Thotzz law

What can be done about this?

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publicly shame beta orbiters. make them regret being thirsty faggots at every opportunity

The caliphate.

I don't think you need to make them regret it, they clearly do. The problem isn't the lack of regret, the problem is that they blame everyone but themselves for the consequences of their actions. Just like women, ironically.

Explain what happened to Something Awful.

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inshallah yoast


>everyone who doesn't pat me on the head and tell me it's not my fault must be a woman

/this and
possibly this

It's different when it's a man making the argument. Your meme image implies that men and women are intellectual equals, and their arguments hold the same weight regardless of context across groups.

The hero we need

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>publicly shame beta orbiters. make them regret being thirsty faggots at every opportunity


Burning at the stake generally keeps women in line
Fucking 5th amendment, 80% of humans are animals and require corporal discipline as a threat over their heads
Se la vi

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I believe the guy who came up with the U.S. postal service or some precursor, a devout Christian, lamented that he had enabled thots to have secret correspondence with their premarital or extramarital lovers.

Thot's law is true.

>Your meme image implies that men and women are intellectual equals, and their arguments hold the same weight regardless of context across groups.

Go easy on him, that's what his single mother taught him.

Tits or Get The Fuck Out

>Se la vi

C'est la vie, you ignorant fuck.

Kind of like how new recording technology was driven by porn. Same with faster internet speeds


women are whores and beta thirst is hyperinflating their vaginas

get yourself a wholesome girl or remain celibate

anything else leads into degeneracy and evil

inshallah brother. white sharia is coming

To beat the THOT, take the TED pill. Technology makes masculinity obsolete, and allowed social media to exist in the first place.

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Literally anonymity like this board and the blocking of anyone trying to make their own on the site so they can garner special attention.

Which is simultaneously the reason that normies don't like Jow Forums.



So you mean there'd no way for ME to have MY way? Okay goodbye then."

>Se la vi
You dumb bitch.

>the solution to niggers is white rap
>if you burn your car down, you can't have an accident
>the solution to immigration is to absolve borders
How cucked are these (((compromising))) white sharia posters? Have you no self-respect? You might as well advocate white halacha. Do you want the world to look like utter shit 100% of the time? There will be no Holy Law other than one under God and his Trinity.

I don't know why you guys are all sooooo fucking bad at making plans and implementing them. You're world-champion complainers and whiners. But you've never done a God damned thing about any of your whining (or even come up with a decent plan). And we're going on many many years now...

The solution is to "abjure the realm" in your hearts and minds. Find partners who do not conform (at all) to whored-out social-media standards. Group up with other, like-minded white couples and form small, white communities where you teach your Children the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid and the songs and dances and prayers of their own people.

If you're even ON social media (for any other reason than to hiss and shake your head at the damnable lies of the "democratic" media), then you're engaged in a profound act of self-deception and defeat.

Yes... this means that you need to shake yourselves out of your hypocritical stupors, and begin living whole and meaningful lives with like-minded people.

Yes... this means you need to a abandon your prostitution-tier standards and find women who may be plain in appearance, but who would make fantastic mothers and wives.

Yes... this means you have to spend most of your time talking to people instead of being online.

Yes... this means you actually have to know what you believe in and live it out in the real world.

shut up stupid fuck, islam is the last hope for degenerate,faggot, hip hop music ridden EUROPE

Just like it was the only hope for the byzantines and persians right? Former empires that are now vast deserts full of three legged incest babies. Islam is never a hope, but a despair.

Israel and their American slaves will export degeneracy to all Islamic lands. Give it 20 years.

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I want her to smother me with her 56% milkers.

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>NEW VIDEO ON #GDL and Celebrities naming the Jew, 911 and USS liberty
Here is an opportunity to learn some unique redpills from The Based Man
>the nature of Chaotic-Good and Jow Forums

>100th monkey effect and shitposting

>NXIVM child cult in Columbia

>eternal Memetics and symbolism

>article 13 is the great meme Iconoclasm of 2018

>prophecy of a cyber future IF we DONT act

>your leading a revolution and dont even know it

>planned parenthood expose , legal sacrifice

>npc meme 3 part miniseries starts here

>john titor time travel trump doc

>ingersoll lockwood and Baron trumps wonderful adventure

And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know........,.,.,..

The progressive lifestyle that european thrives on is the reason why you faggots have extreme low birthrate and a dying population
Its bound to happen. the more open the world becomes the more common dominant cultures rule over. americanization is the worst thing that could happen to any country


you're desperate, theres nothing special about her

retard just be a christian with a backbone, like europe was for 1900 years

NIce to see this sage getting the attention he deserves. May have been a murderer, but his views on society and culture were spot on.

