>Author of the book “The Color Purple” gives an interview to the NYT
>asked what books are on her nightstand
>says “And The Truth Shall Set You Free” by David Icke
>a book about how Israel, Mossad, and the Masons control the world
>Jewish kvetching across the entire media
What did Jews mean by this?
Author of the book “The Color Purple” gives an interview to the NYT
Other urls found in this thread:
Only niggers can get away with hating jews, meanwhile you cucks won't even support white people who tell kikes to fuck off
cuz dey o pressed 2
>Jews have been Jewing so hard that their Jewing has torn the fabric of space and time, itself.
Based and Niggerpilled.
Screw the optics, shes going in.
based nigger
lmao I love when niggers turn on their jewish masters
if only she knew how to read!
This thread is jam packed with goodness already, secret humour thread for sure!
They truly are the pitbulls of the human race
Friendly reminder blacks are unfuckingbelievably easy to redpill on the JQ and every conversation you have with blacks should shine light on their jew chains
>”and they got mo money den whiteys? Shiiiiet”
Oy vey! Us whites need to apologise for oppressing those stupid niggers
Intolerance of criticism of jewish behavior from people of color is racist.
This but unironically
link to the article? What is the name of the book she is talking about?
>defending david icke to the (((nyt)))
is she, dare i say it..
Yeah too bad they think they're the true jews and go on about evil white debil stealing dey huritige.
>shill for a neegress's book for decades because it shits on white people
>make a movie out of it, and air it on womens' programming constantly to give white women more guilt, and make them turn against their conservative husbands
>many years later
>turns-out the neegress was woke on ZOG
.....our nigger?
At least she didn't say she wqs boycotting isreal
based and redpilled 2bh
You can use the Koshertified app to avoid Israeli products and avoid kosher products. Feels good buying things that aren’t kiking me in the long run
>they're the true jews
I don't care what they think as long as they hate jews.
They really don't. This is a handful of bizarre cultists in New York City. There are probably about 100 max.
A n t i T e r m i t e
What would happen to the democratic plantation if another party promised to give the gibs we give to Israel to urban youths?
>They won't pay to fix Flint's water pipes but the Democrats are fine giving millions to Israel!
this lady is a hero. fuck that other old lady who sat on a bus. If anyone has a problem with Alice Walker, they problem with me
Sneaky Jews btfo.
Absolutely BASED Walker
You can use the negros to help fight the kikes but immediately afterward you'll have to eliminate the negros. I don't mind using pawns by proxy. Don't ever make the mistake of believing they're your friends or on your side.
The definition of based and redpilled
Anyone remember when SNL before Trump showed how close rednecks and blacks really are?
Makes some friends with some old black people. You will find out no one on the planet is more racist.
>writes the biggest jew book ever about men are evil!
>criticizes Jews
What did she mean by this?
>says “And The Truth Shall Set You Free” by David Icke
Are you retarded?
Why eliminate them? What we need is segregation. America is a big place. Do you really need all 50 states? I would be willing to give the southwest to the beaners and the southeast to the blacks if the huwhites kept everything North of the Mason Dixon line.