Border Fence vs. electromagnetic climbing

Check out this video:

Such a steel fence seems to be a very weak border protection if you ask me.

Attached: F8VQIZUIU807SVV.SMALL.jpg (320x180, 13K)

You really think the average border hopper can afford this?

Well thats like 50$ at most for some magnets, copper wire and switches

I can see 35 years old Rosario and her three children climbing like this.

Rolling for dead migrants stuck to the fence

far beyond the capabilities of the average border crosser, the coyotes can probably figure it out though

What if mexicans just piled their dead up into gigantic heaps in order to create a hill on the fence? Then they could just walk over it!
Drumpf BTFO. how will pol ever recover?

There will never be a wall

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Congratulation. You successfully climbed the wall. You are now alone, on foot, at 100km of the first road and motorized patrols are in your way. Good luck.

>be spic, do this
>impale yourself on top

Fence needs to be electrified. You touch two posts you get a knock down zap. I'm not cruel enough to set it on roast

How's the rattle snake and bambi gonna get through it without getting toast

call it an IQ test then

if economic migrants making 3rd world wages turn out to be goddamn Tony Stark well fuck me, i stand corrected.

i still dont understand how there are all these objections to "you shouldn't just be able to walk your happy ass across a ditch without a care in the world"

>obese 35yo latina climbing a fence with a magnetic device
You're dreaming, even if it happened the majority would fall and break multiple bones or even die from internal hemorrage.
+ 50$ is an absolute fortune to them

This is why we need a strong concrete wall, with machine gun nests covering the approaches.

Our wall must be an impenetrable fortress!

George Washington would have built us a Great Wall. He wasn't an Engineer, and he built Fort Monroe in Virginia.

That's the kind of Wall we need!

Electrify fence. Problem solves itself and wild animals get free meals.

Attached: 7821197463.png (407x341, 302K)

>border fence vs helicopter

I am. 10 Kv, instant death.

>wild animals get meals
>wild animals become meals for other wild animals, which also become meals

Attached: c.jpg (500x500, 48K)

why not just drive through the border?
my spic friends uncle does it almost every weekend
they never stop him and his friends when driving through the border

It's just a matter of ad hoc engineering to build climbing mechanism that could lift a vehicle, or a vehicle that could climb a wall, in the same way as this guy. I can already picture some ways it could be done, and bet that some Ali will be selling them off the shelves some time later.

pics/video or you're bullshitting

Cheaper is to use a ballista or catapult. Beaners are dead in all cases.


Almost like some kind of "food chain" you mindlet

Attached: IMG_9232.png (990x682, 308K)

Press the wrong button... and die!

Only if you somehow press both of them simultaneously for whatever reason. Though making them all somehow work independently and having some failsafe that would make sure you couldn't press both/all buttons unless you really wanted to, would make things much funnier.

Climbing a flat wall even with magnetic gloves is harder than it looks. Eventually you'll have idiots hanging with snapped wrists until the battery runs out and they fall.

And the knowledge, and the welder, and the drill press.
Most of the illegals near me hang drywall. They aren’t capable of that. They barely hang drywall correctly.
Watch the end of the video. The guy has to be helped over.
Cartels will just get cranes,catapults, or tunnels like they have for years. Cartels have actually paid engineering graduates to teach them tunneling. I doubt this method is more effective.

not bullshitting I've driven to TJ as well
the amount of cars they stop going back into america is like 1 in a thousand

There are already 100 million non whites in the usa.
That's a third of the population.
Better worry about what they'll do to you, whitey.

I was stationed in SD, I still don't believe it.

>eurotrash thinks mexicans are smart enough to build this or can even afford it

Ive always thought that american borders also have patrols

This. This country is a minefield of racial trash.

>get to top wearing garbage suit
>try to flip over
>get impaled on spikes
everything is going according to plan.

Until it's hit by spikes at the top.

you nig nogs really dont get it do you. of course the wall is never going to keep *everyone* out. thats not the point. its meant to deter the tens to hundreds crossing at a time. i just dont even know anymore

Its a retarded wall it should be made entirely out of stone, and there should be two walls, a shorter one on the mexican side and a taller one with battlements and machineguns towers every half mile on the american side, this way you can easily shoot people trapped between the two walls if they attempt to scale the first one.

The entire thing should have been a public works project where americans could come and get a job building it, and the towers could be manned by NEETs

Funny how its literally being built by jews now :^)

Yep, just get one for everyone and she’ll be right


>Trudeau promises to legalize weed
>Trump promises to build the wall... And Mexico will pay for it!

Well fatburger cheeto disciples, I'm sitting here smoking legal weed, what are you doing? Winning? Ahahah Doubt it!!!!!

>climb the fence
>get shot

It's not though. The military is going to build it for the most part, some outside contractors might get orders from them though. Agree with the rest of your post honestly, would have been a labor vacuum afterward though, there always is with large projects like these.


I’d love to see how that works.

>poor unskilled Mexican migrants can afford and know how to make an electromagnet
If they could they could just stay home and make a career developing electronics.

Solution: each post/attached to different phase of 240 volts. Either that or make the posts out of nonmagnetic stai less steel alloy

It's just other Jow Forumstards and fucks from leddit trying to demoralize others for fun. Of course OP doesn't even make an attempt to make a full fledged argument with plenty of examples and documentation. Stating one thing to bait a response is the whole point, and it simply prevents real constructive discussions from happening. That's all they want, to keep us from being constructive.

I grew up in Colorado and am extremely familiar with the kind of people that will be hopping the fence. They can barely figure out how to operate the drink machine at McDonald's. Building and using this kind of tech would blow their little Indio minds.

Based Make it Extreme. One of my favourite channels, they make some really cool shit.
>tfw when you only have an abrasive chopsaw and not a tct :-(