>this triggers the porn addicted Jow Forumstard There's literally nothing wrong with this. Prove me wrong, you porn addicted degenerates. Top tip: you can't.
Inb4 Americans yapping on about muh freedumbs and that one Australian poster that always sucks American cock and shits on Britian.
Well i always used my memory, no need for porn faggots
Anthony Richardson
>no source Fuck yourself and record it.
Julian Gray
trying to stop people from viewing porn online is like trying to stop a flood with a pool noodle
Daniel Nelson
>loses weekly civil liberty OI H CANT HANDLE TBE BANTS M8 LOOOOOL STUPID MUTT XD Kys
Eli Nelson
Jow Forums isn't a porn site so I can't see it being blocked.
Many Innocent sites would be victims of this regulation if so, including the likes of reddit etc.
Angel Murphy
You miss the bigger picture here, this isn‘t even only about porn. Its about DID ( Decentralized Identity) and this is gonna be the final testrun. When it works which it will we will see this system in more countries.
Charles Gonzalez
So how is this not racist? I thought blacks don’t have ID and shouldn’t be asked. That’s how it is when voting.
Chase Wright
What next? "unhealthy" foods license?
Gavin Fisher
It will stop a lot of young kids viewing. Some will use their parents ID, but many won't be able to.
Thomas Perez
That's a tabloid image. The man in the picture isn't even fucking American, he's a brit himself.
Gabriel Lee
>imageboards exist, can still download and view limitless and ever-changing hentai, nudes, rule 34, and porn gifs >they vanish in a few hours, thread can't even be accessed from history >Nintendo devices still run Opera browser and can be jailbroken >"art" sites replete with pornographic drawings, sexy cosplay, filthy fabrics, and every fetish from bondage to vore >obscure foreign download sites providing access to doujins, uncensored hentai, JAV, German MILF porn, amateur videos, celebrity sextapes, and endless nudes >pornographic dating sims, RPG's, and blowjob simulators available for download >teens uploading nudes to social media and sexting constantly This would have done nothing to stop 13-year-old me. NOTHING.
Wyatt Phillips
We all cant live in europe were its easy af to get laid faggot. Bet you0 cant walk 3 blocks with ou0t a migrant forcing you to suck his thick shaft.
Ayden Lopez
Wrong. He's an Amerilard.
Asher Flores
No, but you can go meet Cleetus and his inbred mullato cousin Tyronius Sanchez behind the pig barn.
Ian Gutierrez
No. >story only on shitty fake news sites >man looks like typical limey bong loser
Nicholas Diaz
youre aware a lot of porn is hosted in places where it cant be taken down by busybodies right
Eli Reed
>don't like it >FAKE NUUUUUUUUWWWWZZZZ COPE You don't need to take it down, mongoloid, to stop kids from viewing it.
Samuel Davis
Sugar Tax
It's already enforced, I have to pay more now for a bottle of coke.
James Howard
>Jow Forums isn't a porn site
No, it basically is. Most porn filters out there include Jow Forums in it's entirety. You're in denial if you think otherwise. Looks like the underage teaposters are screwed.
Alexander Kelly
*fanfics Come on phone, you should know that word. But real talk, is right.
Anthony Williams
how are you going to do that
Aaron Perez
this user gets it. We should all be calling representatives and news outlets trying to get them to say niggers don't know how to get their ID
Leo Moore
i'll just use proxies/vpn
isp's over here only really update the dns records on their dns servers to a warning site. This is what they do with Torrent sites. I don't need a proxy etc to access them, just use googles dns servers
Elijah Sanchez
not watching porn is obviously the better option outlawing porn however is for feminists
Luis Jackson
>You don't need to take it down, mongoloid, to stop kids from viewing it. Kids will make and draw their own porn. They'll open up anonymous accounts on sites where pornographic material is hosted, and they'll blend seamlessly into them. Porn. Hentai. Furry art. A truly-determined fapping tween will figure out what to punch into the searchbar to get to the porn that's not tagged as porn. On YouTube. On dailymotion and even more obscure sites. Any edgy 13-year-old kid railing herself with a hairbrush can get access to fanfic and kink communities and even become popular there. Anything short of nuking it won't do shit. Children have been stealing filthy magazines, books, artwork, and videos since time immemorial, and that's an underground market that's never going down as long as the shit exists.
