How does Hogg live with himself knowing the only reason he got into Harvard is because seventeen of his former...

How does Hogg live with himself knowing the only reason he got into Harvard is because seventeen of his former classmates died? That shooting was the best thing to ever happen to him.

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Uhhhhhh you mean fellow actors?

Harvard admits who they believe will be world leaders. If this retard who only got a 1270 with all the best coaching demoshits could offer has been selected as a democrat head on gun rights, nevertheless he is on course to be a world leader of some sort

>SAT score of 1270
[citation needed]

I wonder how many of the dead kids hated Hogg and vice versa.

He's gotten more coverage than the actual kids that died. This is all the workings of Jews


they are hurting him with this
he will end up failing and throwing away his future
fuck man that sucks for him

Everything is workings of the Jews

>That shooting was the best thing to ever happen to him.
Exactly. If you gave him a choice to undo it, you know he wouldn't.

Will he ride his bike to Harvard?

He doesn't seem like the type to be upset over having to step over dead bodies to reach success.

Google "David Hogg SAT 1270," it's all over the place. He said it himself on Reddit; he was complaining about how this one test (the SAT) was screwing his chances despite having a 4.2 GPA.

La goblina is smarter at politics than hogg. I wonder what they know about la goblina that makes her inconvinient to push as a gun grabber.

This is really good for us.

It exposes Harvard and will lower them in the national eyes.

We need to take down Liberal institutions.

Camera Hogg has said that he didn't learn to read until he was 12! He is at best junior college material. Will the media publicize it when he flunks out?

>achieves grades easily attainable if you're not a moron
>Why are my test scores being held against me

God, I fucking hate this kid.

>4.2 GPA
Nigga I had a 6.000.000 GPA in high school

Actually they push Gonzalez way more than Hogg. After I saw that video of him in California, I knew he was the type that would make them look bad.

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>[citation needed]

David Hogg is the perfect example of #WhiteMalePrivilege

4.2 out of 4 that's fucking impressive.

aren't GPAs out of 4? Is the GPA system different in the US?

Will he give up his spot for a minority student, or will he accept is undeserved privilege as a white male occupying stolen land?

Beginning with the students in the graduating Class of 2013, Parkland School District has introduced a three-tiered grading system, aimed at rewarding students for taking harder classes throughout their time at Parkland High School.

For example, the numeric grade point system is translated to a points system. That means an A, which is a percentage grade above 93, would rank as a 4.0 for a standard graded class, a 4.5 for an honors grade class and a 5.0 for an Advance Placement (AP) graded class.

For a complete listing of grading and how the points stack up, visit

You get more than 4 for getting a's in honors classes. You can also take "ap" classes which count as college credits.

It is out of 4; Hogg is a fucking wiener.

Some schools are just different too, my hs was on a 12 point.

They give it away free to big dumb jocks all the time. Who not this faggot.

I swear to God if I ever get into academia that's gonna be an automatic trash piling. You CANNOT HAVE OVER A 4.0. idk what exta nigger points your school adds to your grades, GPA's go from 0 to 4.0

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I didn't know shooting survivors qualified for affirmative action.

dropout and insurmountable debt incoming

only retards actually use those on their apps.

In my school district it was possible to have a 4.1.

That's a weighted GPA graded on a 6.33 scale user. Takes into account AP and honors courses.

Just for the record, according to Hogg's GPA was 4.1, not 4.2. He did get a middling 1270 on the SAT though.

So he most likely has something between a 3.0 and 3.5 then

nobody died in Parkland

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It's just taking the "harder" ap courses that inflates the grade. In reality you still just have to show up and follow basic directions to get good grades.

It's real easy to feel big when you're standing on the backs of 17 of your dead classmates.

How is that possible? Did the FBI make a donation?

What does david hogg going to harvard have to do with anything? At what point will the media realize that this darling poster boy theyve propped up is nothing but a selfinfulgent egotistical brat who doesnt sincerely care about anyone but himself

How hard is it to get into Harvard?

he's been in a couple school shootings at minimum.
Do you think Harvard will have school shooting?

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Harvard doesn’t carry the weight it used to. Now it employs SJWs and Faggots to graduate SJWs and Faggots

Am I a bad person for hoping she gets shot one day? Serious question.

He’s transracial, it’s fine. He gets SAT scores like an above average nigger.

>high gpa, mediocre sat
Hmm it's almost like none of his teachers wanted to give him a bad grade because he was their little celebrity or something

Effectively impossible unless you're famous, legacy, or nonwhite

He's Jewish and his father was in the FBI, and he got put on TV and became the forced spokesperson for Gen Z anti-gun sentiment. Why do you think Harvard might like that?

Attached: Jew_Uni_Admission.jpg (693x770, 139K)

>How does Hogg live with himself
I think his life is good enough and he sleeps well at night.
>It exposes Harvard and will lower them in the national eyes.
>We need to take down Liberal institutions.
Ffs don't make me laugh. We both know that you won't do shit, except shitposting on pol/. And i doubt that Harvard give a fuck.

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>Harvard doesn’t carry the weight it used to
Harvard no longer (if it ever did) selects based on merit.

Justice Dept. Backs Suit Accusing Harvard of Discriminating Against Asian-American Applicants

"... Harvard has systematically discriminated against them by artificially capping the number of qualified Asian-Americans from attending the school to advance less qualified students of other races."


If he fails they'll probably pull strings so he passes. harvard is a joke

Why has caltech so few black people?

nigga what? you get college credits for them... only retards would not want to save money if they were going to after school meme school.

I'm not talking about using the AP credit, I'm talking about reporting a "4.2 GPA" on a college application. You would be laughed into the trash can by any good research uni.

Harvard admits anyone with money. When you go to Harvard, you're paying up big bucks to get that name on a paper.

You got the admission process all wrong son.

Black, far too many brownies and Asians so harvag is reducing their admissions

He's a leftist, so I'm sure he feels great about it.

Leftist virtue signalling is a common trait of psychopaths - they try especially hard to convince they're kind, empathetic people, because they're fully aware of the fact that they totally lack these traits.

The kikes at harvard are always happy to scoop up someone like that. Psychopathy is more valuable to them than intelligence.

You mean fellow crisis actors. Hogg is a clinical psychopath.

School's in shitty districts sometimes make up their own weird systems, in order to inflate the grades niggers and spics, so that the school doesn't lose it's funding for failing too many kids.

Lol, what is this? What story is the top one? Got a link?

>4.2 GPA" on a college application
Let's put his grades in context on a 4.0 scale:

4/5 x 4.2 = 3.4. He is a solid B student. Definitely top university material.

I got a 1400 on the SAT without even studying for it. Hogg is obviously a retard who was given admission to Harvard just so these shitlib Jews could prop him up. No one believes this was given to him because of his mediocre merit.

>Harvard admits who they believe will be world leaders

lol, god help us

You certainly don't know much about "the weight" Harvard continues to carry. Do yourself a favor and look at the very public rosters of any of the New York Private Equity or Hedge Fund management companies. They are ALL alum of Harvard and Princeton, maybe some Brown. Every single person I work with every day has a degree from one of these places. The only way I snuck in the door is because I've been working at it 20 years longer than they have.


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Apparently all you need to be a world leader is to stand on a few graves or have mommy and daddy pay for a new building.

don't worry, he'll wash out after his first year

look at this Kohl's Doorbuster Deals® lookin' mo'fucka. get outta hea with yo never-taken-an-AP-or-honors-class, Wasabi-roasted peanut ass.

lol @ the Angry Hogg face