What if we started saying white people are endangered?
Then I think more white People would feel the urge to marry and reproduce.
What do you think?
What if we started saying white people are endangered?
Then I think more white People would feel the urge to marry and reproduce.
What do you think?
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its sad
only white money goes to saving animals tho. tis a shame
thisI don't see spics or niggers supporting trying to save endangered species
Boo fucking hoo
Fuck parrots just get a white parrot and dip it in blue paint tahdah
o noes D:
That is what Bruce from the TV show family guy says lol. Do u guys like that show
No but I dont hate it just because normies like it. The first season made me laugh a little when it was new but it aged like milk
Not the same. The white one has a higher IQ and wont out up with getting blued.