Ideal age a woman to be in a relationship

Look at this picture. 13 years old Brook Shields and 39 years old Peter Fonda look great together. Look at happy both of them are.

It seems that the ideal age for a woman to be in a relationship is between 12 and 17 years old.

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What ever happened to ahmed clockboywhosavedislam mohammed? Is he at nasa?

I'm not mudslime.. wtf

what a cute couple

Looks like a guy with his daughter.

Looks like a guy with his girlfriend.

I'm going to go eat oysters right now. By the time I get back, I wonna see a heated discussion on this subject.

>Ideal age a woman to be in a relationship
A girl's match should be arranged as soon as she's born if not earlier. That way the couple will grow up together and be very close. Then marriage when she reaches menarche at the latest, earlier is better.

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Arranged marriages are unironically based and redpilled

Arranged marriage is the only moral form of marriage. Leads to happier healthier couples and families. The other option is the modern feminist hellscape we have today.

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you’re going t see an earthquake that rends your fissured anus of a border to a real european country

Dude, you are legitimately a pedophile.
Women don’t start to look good until as late as 21.
I’m 24 and I am totally put off by 18 year old girls who want to bang me. They look like literal children. Nasty nasty nasty man.
You get the bullet on the day of the rope FOR SURE.

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>autistic faggot doesn't understand that different people have different tastes

Girls in relationship. Girls should be given to marriage at 16 years of age. Till that age she can have relationship with her blood family, after that she will have relationship with her husbant and kids. Right Ahmed?

joined isis

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I'm a 29 year old kissless virgin and I'd kill to experience teenage love...

Someone like bonbon from tiktok would be perfect

Hello, I wanted to show you what a perfect girl looks like. Don't be mad. I see a lot of roastie roasters flew in to tell me how wrong I am, but the natural order of thing is such that women are most atractive from the age of 12 until 18 maximum. The sweet 6 years. It's ironic really sad how little time women really have to experience their beauty. That's why we have to be gentle with young women and marry them young at 12. This will make women the happiest as well. Don't listen to angry roasties, they went mad because they never had a chance to experience a relationship from the time when they were in their prime. All they did is lose their virginity to some dumb boy at 14-15 and then went on to become mad crazy roasties.

If the world was sane, then all men would have 12 year old wives. 99% of girls at twelve look fantastic. After 20 99% of girls look old and sad, they need a tonn of make up to cover up their sad faces.

Look at the pic-related and don't tell me you don't want a wife that looks exactly like that.

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Euro pedo shills and Muslim shirtskins in disguise of euro flags. This is disgusting I know you subhuman euro trash think fucking preteens, teens, and barely adults is "da way" but please do us all a favor and fucking chemically castrate yourself. Because if I heard anyone talking like this in public I would physically castrate them.

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What are you tired of fucking little boys yet?
Muslims are unironically the most disgusting faggot religion on the planet. At least Pajeets don't engage in rampant pedo bullshit. Pedos need judge dredd enforced death sentence

Yes, this 15yo 170cm with C-cup breasts looks like kids. And they wanna fuck just like kids.

Don't be mad, lover of an outdated products that look like trash. I'm not a muslim, I'm white. I have blue eyes and blond hair. If you are a roastie then I understand why you are mad. Stay mad roastie, you pain is not going to go away. It's sad how genuine beauty is labeled as illegal and taboo. It was not like this 100 years ago, but then kikes really turned a trick on all of you. You fell for this age of consent bullshit. Very sad. Very unfortunate. The young girls are the real victims of this consent bullshit. They aren't allowed to experience the love they truly deserve.

You deserve a bullet in the head.

I'm not mudslime. Why the fuck are you all refering to me as if I'm some kind of a sand nigger. I'm white. 100%. I don't even have a black hair on my body. What the fuck is this kikery ITT.

Ideal age is 20s bro
Younger are literal fucking children, how the FUCK can you handle dating a literal child? How can you discuss anything with her or have any meaningful conversation with a girl that young?

