Is he done gettin' dat paper?
LeBron names the Jew
Parker Howard
Jacob Scott
LeBron be edumacated. He know (((Adam Silver))).
Jaxon Rivera
Should I post the thoughts of my dog? Who cares about this?
Kayden Young
He would know
He worked for david stern
Joseph Ramirez
>lebron james' conservative critics
seems legit
Kevin Rogers
People who say we should avoid the JQ for "optics" keep getting proven wrong again and again. The JQ is what will propel white conciousness forward
Brandon Parker
Dey all got dat jewish money in the (((NBA))).
Ryder Martinez
Blacks really don’t realize they’re rich because the Jews push them to be rich, so they
Henry Ward
unironically based
Angel Perry
Tyrese has that true intuition of an engineer, that had to be confronted with Jaykwon's appeal to scientist's authority. Truly sickening seeing engineers being berated like that.