In case you needed proof that the left has no principles whatsoever. If it was FOX NEWZ and some blue checkmark leftist in this exchange, their positions would be reversed entirely.
Reddit is literally owned by corporations who use bots to upvote and downvote whatever they want
The whole site is just a consumerist astroturf organization that corporations use for advertising
Parker Baker
To be fair to that twitter post, those smart thermostats truly do work. Our gas bill is down like $100/month
Isaiah Hall
Best way to prevent CO2 emision is do a mass shooting.
Gun control cucks BTFO
Sebastian Butler
For once a blue checkmark isn't a fag and actually makes a pretty good point.
Benjamin Scott
>Eat less meat Holy shit, no. How about "stick to eating locally grown herbivore and fowl meat and don't ship your fruits and vegetables in from half-way around the world"
Kevin Adams
Even Jow Forumssocialism is defending the corporations!