What for? What have I done wrong? So I deserve a bullet only by mentioning that girls from ages 12 to 17 look perfect and deserve to have a husband who loves them? I think it's you who deserve a bullet for being such a retard. Look at what society has become.. it's full of fake tits, painted faced roasties who sell themselves wholesale to random men. These roastie suffer and make everyone's life a living hell. If these roasties experienced love at their prime age between 12 and 17 years old, then they wouldn't be mad at all.

Based mutt
You guys are pedos, stop trying to excuse/rationalize it

OP is the product of a weak or nonexistant father.

How can you discuss anything with 20s grill?

>Ideal age is 20s bro
20 is way past the ideal age. At 20 woman is already fading her beauty and is already a mature grown woman who's suppose to take care of the house and be a loyal companion to her husband. I'm not saying that 20 year old women are ugly, but they are not idealy beautiful. They are already past their prime but a long shot. That's why roasties overuse makeup at age 20 because they are not ideal anymore.

Have you noticed how a 13-14 year old girl doesn't need make up? That's ideal.

>having meaningful discussions with your girlfriend

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>muh pedophilia is okay because white
Disgusting, I hope you voice these opinions out loud so you can be disowned and shamed.

>I like when my mate looks like a child who should be studying for finals
Get disowned.

Butthurt is flowing ITT. So Sad. These inferiority complex type of people can't face the truth. This must either be butthuring roasties or their roasters. Very sad. It's sad how an old woman is praised for beauty more then a young girl. It's literally a perversion to fuck old women who are older then 20 years old.

>he don’t look too good
>car looks better than both of them
>fuck off she’s far too young

KYS pedo scum

>pajeets don't
I'll stop your right there because you know nothing about what you're saying, too much incest and pedophilia among Indians for my liking.
>y-your but hurt
Said the person weak baiting under a thinly veiled disguise looking for affirmation for his very sick attraction to children.

Cmon before like 15-16 they're still children. 17-18 is even better since it's socially acceptable.

Shitskin/Muslim here. Out of curiosity OP how old are you? 20 or like 30?


Sad people ITT hating on beauty.

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>since it's socially acceptable.
Not in the US (unless the guy is also really young, like 20 or younger). Is it socially acceptable in France?

Nation of Lovers Man gets it. If there's no grass on the wicket, you can't play cricket.

These pedo slide threads are obviously to besmirch right-thinking people. Classic leftist projection OR just someone we don't want around...

western women in their 20s are extremely smart and well spoken. I love conversing at length about the intricacies of "ariana grande" and "partying this weekend."

I'm sure you're a catch, spending your free time on Jow Forums screaming niggers and kikes. Pot meet kettle.

Some children are beatiful at 8 it doesnt mean you have to fuck them. Brat pitt is also beautiful btw.

This hoe is massively overrated.
But, yeah, the fucking antis are still retarded and have nothing but random feminist rage.
>These pedo slide threads are obviously to besmirch right-thinking people
What the fuck? This being Jow Forums is not done conspiracy against you. If you don't like Jow Forums maybe you shouldn't use it.

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i agree. it was like that in america in the 1800s and survived in rural areas until the 1930s

Prefer grown ass women

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Peter Fonda is a degenerate piece of shit.
Henry Fonda sure raised some degenerate human beings.

Depends on your social statut and your race I guess. I'm 29 and my gf is 19 (both white) nobody but her parents gives a shit. My coworkers and my boss always roast me about it too.

>17-18 is even better since it's socially acceptabl
This is exactly the problem. Society has been conditioned to exclude the 12 to 17 year old girls out of social life. Even then you admit that 17 is the best according to socially accepted standards. You still go as younger as possible.

