Is holding your virginity worth it

I would 100% prefer to lose it to someone im dating/love but at this point in my life after waiting for a while and listening to my friends stories n all, i kinda just dont care anymore.

Is losing the v card in a special way a a meme?

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How old are you?

21 -- i know it aint that old, just impatient

I think it's best of you find someone you truly care about, but in reality it's just a dick in a hole. I waited until I knew I was in love with a guy to lose it and I was 18

Yea thats about where my mind is at. I just wanted to hear from some *experienced* people to hear how they feel

>i kinda just dont care anymore
So you just want get drunk & fucked?

Meme, no.

It's possible to find it for some individuals in "lucky" and advantageous circumstances.

There's also nothing wrong with not being able to experience this. The first time, having lived a healthy life, will eventually become a distant memory.

I feel like everyone overhypes sex

im a man

Sex is overrated. Fleshlight is comparable, no shit. The only difference with sex is if you're with someone who you care about, it's nice. And physically, it's nice and warm.

>Is holding your virginity worth it
Unless you're incapable of differentiating casual sex and intimate sex, it really doesn't matter. Sex in and of itself isn't special.

You sucks white trash an a negro mod fuck


They do.
It can be great to some people, but the porn industry have really tried to push the narrative that sex is fun and exciting when reality disagrees.

As a Christian, I'm holding onto mine for religious reasons. I'm 27 now and honestly, I don't think I'd want to share my body with someone I hadn't msde a commitment with, anyway. If you're religious at all, the spiritual aspect of it is worth considering.

>I'm 27 now
Well at that point you're approaching wizard level. Do you date?

>dating a woman for a month, been getting pretty steamy, but limited by being out in public
>she's coming round to my apartment the day before my 30th birthday, pretence of dinner and a movie
If it doesn't happen until after midnight, do I still get wizard powers?

Trying to. It's weird. For the better part of a decade I wasn't very fortunate, probably because I was only comfortable asking out girls I was already friends with. But over the last month I've gotten the numbers of three people I'd just met.

>only comfortable asking out girls I was already friends with
Yeah this is never a good idea. Good for you, asking other girls out, gl!

I suck at dating and never got into a real relationship, I was horny all the time and kept wondering what sex was like so lost my virginity at 19 to someone I met that night (we did continue to see each other for like a week until we had to go back to our home countries)

I don't regret it because I'm 20 and a half now and if I waited to be in a relationship, I'd still be a virgin.

They're going to dump you once they realize you don't want to have sex.

I'm 28 and a virgin. I've waited a long time for someone I can be in a relationship with.

It's possible that I could have just grabbed someone but what would the point be? I'd have the memory of having had sex once and then I would still be where I am now.

And you will continue to remain a virgin if all you do is wait.

>Is losing the v card in a special way a a meme?
No, but that was for me, no problem having guys interested. I waited for and made sure he was the right person. I've read on here people saying their first time was horrible, I guess they should have waited a little longer or not went with the first person(s).

I don't care about being a virgin, in fact I think it's a good thing.

How long did you wait, how old were you, and how long were you together after?

Nineteen when I met him, I just turned twenty when we had sex the first time, that's a little over six months. We are still together, engaged since January.

Good luck to you then. Getting together that young and being your first rarely lasts. If you have been together a few years you're probably okay.

>engaged when the relationship is 1 yr old
You're destined for failure

This is a western meme.

No, it's just the reality of things.


At such a young age you have no experience about life and relationships. People who get together that young will eventually get hit by reality and one day realize their relationship is absolutely horrible and they are with the wrong person.

Wow, I guess we shouldn't have bought the house the end of May, lol.

What makes you think this? And are you a thirty year old boomer?

No,it's not worth it. Femanon here who lost it at 26 because " I was saving myself for someone special and who I really love" and all that jazz & because of the way I was raised (ie the good girl)..
Lol no, fuck that bullshit, you're wasting time and experience. I lost it to a friend who I had a crush on and it was a mutual agreement. Best decision ever, if there's anything I regret is wasting and waiting so much time.
My advice to you is find someone you like enough (as a person) to sleep with and do it, you'd be doing yourself a favor.