Christopher Ramirez
This is literally why Hiro made 4channel a separate domain.
Leo Sullivan
Read the article and find out.
Matthew Robinson
Soon you'll have more freedom in prison. I hate this country.
t. low test subverted faggot that can't get a gf Suck that jew dick faggot
Connor Carter
no it was for the ads shekels.
Levi Flores
>uk government involved in the accord project >decentralized identity >zero knowledge proofs >combining APIs in smart contracts for age verification across many different systems >yoti which is also involved in this UK fappass shit is working with ethereum and oraclize (a centralized oracle they probably only used for testing as it is common) >the missing Link
Since you couldn't be bothered to put the article in the first post of your own thread, I went out and found it. The age restrictions are being implemented serverside by showing your ID and getting a tracking cookie. There was no penalty discussed for not implementing this check, and how could they penalize sites put up in places like Russia where they don't give a fuck? Even if they managed to block all internet porn in your dystopian Great Firewall type scenario, people would just go back to using newsgroups. But you're too young and computer illiterate to know about those, arent you?
Owen Foster
>oy vey, goyim! better give me shekels for dat filth! Modern day brits are subhuamns who defend getting fucked in the ass at every level with a religious fervor. How about instead of banning porn you start banning the kikes who produce it? All the best genetic stock left that god forsaken island and wound up in America and Australia. I mean just look at yourself. You can't even carry a pocket knife on you. You have to be 18 to buy spoons. Where are your balls? Are they in your wife's son's purse? Goddamn.
But this is good. It means less fap time for white men and more potential time for them to be finding a woman to impregnate.
Nolan Howard
Does this ban wikifeet
Jaxon Morris
Aiden Collins
There is no problem with that as no data gets tracked or stored. The catch is you need to pay 10 bucks for that pass.
But expect this type of system to pop up in more countries soon.
Jonathan Price
>people cheering the government being able to gatekeep what you view on the internet eventually you will need ID to view other mature things like right wing websites or anti-jihad blogs, or "offensive and alarming" media footage on youtube of muslims doing their typical shit. I can't imagine how shriveled the average bong brain is that they celebrate ever increasing government control over all areas of even thought.
Matthew James
>no data gets tracked or stored Lol Hans... You don't believe that, do you?
Carter Wright
>fap loicenses
Brayden Young
honestly if you're not smart enough to download everything you want and but it into a storage device then you deserve the frustration and embarrassment
Jackson Barnes
>shits on Britain nobody "shits" on it they are merely describing it accurately. you are shit. i look at you and see shit.
Caleb Moore
Educate yourself before trying to argue. Read up on Decentralized Identity and Zero Knowledge Proofs m8.
Charles Young
only people too retarded to be on the internet will have trouble finding any information or media they want. Information wants to be free
Dominic Morgan
It's not about whether or not you can circumvent it. The problem is that they dare to suggest it and it has not led to street riots.
Charles Ross
This is racist. How are people of color going to ever fap if they need Id? Everyone knows they are to retarded to get one.
Andrew Hernandez
i agree with you, just trying to be reassuring
Evan Russell
RARE /thread
Tyler Peterson
Say more
Luke Campbell
Well I mean, all I ever fap to is hentai, so I couldn't care less what happens to any well known site that hosts 3D shit.
Alexander Gray
Just don’t fap it’s not that hard you lizard-brained weak faggots
No but instead you suck big gubments dick to help you keep your no fap streak
>b-but the kids They will still fap, you did, I did, they will find a way
Josiah Wood
>First they came for the hardcore POV fetishists, and I said nothing, because I fapped to hentai
Keep running your little cocksucking mouth while you can because pretty soon you'll need a loicense to say bad words on the internet
Leo Phillips
How is this enforced? Is it by the gram or they just tax whatever they feel like? A flat 0.02/gram across the board could be useful as companies wouldn't be able to get away with it by calling their product a sports drink. It needs to be shown that it's unhealthy regardless of whether it's carbonated or not.
Kevin Gonzalez
I cant wait for the surge in "sexual emergencies" among UK's "ASIAN" population
Jonathan Cox
where's your porn loicense?
Lincoln Martin
Who cares I just wank to asmr lolis on youtube anyway
Mason Perry
I remember when I was young YouTube was my primary source for finding porn. It was like sifting for gold. I'd watch 100 videos before finding something good. Pretty counter productive. My old porn YT account with like 400 videos in two playlists is locked out because it's connected to a throwaway email and no mobile # connection.
