How to regain self-esteem and confidence ?

I'd like to begin by saying I mean this in the least race bait type of way but how do stop feeling inferior after reading the infograph's and things said on Jow Forums ? Its gotten harder for me to think of myself as anything other than subhuman trash. I wanted to go to college but I seriously don't feel that I'm smart enough for it anymore because of the IQ studies about black people being dumb. Am I right to feel this way and should I stop browsing Jow Forums ?

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if things said on the internet gets to you, yeah you should stop browsing for a good while, or at least greatly reduce its usage
this is a good advice despite sounding offensive as fuck

You can start by sucking my dick

My guy, no one is the collective of their race or anything else. Even if you were an average intelligence black person, you can (and should) change your life for the better. It's not like you're condemned to be the average of people with your skin tone, even IF it is a direct correlation on paper. You're only inferior if you allow yourself to be, my friend.

I scored low-ish on an IQ test once and now I'm quite successful in a math-related field. Fuck them.

I really think drive is way more important than IQ. Like, if you think you're dumb you're sunk already. You've already lost, it's like you're not even taking the shot. Pretend you're as smart as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and give whatever you're working at everything you got. If you still fail then, well then at least you tried. That's more than a lot of people can say.

It didn't really bother me until I started really researching the things that Jow Forums would post like the bell curve and FBI crime statistics


>I scored low-ish on an IQ test once and now I'm quite successful in a math-related field
any tips on getting better at math ?

Iq does not mean shit my iq is slightly above adverage and I have a friend with a 150 iq and he makes way less then me for the simple fact he never tries. Work your ass off and you will get places. Iq is talent but no matter how naturally talented you are if someone works way harder than you they will surpass you. Don't give up man.

He did the actual test and got 150 ?

Just because you're a nigger doesn't mean that you're dumb.
And besides, IQ really doesn't matter that much.

Even though that may be true, I still look like an inferior subhuman

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You will always be a nigger OP kys

get off this fucking website ASAP

w-would that actually help ?

Literally just stop reading them/paying attention to them. If you’re too impressionable to avoid getting affected by things you read on the internet, you shouldn’t use it, or at least not sites you know will upset you like Jow Forums.

Jow Forumstards just like to LA RP as smart people. Dont listen to a word they say.

Yeah, you probably aren't very smart because you're black. The best thing you can do is get a good job that doesn't require high intelligence, marry a white girl and have kids with her so your kids aren't as retarded as you and so they experience less racism.

If you think you aren't retarded take an IQ test.

I'm black too, OP. Once you accept you aren't as smart as other races you'll feel better.

The incels on Jow Forums all have inferiority complexes as well man. I think everyone who browses Jow Forums does.

I wasn't really planning on having a wife or kids. How do you get a good job with low IQ ?

get a manual labor job

Not the guy you were replying to but aren't manual labor jobs being taken over by robots ?