And no, girls at 13 don't look like children.
Children look like children before the age of 12.
You all have a warped perception of what a child is. A girl at 12 is not a child anymore. WTF is this.. how can you consider basically a woman who can bare children to be a child herself. It's beyond stupid. I'm not saying that a girl should get pregnant at 12 but surely at 17 she should start having babies. 17-18 is ideal for chilbirth, but woman's prime beauty is from 12 to 17. That's how nature works. First it gives you a flower, then the flower bares the fruit. It's all natural and nothing wrong with fucking a 12 year old girl if she wishes so herself. I wasn't talking about raping anyone. And society is fucking wrong and conditioned brainwashed by fucking kikes and religious faggots who are the real pedophiles, who really rape children. All these faggots who rape children etc, etc. I haven't raped anyone in my life. I'm a good man. I'm honest. Also I'm rich, bitch(c)

You're a poor troll and a weak baiter. Post cp faggot.

I wasn't talking about children. At 12 it's not a child anymore. Quit with this propaganda bullshit. Also I wasn't talking about fucking anyone under 12.

God will smite you, memefag

I'm not a troll. FFS, I'm going to a restaurant again, to have some muscatel with some orange pie. I can't look at this cringe shit ITT.

I expect people to post well defined arguments and stop butthurting. If you are a roastie.. I'm sorry.. but it's better for you to maybe consider suicide coz you've been damaged beyond repair. So sorry.

>At 12 it's not a child anymore.

If you werent such a basement dweller incel autistic faggot you would know that it's bs.

except it looks like he's with his daughter

Peter Fonda is a pedophile. He probably kept her in line with drugs and murder threats.

Is that picture showing up as a picture Maya for you? I'm seeing the thumbnail being something else but the full size being the correct picture.
>I'm not saying that a girl should get pregnant at 12
It's what you should be saying. Girl should be barefoot and pregnant as soon as she reaches menarche.
>I cant argue against it and know right
>I expect people to post well defined arguments
Then you'll be disappointed. Antis have no arguments.

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this, when i was in middle school girls were talking about sex constantly, they arent innocent kids they know exactly what theyre doing. the age of consent should be lowered to 13 where it was in victorian british and roman law. as long as its done in the context of a christian marriage its fine. unless you mary your MIDDLE SCHOOL CRUSH you CANNOT find a virgin to marry today. its the truth.

No. You are dilusional. I'm 180cm tall, blond man with a good body, good business and I'm not any kind of a dweller. I'm going out for a dinner atm. I've had oysters previously. See ya faggot. I always see frenchies as fucking cucks and faggots. Please don't come to Portugal, we don't like you.

- if you're a skittish Incel

speak of trolls, show flag

I called you an incel and you called me a roastie. We're on Jow Forums, statistically speaking I think that everyone know who's bullshiting.

The ideal age is when you are both mentally mature and are willing to commit to each other for life.

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s-sure thing portunigger

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180cm isn't tall, why would you even mention that

My first sexual relation was with a fine portuguese gal named Claudia, we were both 16. I fucked more portugese than you although you're the portuguese. Sucks to be you larping faggot.

>Girl should be barefoot and pregnant as soon as she reaches
No. Ages from 12 to 17 is the ages when a girls should be loved and then at 17 give birth. That's how it is. But obviously if she gets pregnant at 12 she might as well have the child, obviously.

It is in portugal but everything he write is absolut bullshit anyway. Pedos and Mgtow are the biggest larpers on Jow Forums.

>minority of pedophiles
>crying for a safe space
LMAO go cry to /lgbt/ like you guys did some years back.
>Society has been conditioned to exclude the 12 to 17 year old girls out of social life.
Feminist talking point but true, their desires as a person a mocked and ignored despite what childless Jow Forums thinks.
>And no, girls at 13 don't look like children. Children look like children before the age of 12. You all have a warped perception of what a child is.
No you, you weirdo. You must spend so much times indoors that you have forgotten what a child looks like outside the pixels on your monitor.
>how can you consider basically a woman who can bare children to be a child herself
You act as if the girl in question has the will to control how puberty affects their body; how big their bust gets, hips widen or when their fertility cycle begins. If anything you're brain is fried on memes.
>That's how nature works. First it gives you a flower, then the flower bares the fruit. It's all natural and nothing wrong with fucking a 12 year old girl if she wishes so herself.
>Muh appeal to nature and non sequitur poorly adapted analogy
>society is fucking wrong and conditioned brainwashed by fucking kikes and religious faggots who are the real pedophiles, who really rape children
Or consider the following : DOESNT WANT TO FUCK CHILDREN
> I haven't raped anyone in my life. I'm a good man. I'm honest. Also I'm rich, bitch(c)
>appeal to status
>appeal to authority (wealth)
>hello fellow honest good man
Stop, your islamic tier logic is obnoxious, go make a child and revisit this logic and see how you'd like it applied to your own kin.