And books, lol I use to think that sex was going to be special and full of love. In books they always prepare their first time in a romantic setting. That's what I did. Once I had sex, I realized that it did not at all meet my expectations

What are the benefits of losing one's virginity? Are you sexually active now or was it just that one time?

How many married couples do you know who got together under 20? There are almost none.

They do
Especially on Jow Forums, but it's hard to relate because so few posters actually get laid
And fewer yet get laid consistently

We were FWB for a while.
In my case I developed some hormonal related problems due to not being sexually active. This improved after a few months of starting to have a sex life.
I'm sexually active now since I'm in a relationship.
On the other side, not longer feeling somewhat different when you're in a group and people talk about sex.

I've been with my girlfriend since she was 18, we're still together seven years on and maybe we'll break up in twenty years time, maybe we won't. I wouldn't concern yourself too much with it if what's right now really is right. There's no guarantee we reach retirement and have grandkids anyway, life is short. Live it your way, not how other people say it should be lived. Especially from a position of negativity and judgement. They don't know you. You know you and you know your partner too.

Virginity is a manmade concept that means nothing

If you're a female your cherry degrades through physical activity over time

If you're a male well chances are your foreskin is cut off anyway, otherwise you jerk off too much to really have a problem with that

Incredibly so.

It is better to masturbate than have sex with most people. Unless both of the people involved are really good at sex (and physical build and dick size is no indication at all) then it feels good, but not great, and a well lubed fleshlight/dildo is actually better. It's to the point a lot of people are finding it difficult to orgasm (men and women) because it just isn't all that good in comparison to what they can do on their own.

Making love is a totally different story. That shit is on a whole different level and makes you feel like you are positively glowing for hours afterward.

So, sex without an emotional attachment is just OK for the vast majority. Sex with a strong emotional attachment is fucking stellar. I would not recommend losing your virginity beforehand, but it hardly matters if you do.

My parents. They have been married for over 50 years.

My grandparents, they were married for over 70 years.

It happens, but it isn't common. I tell people to wait until they go through some rough shit before getting married to see how each other handles it. If you see them at their worst and vice versa and still would never think of leaving each other, odds are good you will be okay.

>In my case I developed some hormonal related problems due to not being sexually active
What kind of hormonal problems?

but you need to be prepared

In his and my family's about seven that we're sure of, everyone else before twenty-six and still together.

We definitely will. I really appreciate hearing from someone else positive about it and living it.

Sex is overhyped and so is saving yourself for "that special someone."

It could be a failure if they waited four

Kind of in the same boat. Idc as long as its not a slut/stripper/prostitute, but im not trying to lose it either

Well user, I lost my virginity at 15 to a complete stranger, I used to feel self-conscious about it, but now I don't care.

I've had sex with plenty of people, and it is fun, but I have enjoyed myself more with people I care about.

Just my 2 cents

--IMO --
Virginity is a Meme if its a male imo
Born to reproduce big deal

Females tend to value it more since we live in a society where if they lose it theyre some impure sloot


I would lose it to someone close and someone who you appreciate such as like some guy/girl bestfriend or someone who you dated that seems to put in the effort to get to know you and appreciates you



I just lost my virginity a month ago to my first gf.

I think it was definitely worth waiting for someone I truly care about. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't really feel good about myself if I just lost it to some random bitch or something, but everyone is different

i think it depends on how willing you are to wait for the right one to come around. personally, i think it's worth it and whenever i think about my first time which was with a guy i really loved i feel warm. there's no feeling of regret, which you may get if you are thinking about waiting but decide not to. good luck

I'm not either of these guys, yet I'm also 28 and a virgin, one of my best friends is the same. I ask girls out, but they always have boyfriends. I get there's something that I'm doing wrong, but I don't know what it is. I wouldn't even say that I'm frustrated or desperate. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I just haven't asked enough yet.

Why is that?

Sex is overrated, like the other anons said.

HOWEVER sex with someone you truly love, someone you consider your best friend until death, is always fun imo. It's hard to describe but "fun" is the best way I can think of.