Bentley Rogers
This is actually a blessing for the UK. Moral censorship is a MUST
Sebastian Perez
>mfw I just naturally stop to watch the jews numbers deflates oh my god you're going to have rape hungry pakistanis everywhere WOW
>literally wank loicenses Have memes gone too far?
Gabriel Parker
This to the N’th power, porn is EZPZ to find if you want to find it. This is unenforceable garbage and any bootlicking cunt who stands up for it needs to get ran over. The government should not be a parent.
Adrian Baker
To the guy with EU flag from a different, but releated thread. I just didn't answer, because the thread is archived yet. You wrote that rare ejaculation is ok.. but the question what is rare.
When ejaculation is lesser than one time in month - it may be not ok.
Easton Anderson
What's about gf and etc? You are ok in it?
Ryder Williams
This is fucking stupid I already pay my bills and had to ask my internet provider to unblock porn sites why do i have to do this shit too? Fucking retarded MPs
William Torres
Colton Collins
>Let big daddy government take care of it If you're against porn stop watching it. If you want other people to stop watching it convince them. Why are you being so lazy you want to push responsibilities onto the Jew controlled government?
you should just masturbate in your mouth, and spit your seed in the faces of your enemy roastie
Owen Ward
then we get to wallow in our own misery instead of celebrating theirs
Carson Hall
fuck you ya fucking cunt the USA is the land of freedom you fucking paki loving poof
Jace Wilson
You won't be laughing when Britain bans usage of VPNs and proxies
David Lewis
>this triggers the porn (((shills)))
Jose Carter
>there are people who want to live restricted lives I'm trying to quit nicotine way harder than quitting jerking off I broke once like a 9 days ago when I jerked it to some milf cam show, but damn dude I have only been able to do 3-5 days without my vape. I went 3 weeks before that 9 days though. I like to think a screaming pharisee is behind the void screaming, and crying.
Oliver Parker
The problem is twofold
YES, porn is degenerate YES, people shouldn't be watching it YES, normalizing children to pornography will cause them to grow up unable to form pair bonds YES, women watching porn leads to the current roastie problem
>1. The government has no place enforcing morality. Morality should be internal to each person and taught by their parents. When you do something because it's LEGAL instead of because it's RIGHT, you don't truly understand. See: Weed. Worse yet, when someone violates the law, punishment follows - not reeducation. This means instead of taking degenerates and correcting them, we're throwing them in jail where they can fraternize with other degenerates >2. There's a cost to government oversight. Increased tax money is needed to fund both the investigation of alleged underage porn access and the arrest of those involved. Additional infrastructure must be built to monitor internet connections for pornographic content. All of this means higher taxes and fewer resources spent catching nig nogs
Laws and government are NOT the way to solve problems.
Daniel Brown
>Bobby walks by your house while you're jerking it >Oi m8, am gonna need to see a loicence for that wank The absolute fucking state of bongistan.
they're doing this to increase the rape numbers no shit it's not about controlling morals it's about making the porn addicted masses go ape shit when they're illegals with no real ID# to jerk it off
Cooper James
This will never pass. People would respect their privacy and find out that their animal urges are easily controllable as long as there's no stimuli and the world would be a better place. (((They))) will never let that happen
Grayson Garcia
we're already doing that it's time to shit down the throat of the snake show no mercy a gorillion pharisee genocided feel the power of my cum fist fuck an israel right in the bum
What’s wrong with it is the government has no business being involved in it. I hate porn too, but it’s a freedom of speech issue. I know you faggots don’t have freedom of speech but we still do.
Samuel Allen
literally this
wow the UK is so fucked
Gavin Rivera
>sues That guy HAS to be a jew. "Oy vey dey made jokes about da shoah!"
Leo Lee
For once, it feels good to live in a shithole that always strives to be totalitarian but can never achieve the effectiveness necessary to be truly totalitarian.
Carson Walker
I wouldn't mind this at all tee bee aitch
Asher Peterson
>implying Jow Forums lets you use a vpn >implying anonymous proxies aren't already banned for trolling/child-porn
Camden Walker
this thread is full of faggots and niggers, just jerk off to your imagination retards