White pill thread:

With all the chaos, we could use some positivity. I'll start: the whites of the future will have a higher in group preference and will be less susceptible to degeneracy.

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White women are a lost cause.

Define: white pill

keep dreaming

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The white pill is the final pill.
We will win, because we are better.

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The Nazis had the same mindset. We all know what happened.

Right wingers of all kinds tend to have far more children than left wingers. Nihilism is self destructive, therefore easy to defeat given enough time.

This is kind of artistic

The biggest mistake the Nazis made was their hatred of other whites. Eastern Europeans aren't, and have never been, a sub human race.

There is a secret Germany in Brazil.

I like that picture

>the whites of the future
lmao that's where you're wrong kiddo.

you're aware that those are Slavs in your pic right? Slavs have a separate future from Western whites


You're absolutely right this degeneracy we're surrounded by will only separate the wheat from the chaff. Racial eugenics those degenerates won't pass on their genes be it roasties or chads the future looks bright, but first we need to pass this dark valley.

A paneuropean empire will be built on the ruins of this degenerate merkel-soros union, and the niggers with other goblins will get a train ticket.

Every little thing you do to further that agenda, be it acting righteous working on yourself by improve your health mentally or physically you lay another brick in this great project, if it's a bunch of idiots shaming a chick for being a virgin or people promoting multiculturalism, speak with conviction and condemn evil by being steadfast and true people will slowly follow you. A few years ago most of my friends were like meh, now they're all redpilled I basically starting building a local community of my own with like minded people that are woke, each one of us has to do the same all over europe, we're the only race that matters and the only that ever mattered - the white race, not perfect with many flaws, ill give you that however we're the best there ever was. No one will follow you though if you're a boozing neet fapping to traps in your basement, be a man and don't point the finger to the direction you wish others to do, lead them there by example, no matter how hard it is, no matter how many times you feel overburdened it is worth in the end and your grandchildren will thank you for it, for being a soldier in a proxy war, a hybrid war waged without lethal weapons, because the hebrews they tried many times with arms and never succeded so now they try to drug everyones mind with chemicals and porn and propaganda, resist and bite. This purging will only increase the quality of white males and females as those will form the next generations, people that were strong enough to either resist the jew, abandoned their wicked ways or accepted to be woken up.

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Rare to hear that of an anglo

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>White supremacy exists
>Actually white people are just smarter and harder workers
>Because their genetics cause them to have those traits
>White supremacy exists.

If this wasn't copypasta before, it is now. Based as fuck. You forget the most important factor in the equation though: Jews also dominate the finance and banking institutions. They have direct control over the economy. Without another Great War this will not be rectified, and all your larping will be for nought. Jews have been able to do this while being an extreme minority in their host populations because they're a parasitic evil vermin.

In contrast, the white species exhibits empathy. Whites have a soul. So even as their population dwindles and in-group preference increases they will not be able to wrest control of the kikes without a catastrophic happening. Unless whites end up becoming Jews themselves as a minority parasitic rat population and thus lose their souls in the process. This empathy also means that a real Holocaust will never happen, at least not at the hands of whites. If it happens it will be the soulless insectoid chinks who decided to exterminate the kikes once and for all and take direct control of all power institutions.

Yeah, yeah, I know, fuck me for being a doomer in white pill thread. The white pill is a lie.

I doubt it. Look at you all now right here posting snuffporn.
Even Satan wouldn't want you around even for the eternal worm to chew on.

True but there is an influx of nigerians and haitians in these comunities.