>My first sexual relation was with a fine portuguese gal named Claudia, we were both 16
Well, good for you then, faggot. I'm sure she charity fucked you ugly frenchy ass. Also I'm sure you are lying coz who in their right mind would fuck a frenchy. LOL.

>I have never seen a 12 year old

>Meme flags for a meme ideology

You will die without sons.

His fucking face makes me want to hide under the bed. Imagine that fucking you.
And nobody to ask her to prom.

jesus lads, your countries both have lower age of consent than mine, at 17 here is acceptable, why do you argue over this?

>Arranged marriages are unironically based and redpilled
>Arranged marriage is the only moral form of marriage. Leads to happier healthier couples and families. The other option is the modern feminist hellscape we have today.

I agree with this, to a point. It really depends on how they were raised. My wife and I were in a semi-arranged marriage. We never dated or had sex prior to marriage (she was still a virgin). While the marriage was like living with someone you didn't really know to well at first, we are deeply in love with each other now. Been married happily for many years.

My gf is 29 and I am 28 what do I do Jow Forums
She wants kids but we probably won't have them until she's at least 31

>who in their right mind would fuck a frenchy. LOL.

Everyone basically.

he and his family left the country

The cry of a newfag with nothing to say.
Why wait? If she's able she should be impregnated. There is no reason to wait.
How about you go back to plebbit.
Drop the old hag and get a real woman.

>My gf ... wants kids

Are you retarded?

Lmao maybe we should drop the voting age to 12 since you believe 12 year Olds are economically and socially responsible individuals.

>why do you argue over this?
Coz he's butthurt he can't get himself a young pussyobviously. Everyone loves young girls. No doubt about that. 12-17 years old. Perfection.

My father had is last child when his wife was like 37, the little girl is fine. You should make them fast tho, don't take any more usless risks.

Don’t Americans think Monica Lewinsky was raped by bill because she was twenty two

Basically this

>Everyone basically.
Frenchies are such larpers. kek. Well dream on, have nice day dreams.

voting age needs to be raised to 25

I understand talking about children before having them is a foreign concept to Somalians but it is common practice among the white middle and upper class.

>There is no reason to wait
There is always a reason to wait. You don't want to spoil that young body too early. Why would you want to make a young girl go through labor and become a mother so early. She needs time to experience love first to be a perfect mother.

there's a reason why porn networks that only pump out content of teenage girls 18/19 that look younger are so popular on every single porn site across the internet. Look at Monroe, she never did anything hardcore but she was popular solely based on how young she looked.

You have no experience with women if you think they're all like that

>go back to
Stop, what is this site faggot obsession with reddit? I've never used the site but it seems you have and they ran your pedophile ass over her to shill lmao

Get married first you dumb ass. Every woman wants babies when they are in their 30s. Their biological clock is telling them time is running out. That's why they're so horney at that age.

lurk more

Too bad you will never know about France. There are no incels here and porugese/french relations are good as fuck. Everyone fucks everyone here so I'm always kinda sad when I read incel larpers/sobing stories on Jow Forums.

I’m a shitskin muslim so take this with a grain of sand, but wrt grills emotional maturity is mostly a meme. They don’t get smarter or more stable living the western single life in their 20s, quite the opposite.