choose pizza as a symbol?

Is pic related fiction or the writer's actual experience?

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because triangle symbols

Dunno, but cheesy pizza always meant pedopornography on the Internet

>guy owns a family friendly pizza spot
>with swear words and paintings of people fucking each other on the walls

don't forget one of his excuses was that he hates kids, even though kids went there after school to play ping pong

Nothing. Even if everybody knew, no one would ever believe that everyone not involved is on their side in the matter. The media successfully pushed pizzagate into the harmless "conspiracy theory" zone. All this is is a bundle of interestinf tidbits for us, but a serious attack would have to be done in some other way.

>guy shows up with a gun

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