Sounds like somebody isn’t in the top 10% of men. Wouldn’t ktf bro lmao. I’m all for men being judged more harshly, because I become more and more valuable in the sexual marketplace. Sucks for you ugly, poor, brainlets

Incels like you two are even more pathetic than beta orbiters, though.

What would social media be like if women lost their rights?

>you're desperate, theres nothing special about her
I prefer these types of tits. Those are my favorite.

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There is no more Christianity in Europe. Even those that identify as 'Christian' really aren't. Can only hope for neo-pagan. At least a native Euro idea and not a Jew faith.

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okay user

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One tit is saggier than the other.

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Why would you want to solve one mental illness, known as feminism, with one that equates to submission to a black rock in the arabian desert? Jesus Christ, Word in the flesh, is the only one you should show your 'islam' to, but of course your imam tells you he prayed to Mecca as well.

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Nobody wants solutions. All you pussies want to do is cry and feel like victims. This entire board is just a big, group-therapy forum for millenial faggots and lost old men.


Muh mutt

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thats thirsty men law

atleast we the muslim people have more to our backs than you no good people. you dont even have an ounce of faith in god, your religon is dying out to the point where you faggots turn pagan. catholicism is dead so is christianity. islam will take over eastern europe and soon western europe. your children will still be white but theyll be muslim and youll be dead already to know that so i guess its alright , friendo

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I would suggest dropping your meme flag and overemphasis on sexuality. Take self improvement into your own hands.

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>se la vi
I feel insulted

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B-but why...

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Nice deflection. All Christians I know actually choose to serve God, they fear Him instead of their priest's judgment. True faith indeed. God willing, Christ and his people shall prevail.

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I'm in the 10% so wtf do I care? Coffee is for closers and pussy is for Chads. Stay mad incels.

I have no sympathy for losers who give their money to whores. There's also no way to change someone who doesn't see what they're doing is wrong. There's only a handful of people who I hold a small amount of influence over, And they aren't total strangers. This is the way life is for most people.
Why are you so arrogant to think that someone needs your saving?

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She's truly a fucking monster and the literal embodiment of the "La Creatura"-meme. Everytime I look upon her ghoulish visage, chills creep perpendicularly along my spine. The fact that she gets so much attention really enrages me and I can't really explain why that is, when instrinsically it shouldn't bother me at all. My only explanation is a parapsychological one, where the only reason for her quasi-fame (quasimodo pun intented) is that her followers are literal demons and goblins from hell (south of the border). She is the prettiest of them all, the whore of babylon and the leader of all 56 percenters.

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give her more attention so she gets even
more money.

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None of them are white mohammed

Also. New rule...Thots need to actually be attractive. The mutt in OPs post looks like a gremlin raped a hispanic.

Red and basedpilled from færoyenes retarded brother

I want to go back, but it's too late now... Even nuclear war wouldn't fuck us up enough to send us back.

>watching ID channel because at family and it's background noise
>One of those murder shows is on
>It's about some ripped suave model photographer
>No leads until someone in a different state calls police
>Apparently the dead photographer had "raped" some girl
>Story is that she needed a portfolio done but didn't have enough money, photographer gave her part time job to help pay for it, she got portfolio done and paid it off
>Then few days later he calls her about a few extra pics he could throw in for the portfolio
>Then he apparently raped her
>She never went to police, her friend she told about did months later
>She didn't tell her boyfriend for months either
>Says to police that her boyfriend obsessed over it after but he wouldn't hurt a fly
>They find bf, he's found guilty, one life sentence
>His story is that he was only going to threaten him until the photographer started calling gf a slut etc to his face
Holy shit I was seething
Girl probably cheated on her bf with the much more attractive photographer, finally got a guilty conscience about cheating months later, lied about the rape, and because she was both a thot and a lying thot, one man is dead and another is in jail for life while society thinks of her as the only victim.

Based and titspilled

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has she shown her tits yet or what? it's not like she has anything else to offer.

>80% of women fucking 10% of men
fix the problem in this pic and you fix that problem too. Believe it or not, i dont care, the reality is the typical man earning typical income can no longer finance a spouse.

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>butchering the French language THAT badly
atrocious, despicable, and disgusting. also you're fucking stupid.


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that's the whole point you dumb fucking burger. free bump for advertising the best!

Man whores and degenerates calling them selves "chads" and beta orbiters and the fake "nice guys" and the cucks that encourage this are also to blame not just the women. Both genders need to change their ways

Anyone that unironically uses the word muh incel isn't to be taken seriously on that matter. Its like calling someone a virgin for not being a cuck or degenerate. Its a bullying tactic. Not a degenerate? Muh incel. Not a materialistic and a shallow nihilist like everyone else? Muh incel. If anyone is thirsty enough to be sheep because they don't want to get called muh incel then they are too thirsty

I think they would just like that...