Trump is literally a mass murderer

trump is literally a mass murderer

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We wish

This is American foreign policy.

Not our fucking problem nigger

war is peace, goy

when are you faggots going to stop putting the crimes of other people at the feet of that great man? Trump isnt killing anyone in Syria now. Syrians will be killing Syrians, Thats the way it was before the US deployed, thats the way it was during US deployment, thats the way it will be after US deployment for many years to come. If you think it can be stopped, why do you go over there and stop it?

Yes, goy, just stay at war forever! Think of the women and children you're NOT saving by leaving, that basically means you killed them and not their backwards shitskin cousins.

The Warhawk Left, I love it

You live a sad and empty life, don't you?

Fucking Drumph, he should've left a couple cameramen behind.

You didn't look at the whole image did you

He even highlighted it for you and you still missed his point...

fucking based

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Whats the matter with you goys? Dont you understand that their country needs to be at war in order for them to be safe? Look at OPs post, 80,000 fearing for their lives. Unvelievable

OP doesn't explain whether the civilians would die of natural causes (therefore Trump is negligent in ordering the withdrawal) or unnatural causes (therefore Trump is innocent and those who kill or cause the death of the civilians are guilty of murder, note that this is a war crime, the civilians aren't enemy combatants so it is not a legitimate act of war to kill any of them)

OP is saying that these civilians need to be protected, but it isn't clear if they are being protected from their inability to live and work and provide for themselves (suggesting that these 50,000 civilians are essentially mentally ill or so unintelligent that they can't feed themselves or take care of themselves medically) or protected from a military adversary who would commit a war crime to kill civilians

I'm curious, in the case that OP is suggesting a war criminal would kill the civilians, who is it? I don't understand why the purported enemy of these civilians is unnamed.

The idea that foreign civilians won't be able to live unless the US military is near them is bizarre, yet OP is demanding the reader accept this idea as legitimate. It isn't. Asking the US military to be a hostage for foreign civilians makes no sense.

So my sarcasm meter needs to be re calibrated.
Thank you for pointing that out.

OP, why would the Syrian government or the Iranian government order the genocide of 50,000 Syrian civilians?

OP is suggesting that the Syrian government or Iranian government should be blamed in the event that any harm comes to these 50,000 Syrian civilians.

Syria and Iran may be repressive regimes, but I find it difficult to understand how 50,000 civilians would be killed in this scenario. Is OP really suggesting that the leaders of Syria or Iran have the orders to execute these 50,000 civilians ready and all it takes is a single signature to kill them?

It is not a credible threat unless there is some rationale. It is just a paranoid fantasy or nightmare scenario, it isn't reality.

Actually, it would be slander or libel, at any rate it is a demand that the reader regard the Iranian and Syrian leadership as no better than war criminals.

Is Assad just a war criminal?

Is Rouhani just a war criminal?

Why does OP make the assertion that these individuals are mere war criminals who would kill civilians without mercy

1. with no evidence
2. no reference to past actions
3. no reference to any conceivable reason why Assad or Rouhani would do such a heinous thing?

This is little more than jingoism. It is a demand the reader be as racist as the writer.

It's funny how the left is pro-war now that Trump is pulling out of the Middle East. It's almost as if all their positions aren't based on any ideology other than "anyone who is in power that isn't us is bad".

Sucks for those 50k but it's really a non argument. There's what, a few billion people who are in an equally garbage situation around the world? Should we start diverting resources to help them too? We can't be the worlds savior while America goes down the shitter.

why aren't you spreading the seed of ZOG Jow Forums?

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you are literally a war monger. Syria and Russia will take care of them. scram JEW! we are onto you and your fleecing of the US and slaughtering children. Why don't you go take care of the kids in Yemen and Palestine - you don't care if they are slaughtered. FUCK ISRAEL! GET OUT OF THE US


The Syrians are being expelled for the expansion of Israel you antisemite. Canada should take them all in, you'd be the worlds heroes if you bought in those poor refugees.

Good, hopefully every last one of them is wiped off the face of the earth.

>trump is literally a mass murderer
So what?

>Josh Rogin is an American journalist who serves as a political analyst for CNN and foreign policy and national security for Bloomberg View.
>Born to a Jewish family,[1][2] Rogin was raised in metro Philadelphia.[3]


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people who commit murder are murderers.

bro millions of iraqis died a decade ago

no one cares

nuh uh, just because you kill someone doesn't make you a killer

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Checked and Kek'd

Funny how Republicans always said Obama was helping the spread of terrorists while he helped protect Christian's being killed by muslims, yet when trump abandons Christian's to get slaughtered by muslims....... nothing.

>Wow, I never knew occupying a Middle Eastern country in perpetual war was so cool until Trump became president!

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Generals, officials, and secretaries are leaving the administration because of it. This isn't a good thing

Fucking leaf falls for the cheapest propaganda ever.


or, in other words, OP is a faggot

who cares, fuck them, their war mongering for no good reason. america is for americans, so why are we sending americans out to syria?

>betray your culture, race and nation
>support ISIS and the FSA or the KPY, who cut peoples' heads off on camera
>trust Democrats and Jews
>get stabbed in the back

Yeah, this is a big case of caveat emptor we're looking at here.


How about blaming Obama, Hillary and Nuland for the 100,000 civilians that already died because of their revolutionary work?

If turkey gains power it will be bad for us down the line