I’m a Jew ask me anything

I’m a Jew ask me anything.

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Who was more overpowered - Moses or Elijah?

Do you laugh inside when you see muslims picking on anglos, or do you die a little bit knowing you're next and there will be nowhere left to run or be expelled to?

How do we defeat the Israeli Jews?
How do we butcher them to pieces?

do often have meetings in your syanagog based round the fact that the goy might actually know and you need to release some money into the economy to take the heat off to avoid another showa?

Please leave my country

Tell me what you know about antediluvian civilisation.

Also, what was the original ending to Francis Bacon's New Atlantis?

The real question is who was the better pilpuller, Isaiah or Daniel?

How do you feel being an English Jew watching your country being islamified OP?


I want to ask you politely to leave.
t. Spanish inquisition.

Diaspora kikes are the priority! we can just nuke the Israhell after those are dealt with

what do you call that cube thing hebes wear on their head

post time stamp with proof. I will wait exactly 15 minutes for the answer. If you fail to answer, you will be banned for shitposting and trolling outside of /b/.

It's a go pro

we must kill Israeli Jews FIRST

>Asks for questions
>Doesnt answer

Sage and Hide, boys

When is the third temple gonna be built?

What do you do for work?


Didn't expect you in this thread.


>I’m a Jew ask me anything.
>don't intend to answer

Attached: devilish.jpg (199x253, 12K)